Factional Warfare Feedback Thread

The people that would benefit from that suggestion most are farmers and bots with no interest in pvp. The solution I’ve found to keep things interesting is fly with people you can banter with and enjoy hunting for targets.

Can we please increase the probability for wormholes leading from wormhole space to Faction Warfare space? I have sometimes the feeling that 99% of such kind of wormholes leads to the non-faction Amarr outskirts.

If T2 frigs were allowed back into the plexes, pirates would camp the plex for kills.

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Any chance to get facrional wormholes?

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Sure pirates might do that but I don’t really see that as good thing. Might get you more fights but in my experience pirates love going for the easy T1 frag more than engaging a challenging fleet/gang, which as a newer player to faction war is discouraging. The amount of potential downsides of allowing T2 into all plexs far out weights the potential benefits in my opinion. Could the amount of Advanced plexes increase? Sure maybe a little but they seem to be around 1/4 to 1/5 of the plexes that spawn, not to bad really

I am pretty sure this has been brought up a lot but I will talk about it again.
Some harsh penalty for those who shoot their own militia members, please.
There should be a mechanism where awoxing your own faction should be discouraged.
Unline null-sec group, FW groups don’t have a real means of punishing awoxers. Do you kick them from a corp? they can make their own corp or enlist individually and still play the same faction.
There should be some meaningful consequences of awoxing in FW.


I believe there is, you take a massive standings hit with your FW faction. Do it enough and you will be kicked from militia, not 100% clear on the finer details but the problem seems to be if you are in a corp with a collectively high faction reputation it can protect you from the consequences of Awoxing. That being changed would be great I agree.

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I dont know if this was talked about but please we should atleast be able to undock once (and not dock back) once the territory go from a frontline territory to command operation. This is the second ship I am loosing because of this and it is starting to be rather frustating.

I would mostly agree, however I could see it taking away from the significance of being locked out. First thing I thought of was keep a carrier docked up and suitcase most of the ships you keep there out when the system flips, effectively taking away the risk of staging stuff on the frontline. I know this wont be the common case for individuals but I could definitely see coordination like this on the Alliance level become the norm.

P.S. We totally had the Oyo/Kurn race wraped up from the start, definitely not close at all, 10/10 wasn’t worried even a little

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Just retake the system and you have your ship again. It’s only a temporary loss. Besides, most ships that you would lose access to are likely not to be that expensive. You have plenty of time to move more expensive ships if you do use them.

Exploiting standings issues in Faction Warfare / Why the battlefields arent working as intended.

I know this has been going on forever but it still doesn’t mean it isnt broken.

Currently the rise of the battlefield meta of low competition and seagulling has resulted in individuals in Faction Warfare alligned corporations to reliably and aggresively Awox (shooting fellow militia pilots) in battlefields to remove competition for the LP payout.

The counter to this in the game mechanics is that shooting fellow militia pilots has a hefty negative standings drop with the State faction. This standing can only easily be earnt back reliable from several avenues.
-Promotions in FW (this is limited as you cannot currently infinitely get promoted -maybe look into this CCP?)
-The sisters of eve epic arc - this takes 2.5-5 hours and gives a modest standings gain for no loss with other states and very little other reward. This can be completed on a 3 month cool down.

  • The Faction tags hand in quest line (this is a one time thing so not super relevant)
  • Grinding missions near a faction storyline hub that alligns with you so that every time you get the storylines they give you faction standings (incredibly small amounts and a very long and tedious grind.)

This begs the question - How can these players continue to awox and still be alligned with their state? They are not i guarantee you using any of the above methods.

What they are doing is using the law of averages and the way corporation standings work. Simply put the coporation standing to the state and the states FW corporation (i.e. Caldari and Caldari navy) must remain at or above 0.0. The way this works in practise is that for every -10 character you only need to have +1 with 10 characters. Most FW corporations have a health supply of low positive standings characters and therefore can awox indefinately.

My proposal for a fix to this is quite simple. Give suspect status to any player awoxing in FW. Currently only a limited engagement timer occurs which means that if two fleets of amarr players are in a site and one player from fleet A is awoxing either each individual player who gets shot from fleet B can fight back with no consequence (no suprises the awoxers pick easy frigate level targets) or all of fleet B shoots the awoxers and they receive a huge standings hit which if they are direct enlisted or in a newer FW corp without the buffer of standings could lead to them being barred from FW with that race.

A suspect timer allows all players the choice of whether they feel the AWOX was something they agree with or not and respond without punishement if they like.

Finally i have two quick points that deserve larger posts of their own.

  1. The battlefield system has been broken since inception on SISI and has not received the required attention to fix it. The approach of removing its impact on the overall FW map and reducing defensive plexing payouts has simply put less eyes on a broken gameplay mechanic.
    A. you can kill all rats and leave the BC alive which orbits outside the circle. This can be achieved by a single faction cruisers meaning a site designed for 25 players currently requires 1 to complete it.
    B. the payour range is ridiculous. This is a king of the hill / domination game type. Follow the simple rules that all other pvp games follow. You get points for being on a point when it ticks over. You get points for killing enemy players. You get points for killing enemy npcs. At the end of the site the payout total gets split (max of 150klp per player etc). This encourages activity, It means sitting on the edge of the site at 300km doesnt reward anyone as it shouldnt.

C. Allowing neutral players to enter these sites has not provided any meaningful gameplay. If you return the sites to their previous high payout state groups like my own (horde) will come down again with 75 ferox and run the site in 15 minutes for our alligned players while gatekeeping all other players from both factions from entering. CCP has allowed this and its an extreme example but its at its core true. Yes we may be unable to effectively do it etc. but at some point players have done this. and will do this again. IF this is what ccp envisioned for a easy to sign up to free form permanent war then fine. But something tells me its A: not enjoyable for the newer players and B: removes content from the game.

  1. The standings system while kind of nice in a roleplaying capacity is in my experience, confusing, gameplay limiting and opaque in how easy the mechanics are to understand. This would be fine if it was some fringe element of the game but it is currently a major element of the flagship gametype. My suggsestion would be to scrap standings and their effects on faction warfare completly. Give corporations a 2 week cool down from enlistment, individuals 24 hours. Grinding non faction warfare related content to “fix” my standings is ridiculous, boring, and achieves little. From a roleplaying perspective the states are hiring us as mercenaries anyway what do they care? From a pvp gameplay perspective the cooldown prevents rapid on grid changes of alliance but from a long term perspective this is a positive as it will allow the sides to naturally even out if rewards are balanced for both sides.

Anyway this was a very long post so if you got this far I can only apologize, thanks for reading.

Mr Tingla


I agree with alot of your ideas but disagree about changing the role standings has in FW. I would like to see an increase to the amount of standings you gain from activities, making it faster to fix negative standings but still having to be in space to do so.
The main issue I have with a 2 week reset period for groups/ 1 week for an individual is the main beneficiary of that change would be farmers or those interested in the LP not the war. CCP hinted at a benefit for being loyal to a faction to discourage flip floping to the winning side/whoever has the best LP to isk ratio. No such benefit has been added yet and there is no reason to full commit to FW instead of just enlisting, the only cost remaining is the flexibility to join a different faction and I think thats pretty fair.

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Two suggestions:

1.Change the name of FW complex from “Minmatar Scout NVY-5” to “Scout NVY-5 Minmatar” or the type from “Scout Navy Military Beacon” to “Scout Nvy-5 Military Beacon”plz.

Reason: the distinguished information of the new name is longer than older, we can’t see the full useful name in short length of overview anymore in both name and type columns,especially important when using a laptop.

2.Adjust the spawn time of battlefield after downtime by delaying it by one hour or splitting the spawn time of the two frontline battlefields into different times or don’t reset the spawn time and let it go naturally.

Reason:1. After downtime is hard to equip a fleet immediately (enemies same)to play this fleet content or have a real fleet fight after such a server time.2. As a player in the Eastern Hemisphere,server downtime is our 7pm,so if we miss the first battlefield after downtime because of dinner time or can’t get fleet fight because of the server time,that means we can only wait 3more hours until 11pm (7pm spawn,8pm finish and we just missed,11pm respawn)or just let the battlefield missed our golden game time sharp EVERY DAY, so frustrating…

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The standing being used for enlistment are Raw Value and not Adjusted Value (skills influenced by diplomacy and such).

This has made it difficult for members to rejoin facwar using direct enlistment.

Is this deliberate? If so what’s the thought process there?


I don’t like the factional warfare map, doesn’t fit the price charged for the experience of the game, it looks cheaply made and rushed. Disproportionate quality contrasts heavily with the rest of the presentation elements.

I understand your management is passionate about your bitcoin cryptobro game project or whatever, but eve assets shouldn’t be neglected like this. Seriously you want $20 per month for assets that were clearly slapped together by an overloaded junior graphic designer in less of an afternoon.

I like it…

As we have corp LP now, can we enable using corp LP to donate FW I-HUB upgrade?

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All the FW changes are very nice & have been an improvement! I would suggest though that there needs to be a bigger penalty for killing an allied ship. I like eve’s philosophy of allowing any action, but to keep veterans from spoiling the new player experience this should have some physical consequence. Accidental damage (burst jammer, wreck kill or smarbomb) is one thing but any action resulting in allied character death should have a result similar to what we would see in the real world… At minimum the allied victim should get a kill right regardless of podding or sector, ideally everyone in the alliance should get a multi-use killright that lasts several days.


Seagulls must die