I think that probably these items are going to behave similarly to implants, as in they’ll be slotted and you won’t be able to have them all. Given they are used by the player in a manner similar to an implant, CCP is specifying that, like some other exceptional implants that already exist, will not be destroyed when the host body is destroyed.
The skills you don’t naturally have are only accessible while the device is operating, and it has a limited life span after which only your natural skills will apply. Were it to be destroyed on death you’d lose all the skills you don’t naturally have at that time, but CCP is reassuring that you’ll get the full duration of any temporary skills you acquire via this method.
Frankly one off the worst idea’s ive ever seen to fix a problem.
got a problem.
give people a temp fix to it and charge for it.
oh and they still need to fix it them self because this is temp.
if you wanted to fix a problem CCP. fix the problem.
don’t make a temporary fix to it then charge for it.
ever give them these skills for free ever through a choose or after a FREE trial, or but just having it at the start.
or maybe just make getting these base skill easy and point the new players to the skills through the tutorial.
ever way you NEED TO FIX THE PROBLEM not put a temporary band-aid on it then charge a new player for it.
It all comes down to the price point on these. They obviously will have to be cheaper than a skill injector, or there’s no point. Skill injectors now run around 700 mil or the equivalent of a $10 plex pack. So you can expect these will cost less than $10.
I think it’s safe to say that most people value their time at higher than $10 a week.
They will have to determine if it’s worth it for themselves. What’s a rip off for you, may not be for me, etc.
Come on, dude. Every single time they announce any kind of monetization, we get the inevitable slippery slope nonsense about gold ammo and the like.
I have said this before, and I’ll say it again - the minute they cross the line when it comes to monetization, I’ll be the first person on the barracades with my pitchfork. This isn’t anywhere close to that line.
I’m not spinning or contradicting myself. I’m trying to have a conversation with folks within the confines of the NDA. Sorry if that offends you.
It is you that compared Eve with Disneyworld. I just painted the picture of Eve Disneyworld for you.
It does not offend me at all But if the NDA doesn’t allow full transparency for you , don’t make presumptions and speculations without hard evidence to support it.
4.19$ per 3 alpha injectors. Way more than needed for those exploration skill plans and barge one. And I bet that this money grab won’t be cheaper than 5$.
Yet we have alpha state because people don’t want to pay 15$ per month.
I start to wonder what is worse. This idea or your arguments…
Well, my conclusion with this new system is that it is upon this time - where developers further monetize their games by saturating us with services, and using the inexperience of the newb, it is upon that time when games decline. A decline brought on by an ill begotten relationship between the player, and the developer.
You only want to help, and I understand that, I admire that. You need to keep the gears turning, and thus payment is a necessity, I understand that and accept that. Though, this game should stand on its own merits, and not hold a players right hand whilst picking his or her pocket with the left hand. It should be a firm but compassionate relationship, one where you cannot merely pay your way to success but nor do you mind paying for what HAS VALUE to you, and what value may vary between players - I value cosmetics for instance. One should not be thrown to the wolves nor coddled. It is a difficult balance to achieve, and a very rough responsibility for CCP & CSM, however if you wish to truly do right by this great community - you must take this task seriously - stay true to it.
I fear this system loses sight of this important task, misconstrues it with deceptive hand-holding for money.
Or, you could beef up intermediate content and fix the skill system. We’ll see what comes of this, when it launches, but it seems like more wasted effort. I appreciate the intent, but doubt this is a viable solution.
Boo, hate it. so now we have alt campers and gankers that are experts. no wonder i am loosing so many players to the FU CCP trend.
if you want to try a ship and a full skills etc then go to SISI.
So Also now can see during war time, ok corp. get your cash out we have built 1000’s of xyz ships max your skills for a month its war time… its BS if you ask me.
But why do the Newbies have to buy it with real Money? Why can’t they get those “expert things” one of each via an agent and its okay. Taking hard money taste like a rip off.
This entire Expret system reads like something EA would do.
Feels like a rip off especaly that it is only available against cash not ingame earnable. Also i would claim it will not help new players nearly as much as is advertised as skills are only a small part of the required gear for a profession.
Without massive amounts of money? What they get costs a good portion of a monthly sub for far less than what a monthly sub offers. ARe you sure you know what you are talking about?