Faction Warfare is dead, long live our robot overlords

Although imagen seeing in the news that CCP has actually all taken a break from the game and they created BOT’s to do all the coding and reporting and design it would actually be such a mind shock that a huge amount of people from the outside would start playing eve just because of the wtf factor :joy:

And, did you manage to grow a pair?

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Talking about AI, I want Aura being able to have a philosophical conversation with us at last.

Every stupid can program bots and make NPCs shoot OP lazors.
Seeing ships AI being able to make a funny, intelligent remark would be a thing.

The ‘sandbox’ with ship restrictions. Let T1, T2 and T3 into sites of respective sizes. Enough with the limiting. Why the hell would anyone skill for ships they can’t use?

You sound like you are ready to join with the CODE. Death to the bots!

How it is possible? bots use they same ships and modules. Unless you talking about bots using frigates and people using bigger and slower ships. But in this case “nothing can pass” is completely wrong.

The frigate fits they are talking about use an Inertial Stabilizers I in the low and 3 Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I rigs to lower their time align time to enter warp.

I’m able to travel around Kourmonen without problems even with a bad FW standings.

Time to to adapt, lowsec is no longer a safe place for these so called pirates to move freely.
The factions are on the warpath.

Another option is to just train a cyno alt and avoid the regional gates all together.

God dam bots


Looking at faction warfare gear market prices bots are back in full force aren’t they?

All these bots are still operating today, 2 weeks later.

Game is simply gone and dead guys.

Face the fact already, unsub all your accounts, and don’t look back.

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Over the weekend I placed a low skilled unfitted afk frigates in plexes in black rise.
I was looking to see how long i could afk deplex Gallente novice sites before they were killed.
Turns out only one frigate died in the 5 hours I was semi afk dplexing.


It’s dead Jim

CODE. are nothing but NPC bots. Mindless morons with no real purpose.

CODE. according to Zkill have 162 characters active in PVP over the last 7 days.

I’m willing to guess that this equates to very few actual people multi boxing numerous accounts.

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It’s you!

LMAO half these bots still haven’t been banned despite the “huge ban wave of FW bots”.

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It’s dead Jim. let it rip

FW bots operating 23/7 for over 2 months aren’t even banned. Even when they get publicly posted and mass reported.

NONE of those bots are banned another month later and that in a period of self proclaimed focus on FW bots, it’s an utter joke.

I have the feeling even the most basic statistical analysis of botting behaviour aren’t even carried out. Just running after people with a banhammer is laughable. It takes 10 times as much time to ban a bot than it does to create a new account if you don’t use actual bot detection measures.

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Removed a post that displayed names.