First, as a player in Amarr militia, I’d like to say that faction warfare is tremendous fun. The small skirmishes over plexes, hour long plexing sessions with friends, trying to get systems vulnerable, and the big hub bashes when the militia comes together to take these systems.
But for the past few weeks, we haven’t been doing any of this. We’ve been on a grueling defensive war that we are bound to lose, sooner or later. Is it against the Tribal Liberation Force? The Federal Defense Union? No. It is against 600k ISK Atrons that have started flooding every single militia in untold droves. Bots.
We have done everything we can to undo the damage they are doing on the warzone. Players patrolling the warzone for as long as they can in specially fit ships, killing hundreds of their atrons. Dplexing the systems they’ve driven to vulnerable for hours on end, without breaks or a moments respite. Recruiting new members to help us fight this menace. But they just reship, and continue plexing, 24/7, somewhere you’re not.
At the present moment, we have 5 of our systems go vulnerable every day, but even TLF has stopped showing up to bash them. Another 5 are perpetually above 90%. One third of the warzone is more than 50% contested at all times. And it just keeps creeping up, no matter what we do.
It’s completely demoralizing.
And it will continue being demoralizing every second these bots are online. We don’t mind fighting a losing war against other people. Or grueling fights of attrition to take or defend a heavily contested system. But this, if it goes on, will drive every remaining player out of faction warfare. Because there is no point to it. None.
Why dplex systems? So that some guy can make a few more bucks off his RMT farm? Why take systems? So you can watch as they inevitably inch back to vulnerable? Why recruit people? So that somebody can launch another instance of his script?
No, we must embrace the new future of faction warfare. An atron in every novice, and a venture in every large. Every system gently oscillating between 99.3% and vulnerable. To simplify maintenance, the Infrastructure Hub can go the way of the Captains Quarters, since nobody will be using them. Due to the sheer numbers of alpha accounts required, this will greatly increase both engagement and player statistics, as well as lower the price of faction modules. Everybody benefits.
Or CCP could ban these bots and lets us few fools who care about faction warfare get back to shooting each other. But if they want to do the latter, I recommend they act before these bots have done irreparable damage to faction warfare, when there is no one left to care about it.
Please CCP, you’re our only hope.