Expert Systems - Coming Soon!

Sadly, I think the Russian’s got it right…

“And then things got worse.”

  • there are already small injectors
  • SP is not lost since it can be extracted
  • If someone decides to stick with the game, a bit of every skilltree is needed
  • Alphas don’t train skills that take 1-2 months
  • No need to fly a t2 variant of a ship or have lvl 5 in idk. PI to know if you like PI…

Seems like current focus is to find every nick and cranny in player’s credit card instead of the actual game.

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Thank you.

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No. I can read. All that info is here in this thread…

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I have no idea what that means, lol.
Hoboleaks is what, a homeless person going to the bathroom?
Database scaping is… Cleaning a hard drive?
Sisi is short for sister, I know that one at least.

I was expecting someone knowledgeable to answer me, like CSM person. Otherwise I would have quoted you, you see.

You act like CODE isn’t griefing just to get their jollies. Yeah, there’s some who honestly want to shake the miners out of the doldrums and get them pvping, and such. Still, most of them are just like the ‘elite pvp’ idiots in null. They’re looking for helpless victims so they blow someone up and tell one another how cool and skillful and crap they are.

Are they bad for new player retention? Probably not. No worse than, you know, actual PvE gameplay in EVE. Regardless of the ‘you’re only supposed to pvp with structures’ nonsense, new players need to learn that noplace is safe. That’s just not the universe they’re playing in, and it’s not a good idea to let those illusions linger.

That said, you also can’t afford to make it too hard for them to keep making progress. That’s why going after newbies in the starter systems will get you banned. But CODE’s really only got a limited window for hitting people. Once they’re in Orcas, the little gank cats CODE uses won’t do a damned thing, and the intelligent pilots have them all set red or orange anyway, so when the 40+ CODE / minions they’d need to gank a properly-fit Orca show up in local, you just start aligning and GTFO.

Hoboleaks is a website.
Database scraping is downloading all the data you can and searching through the database to get any info you can on the things you’re looking for.
Sisi in this context is the Singularity Test Server.


Thank you.

I think you are still missing the point.

THESE are NOT skillpoints for them to permanently fly or try things out…There is nothing that actually gives alphas advantages to anything or skipping the grind.

these are virtual skillpoints… which means after activating, they’ll have the skillpoints to say fly a dessie. if they don’t currently possess the skills to fly a dessie, this will give them a TASTE of flying a dessie, and if they choose to skill into it, DURING the expert system, they can… or they can wait after 7 days when the VIRTUAL skillpoints disappear and they can still train to get into the dessie. Nothing is changing about the grind. They still have to wait XX hours or YY days for skills to train.

You have the assumption (IMO you do anyway) that when they activate a ES, that they are getting all the skills permanently… they are not… in a week they are gone…

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I’m sorry but “pilot” ? In EVE? All I have to do is click a couple icons and there I go, or double click in space and there I go. I see no piloting in EVE besides that. Yes, there are bookmarks and such but really, the skills do the work for you.
I’m probly mistaken in your view so if that’s the case, please explain.

At least one Russian did:

I see that someone didn’t make their target goal with Pearl so now we get this in game crap along with the scarcity BS. I think I’ll be letting my omega accounts go to alpha here.


That’s often the case when you’re just ‘going somewhere’, yeah. But you’ll find that—especially in the smaller, faster, more maneuverable… more kinetic ships—there’s actually a lot of player skill involved in how you pilot. Knowing how best to move in order to successfully close with your target, knowing how and when to kick the prop mod in or shut it down, so you can come screaming in, decelerate quickly, get tackle and still stay where their guns can’t hit or track effectively, knowing how to evade tacklers, including when you come through a gate to find a hostile gang sitting right there and a warp disruption bubble (or thirty) surrounding the gate…

Heck, just steering a logistics wing of 30 cruisers through a fight where 1000+ hostile pilots are trying to kill your single fleet of 250… yeah, there’s plenty of skill involved.

You look to be a week-old pilot according to evewho (another handy website you should know about if you don’t already, like zkill and dotlan), so you really haven’t hit the ‘must outperform the other guy’ stuff… but it’s there, and there’s a lot more to it than just the skills on the character sheet. :wink:

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Okay. But I DO know that ES won’t do that work for me. I know I still need experience flying the ship and I know that an older player will have an advantage over me so why would I - or another new player - rage quit ?

By the time I get to that I won’t need to buy ES.

By the time I hit that I’ll know a lot more than I do now so but that doesn’t explain why ES is a bad thing for new pilots.

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I didn’t know that one, thanks! :wink:

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Right, none of that has to do w/ES. That’s all about the ‘I see no piloting in EVE besides that’.

As for ES…

For example, the mining barge operator ES, as it’s currently showing on Hoboleaks, would allow a new player to fly a ship that can mine 7x as fast as the Venture can with the initial skills.

This is that ship.

[Covetor, Deathtrap]

‘Aoede’ Mining Laser Upgrade
‘Aoede’ Mining Laser Upgrade
‘Aoede’ Mining Laser Upgrade

Gistum A-Type Medium Shield Booster

ORE Strip Miner
ORE Strip Miner

Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

Either copy that to the clipboard, then import it in the fitting window and ‘simulate’ the fit, or when you feel comfortable trying, get yourself a copy of Pyfa (the PYthon Fitting Assistant) and start playing with making fittings in EVE Online.

That fit will run you about 1.66 billion ISK. Which you can get, a week into the game, by spending more RL $$ to buy PLEX, and then selling the PLEX in Jita or Perimeter.

And then you’ll lose that ship, well before the week is up, because someone in CODE will ship-scan the Covetor, see all the bling, check your evewho, and giggle themselves even stupider as they get their friends together to gank you.

And that’s gonna happen, because exactly that sort of thing has happened before. As I linked up-thread:

And even without going nuts with the 1.6b ISK fit, let’s do some basic math. You’ve been playing for a week. How much ISK do you have? How much do you make in a reasonable amount of time? The cheapest hull of the 3 T1 mining barges is currently 27 million ISK. How long would it take you to get that much in-game with your current skills and ship?

The temptation to spend $$ to get ISK will be very strong, with these. And even if nothing happens to your ship, a week later, you can’t fly it anymore until you get everything trained back up… which will take more than that week.

The concept of ‘let them try things before they invest time into the SP’ is a good one, don’t get me wrong. I’d just prefer an implementation that doesn’t look like it’s designed to squeeze every cent out of new players before they know better.


That is not necessarily the case. Especially for a casual player … someone who might be happy to use ES on a permanent but otherwise part time basis.

Based on hoboleaks, we think alphas will get access to a mining barge. So, an alpha, happy to skill up to their T1 battleship of choice, can also use an ES to get into a barge occasionally.

If ES are priced at sub $10 (no less than ten bucks for 2), you could routinely mine, without ever skilling up, for 1 or 2 weeks each month. Which would be less than cost of a monthly sub. Sub would still remain cheaper, but would only be better value for those who actually play more than say each weekend.

With certain things it is required to V or T2 ship to know how it works really.
Because the experience is very different than IV or T1 ship.

I do hear your point, it just isn’t a universal truth.

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All I can say about that is that there’s a sucker born every minute. CCP isn’t responsible for people’s stupidity, all they’re doing is making things available for players to try, it’s really up to the players to think for themselves.
Not only that, but the “whale” will spend his money somewhere, might as well be in EVE. It benefits CCP and the players because with that money CCP can pay employees and so employees can code more stuff into the game and other employees can take care of tickets and so on and so forth…

That story is SO funny!! OMG I LOL’ed so freaking much! Thanks for linking that one.
Now see, that guy was going to spend his money somewhere anyway. Obviously he had thousands of mulah to throw away, might as well CCP get some of that.

Not enough to buy a Destroyer, that’s for sure.

I’d say 5mil per day, and that’s reprocessing the modules and scrap I make ratting.

About a week playing every day.

If I’m THAT weak that I cannot control myself with money then I shouldn’t have money anyway.

I’m a patient person. I can wait but at least I’ll have something to look forward to with my ship sitting there parked all shiny pretty waiting for me.

That’s the nature of the beast. Business is business and when money talks BS walks.
We’re supposed to be adults here. If wisdom fails us, it’s not CCP’s doing, it’s our OWN fault.

You don’t get it. Maybe read some of the other posts which share my opinion and it might click for you.

If anyone wants a taste of flying a destroyer, they should complete the military career mission.

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