Factional Warfare Feedback Thread

Fleets and fights access but keeping standing good with the Empires? Sounds like you want to go to Null.

A possible counter would be locking NON-FW members out of the complexes, only allowing members of the faction and who they are at war with.

Pirates could still try to be jerks and game the acceleration gates, as lame a gate camping, but the complex internals could be left to those who are supposed to be there.

That might get pirates to join FW, for better or worse. Pirates in FW sounds like more awoxing, but who knows.

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I would like to see Loyalty Points become a form of currency. Open up the Faction War store by adding Faction Warfare mining gear, after all why should the militias have to purchase non-militia based ships and modules to mine in the war zone? Using non-militia based ships and modules to mine ore for faction war use is dreadful and farmers-with-pitch-forks mining.

It’s an excellent idea to add the opportunity to send (and sell) LPs like PLEXes. I need to buy what my customer needs anyway.

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I hope that CCP considers allowing Angels and Guristas to be active in both warzones rather than to be limited to one or the other.

Like some kind of web/scram smartbomb?

Wouldnt they be able to get a friend/alt that is in fw to bookmark the plex, and share the bookmark so the pirate(and his/her/their) friends can warp in anyway?

Currently it is possible to left militia while in space, even during a fight. Fix that please

So as of right now if the pirate factions in FW corrupt the lowsec system to the maximum level, then you are able to anchor bubbles and use hic/dic bubbles as well. The empire militia equivalent is that they get point/web range. Not only is the empire militia bonus much better, the pirate suppression bonus actually harms pirates. How?

One of the key distinctions I noticed between Null and Lowsec groups is the propensity to use high grade implants. In 2015 when the Imperium launched its Viceroy campaign in lowsec, the various pirate groups of LS such as TISHU, Snuff, Shadow Cartel etc aligned together and while out numbered, absolutely crushed the Imperium forces. A large part of this was due to the pirate coalition having every member in high grade slaves. The mechanisms of lowsec where the aren’t bubbles has built a culture around more prevalent implant use.

With null having bubbles the use of implants is generally reserved for supercap/titans, or individuals who are good enough/rich enough to either not lose or replace their lost pod sets. But they’re not something the standard line member would use in the majority of fights.

This difference is something that gives lowsec pirates a sort of “home turf advantage.” And while there’s nothing stopping the null pilots from just using high grade implants once they enter lowsec, most people just usually don’t bother. So adding bubbles to fully pirate corrupted systems takes that edge away from lowsec pirate entities. And compared to the empire militia suppression bonus of point/web range it’s just a bad design.

But here’s the simple solution: pirate corruption DOES allow bubble use in lowsec…but FW pirate pilots whether in a ship or a pod…have Interdiction nullification. They can freely warp in and out of bubbles allowing them to actually take advantage of the suppression mechanic without risking losing pods to the same mechanic that is supposed to give them an advantage.


One thing I didn’t check with the havok expansion on sisi yesterday, was whether T3D and T3Cs are still restricted to T3d med adv. upwards and T3Cs being large adv still in terms of the angel/guristas fw plexs.

Given in some sense that the havok expansion is kind of a return to a earlier fw somewhat, ie everyone was in faction ships for plexs generally, it would be a shame if T3Ds and T3Cs were still restricted even on the angel/gurista plexs to being forced to go one size upwards, and moving it back to T3Ds being able to get into angel/guristas raid small adv and T3Cs being able to get into Med adv angel guristas plexs, which means the militias will at least be able to field them to balance out all pirate faction ships, like all mach fleets for example

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No news about that?

Well … lets add one more little joke from cpp !!!
playerA and playerB in the same corporation, corporation is not enlisted in fw

playerA enlists in fw
playerB can remote rep playerA , remote all, any where, any time even while playerA is fighting a fw wt, even in hostile space.

If the fw wt try to kill the remote, he will be flagged as criminal in low, concordokken in hi

Isn’t it wonderfull?

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And what about booster? don’t tell me playerB can boost playerA

Back in old days whitn the neutral remote and neutral boost nightmare

@CCP_Swift any comments for Corp Leaders in Faction Warfare, who have been making great use of the LP Transfer system launched just months ago, getting yanked in the next expansion? It’s been a powerful tool for getting new and returning players involved in FW, and felt like it was a cornerstone of the ‘Empowering Player Corporations’ theme of Viridian. Seeing it rolled back so soon is kind of a slap in the face for Corp Leaders and suggests a lack of confidence from CCP on their own game design decisions.

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Greetings CCP,

On behalf of Deathless Net and other Pirate FW communities, we hope this letter finds you well. We have all enthusiastically jumped into the Havoc expansion and enjoyed the content greatly. There are a few concerns many of us have which I am sure you may already be aware of. We believe that the health of the game is best made through open communication and feedback. These are some key concerns we’d like to share in the hopes that we can help improve Havoc and fully reach the vision its creators have for it.

The key issue here is how assets are dealt with once the FOB despawns. Currently there is asset safety to lowsec after which in a few days we can access our ships. Unfortunately this really breaks down the gameplay flow of pirate FW. We have to restage our ships every week after each insurgence. What would we ever use Zarzakh for? Furthermore why even use the FOB at all? Why not simply stage 100 percent in lowsec? It’s less logistical hassle living in lowsec. Yet even doing that pirates will have to restage every week. This adds workload and fatigue which we believe will turn players away from pirate FW. And of course rendering Zarzakh and FOBs obsolete is likely not your intention.

What we would like, and what was expected was that once a FOB despawns the assets would be moved back to Zarzakh. We’d still have to do logistics getting ships to the FOB/ZZ but they wouldn’t have to be restaged after every insurgence as they would under the current mechanics. This would include clones and contracts.

In situations where insurgencies fail and the FOB is attacked by our enemies, asset safety to ZZ should incur cost as a way to balance things and motivate defenders.

Furthermore just as few if any people make use of the empire militia shipcaster because it is one way, the ZZ/FOB shipcaster likewise may benefit from use by being two way. While not necessary for the shipcaster to be two way, we believe the general flow and gameplay of pirate FW would benefit greatly.

Some criticisms leveled against these ideas have been that this would allow too much power projection by null blocs. Our answer to this is that maybe the issue is with power blocs and solutions to limit their ability to use Zarzakh should be implemented rather than rendering ZZ and FOBs a hassle for people dedicated to Pirate FW. Zarzakh is pirate turf and should be our home staging system.

While there are a few other bugs/issues/opinions on how Havoc should play out, this idea if anything is of core importance to Havoc and the viability of pirate FW.

Moving on the next issue is how corruption 5 and bubbles actually hamper pirates instead of help them. On top of the current situation where we have to restage after every insurgence, we now have to do it through bubbled space. The FOB we now have to evac from before getting hit with asset safety is now bubbled by your locals who actually welcome the ability. Moving between pirate sites in different systems is now hampered by established lowsec groups dropping capitalize and utilizing heavier assets than pirates can stage. One proposal would be to only allow pirates to bubble. However with alts this would make little difference. The other proposal would be to make pirate ships/capsules nullified, and while we understand this is a strong perk, it is for a level 5 corruption. Conversely this could also be a level 5 suppression perk for empire militias.

Other issues include:

-72 hour gap between insurgencies seems a bit excessive.

-Friendlies trying to warp out of your bubbles hurts your standings.

-Could “plunder the system and take everything not nailed down” have more of a plundery feel? PI resources, prisoners, slaves, etc and ways to turn these in for cash. Yeah it’s an extra little step but I think it helps with the feel of it all.

-Timer for insurgencies/fobs.

-Would be nice if pirates can disrupt Battlefields of empire engagements. Having to kill both sides ships inside the capture zone. This would not increase corruption however an incentive to disrupt their operation. This could also be extended to all existing sites in Front lines of both sides. Essentially doing pirate things in empire militia sites/caches should cause something.

-Zarzakh security seems underwhelming and easily avoidable. Assault frigs and destroyers can tank the torpedoes.

-Clarification on Angel/Guri standings. The trailer has a whole thing about “trust” but we’re neutral, but we live together. I wouldn’t mind if we were enemies but the trailer made it seem we’re allies of some sort.

That’s it for now. There are a few other bugs/issues others have detailed elsewhere which I am sure will reach you. Please take our concerns into consideration. We hope this is helpful and again on behalf of Deathless members, Angel and Guri, we thank you for what many of us view as the best expansion yet.

Signed Roman X - Black Rabbits (Guristas)

Signed OpusMagnum - Kybernauts Clade (Angels)

Singed Comrade Gritty - Brotherhood of Spacers (Guristas)

Signed BJK – DECOY (Angels)

Signed Avio Yaken - Admin of The Rabbit’s Warren Server

Signed Twan Molenaar – Admin of Angel Cartel Server

Signed Siad Kurvora – Admin of Zarzakh Angel Affiliates

Signed Seraph IX Basarab – Admin of Deathless Net Server


I would add that allowing bubbles in Zarzakh essentially ruins it’s utility as a pirate haven.


As a militia pilot. I would be open to allowing pirates a two way shipcaster. However, the trade off would be that they can’t dock in npc stations of the factions they are at war with any longer. Similar to how current fw work ( caldari cant dock in gallente fw space etc).

As far the bubble immunity goes… . I am strongly against that. Just because the home team utilized the bubbles better than the pirates doesn’t mean the pirates need to be immune to bubbles. This is a suggestion on the backdrop/context of pirates smashing militias in the first insurgency in 3-4 days. It’s best not to overlook this fact… Pirates didn’t seem to be stopped by it in the end. Perhaps they need to be more tactical in what systems they attack first. Or get rid of bubbles in low sec all together if you can’t balance it.

I can agree that bubbles tend to help the defender more than the attacker, but interdiction is outlawed tech in empire space as I understand it. And it makes RP sense how pirates woild bring it in once they have run concord and the law out of the system, after all (insert RP grin).

The time between new insuegencies seems a bit long though. However, 48 hours to move logistics in place seems fair as it is now. If pirates get free instant asset safety, they have a massive advantage on defenders who have much more systems to try to navigate to setup defense logistics.

My two cents having participated in thr first insurgency quite a lot.

since FW on the empire sides have all of HS to buy and rearm. maybe allowing one system for just that angels and guristas can use as a real base would work. Caps allowed if you are in the pirate side of FW . logistics are always a pita but if the empire militias control the connecting systems that stifles the amount of building and logistics allowed us is tiny . no nuets allowed in zarzakh at all.

I would leave plundering PI facilities exclusively to Vanguards… when they are ready to ofc

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Can we get more corp offices available in Zarzakh please?


Dogshit wrapped in catshit, disguised as skill.