So instead of fixing the NPE, we are just charging newbies for the opportunity to experience what the game can provide within a limited time? Genius.
CCP logic…
So instead of fixing the NPE, we are just charging newbies for the opportunity to experience what the game can provide within a limited time? Genius.
CCP logic…
Renting XP for irl money?
Even EA didn’t think of that one, well done CCP.
More like a buy to try kind of thing. If it works, good for ccp. There are more than enough people who want it all now.
I’m not entirely convinced, but I think I like the Expert Systems.
A lot of games sell such ‘start the game with a head start advantage’ bundles and it makes sense that EVE adds such a system too. After all, a lot of newbies will be willing to pay a little to have fun now and to see whether they like the game with higher skills before they commit more money and time to the game.
Temporary skills is the best way to do this, as it allows much more (temporary) power to be bought for your money as newbie, compared to buying plex for skill injectors.
I noticed PI skills in earlier leaks (not in this announcement) but I think it makes sense to allow players to try to see whether they enjoy an activity like that: I like it, but I’ve heard a lot of players complain that PI is nothing for them and that they want to extract the skills - something that PI expert systems could avoid. New players pay a little and then they can see whether they want to pay more for a couple MTCs or skill injectors to get their alts into PI or whether to skip it!
Similarly you can train into combat while mining for a couple days with the mining expert systems. If it turns out mining is not for you, no training time lost!
Great Idea! Please more microtransactions and then letting Alphas be able to do more!
Nothing wrong with that… Thye can instantly make character effective by Paying it … if that vet not enough clever already to make effective alfa alt … Which they havent already
No one other than new players will benefit my idea. I m not really clear about why you cant see that ??? that 5 mil skill point character standing there weather effective or ineffective !
IT doesnt make anything more complex… they will only plan and distribute skill points more conscious…
I have asked 100 times… but noone exactly could described how vets can abuse it ?
And how they instantly create 5 mil skill alfa character without training their characters over months untill reach 5 mil skill point? that i cant understand …
you are one of those pilots stand against without understanding the concept… and give zero reasoning …
Please, don’t.
A more constructive thought : I don’t think it’s a good way to monetize the poor skill explanations new players start with. It’s maybe going to make some bucks, I suppose. But is it going to help new player retention ? Hell no. Even more if they have to pay for an idea of what to train as they get it for free for a limited time, plus having the weight the pros and cons of buying Omega.
Just because you don’t understand my reasoning doesn’t mean I have no reasoning.
Anyway, let’s keep the discussion about your suggesion in the thread about your suggestion.
you havent bring any reasoning man !
MAgic 14 is for the players who doesnt know what they will going to do in EvE… some of these skills can be totally useless for some pilots forever !
…?? this is the best u guys can do to improve the game …?? nice way to say a fully pay to win game … what a nice way for no finger no skill players to spend all your paycheck and mommy and daddy allowance…
Such a brainfart.
for temporary skills that disappear? and that if they want them then they can take the time to train them like anybody else?
such a gaming community doest give single ■■■■ to new players … NO wonder people just run away !. We sufferrrrr they have to suffer too waaaarrg toxic
Fix WH space ya gits.
i just dont see this as a solution for new players or barely skilled players its like playing Age of Empire fully cheats … you have everything full resources… always winning you gonna lose interest at some point cause is not fun at all …
Jesus Christ CCP stop drinking Pearl Abyss Coolaid
Difference is the daily alpha injectors are permanent theese are only temporary
Wait, so let me get this right. You want players (F2P targeted) to give you $$ for a temp predetermined skills package? Who’s building the packages? We talking +5 in all the skills in that package or something totally else?
It may just be poor timing on the announcements but a 47% loss in the value of the sale of CCP right before announcing a new “pay us extra” system is introduced, kinda makes this look like an OMG cash grab before the death throes start.
This isn’t impatience, it’s sampling. At the end of the week, those skills go away. Besides, the ‘I had to suffer through this crap, so you have to suffer through this crap’ is, well, crap. That kind of attitude would mean we’d still be walking everywhere, getting smallpox, and communicating solely through grunt.
Except for attempts to improve ship balance, features like fleet formations…
Right, because the new player will be able to afford that T2 mining barge they’ve Expert System’d into, right?
This is set up to encourage the purchase of PLEX. They get the ES, then realize they need ISK for their ships, so they buy PLEX to sell. And then, once they’ve got ISK, they spend it on the shiniest stuff because they’re newbies and they don’t know better. The lucky ones become a ludicrously expensive deadspace-fit Covetor wreck, get fed up, and quit. The unlucky ones survive a week and realize ‘OMG, I can’t use my super-expensive thing I bought with real money now!’ and buy more PLEX so they can get ISK and buy skill injectors.