Factional Warfare updates now available for testing

An unfitted hull isn’t necessarily worth much by itself because it is already mostly covered by insurance payouts, and we can’t pay out more in total than is destroyed. So most of the value will come from destroyed modules (or from destroyed implants for pod kills).
A rough estimate would be around 1 LP for every 3000 ISK worth of destroyed stuff (but that also depends on what that destroyed stuff is and where it comes from)

Generally, if you’re at tier 2 now, you’ll get about 3x more LP for FW kills with this change compared to TQ today.


your price estimates on killmails are completely borked btw, you might want to fix

People complain a lot about consequences. Just farm or buy tags, if you need your high sec status. But this would be effort or ISK. Carebears‘ problems.

Adding a Battleship-size plex to FW

Truly you have understood nothing about what makes FW great.

This looks like the same thinking that got the removal of stabs from plex shipped as ‘some love for FW’.
All my respect to Seagull, but this was some major ■■■■■■■■, and since ■■■■■■■■ doesn’t walk far, now thanks to it you are in the situation where you removed something that people actually loved (gate-sliding) for something that was barely a symptom instead of the problem to fix.

I get you have to sell that frigate escape bay for Battleships, but this is as well-thought as trying to sell a nerf to zergs by introducing wormholes with no mass limit to W-space. Wrong space, wrong demographics, wrong everything.

Just so you know, you have a ticking clock on your hands, Albion Online has announced that they will revamp their version of faction warfare this year (that and essentially adding wormholes)…


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Curious I haven’t seen you around FW space and your killboard suggests you haven’t killed anybody in over a year so frankly your opinion isn’t worth the time it took to write it.


The problem with PvP in FW sites is, actually, FW. Or, more to the point, the way it’s implememted. FW farmers can, and do, just warp out from a site whenever a potential opponent warps in, and then wait for that opponent ot get bored and warp out, before warping back in - having incurred no penalty for their cowardice. If FW sites are supposed to promote PvP (and if they’re not then what is the point of them) then warping out from a site should immediately reset its clock to 0, thus given some (admittedly small) incentive to the incumbent to stand their ground and fight.


That’s exactly how you remove all PVP from plexes. If I’m going to be stuck somewhere while my opponent reships into a hard counter and comes in on me, I’m never going to fly more than the bare minimum to run the plex.

Battleship plexes have probably been one of the most requested features to be added to FW since the original rework to plex sites removed the old NPC fleets. Personally, I never saw it as a top priority, but it is low hanging fruit and some folks will enjoy the opportunity for organized Battleship level brawls.

My expectation is that frigates, destroyers, and cruisers will continue to be the mainstays of FW. Apparently the plan is to have the same Battlecruiser class Large Plex rat inside this new BS plex. That means that just like in the current meta, most Large plexes will be run by smaller high dps solo ships, and not battleships.

During hotly contested system sieges, I’d expect that we will see more Large plex fights in cruiser or battlecruiser comps than battleships. Fighting in battleships will still be significantly more risk for the limited reward of capturing a single plex. A smart Fleet Commander will still prioritize capturing Novices and Smalls over these larger plexes, and being unable to ship down will be more of a disadvantage than being unable to ship up.

I don’t think having a BS plex will ruin FW, and shaking things up a bit will be fun.


Wrong. Billion ISK per hour activities is in wormholes not null sec. LOL

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Battleship plexes are nice but you make changes when things start to go south. You don’t wait until 5 years after the funeral to do something.

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These changes are certainly long overdue. I hope that they are successful, and that if CCP really wants to revitalize lowsec PVP they will build off that success and consider making more impactful changes down the road.


Nice, thanks for the change’s a lot of them are nice and I like that low sec is being changed and considered, FW itself has a lot of issues still thou and more changes would need to be made before players that are not low sec FW die hard fans choose to live here.

The warp speed change will for sure make BS’s more viable but it doesn’t need much me and my friends only stick on one warp speed rig and then its perfect.
The adverse effect as @TrouserDeagle has point out is that less fights become engagable and less fights will happen as a consequence becuase you have even less time to down your target before his gang arrives to help him. So to counter this and balance the equation I suggest this change:

Low Sec FW Space Environmental Effect:
Navy Supremacy
-15% to all resistances
+20% damage from all sources

This adds an extra layer to the puzzle that will encourage more combat in low sec:

1: You don’t require as much time to burn through your target so more opportunities will be open to capitalize on, becuase we are not used to the number we ourselves will not know the exact timing so we will make more mistakes and leave more openings for counter attacks giving both parties more pvp.

2: Lowering of resistance decreases the effect of logistic’s which becomes a bit of problem in lowsec in small scale fights since logistics is balanced around large null sec fleet battle’s the lowering of resistances will help balance this a bit and as a side effect will increase the effectiveness of FW ship’s and Pirate ship’s over t2 ship’s which makes sense law wise as well, why would the NPC factions build their ships that way (low resistance, high damage, good projection, speed and bulk hp) in their own space if it was not built for that environment.

Out of all changes that you guys are considering the best by far is reducing mission lp, I hope its reduced a lot and by a lot I mean 1/3rd (reduced 3x so that instead of getting 90k lp per level 4 we get 30k) as only then would going out and doing plex’s actually be worth it, especially if the lp to isk ratio rises because of it then being in t2 actually has some meaning compared to just joining the winning side. It would be very interesting to see please don’t be shy and only nerf mission lp by 20% or something tiny as that won’t make any difference at all :].

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As someone who just created a new trio of alts last June and used the 2x 3 month MCT deals to train them + pumped all the free SP from events and login rewards over the past 9 months into them… to finally try out FW with fresh standing toons… I’m pretty excited about this. Thanks, CCP! ;D

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You have an addiction problem. :stuck_out_tongue:

While the changes are not perfect - no changes ever are, somebody will always complain, but on the whole I takeaway:

  1. CCP is working/thinking about FW, this is a very positive development!
  2. There is still a lot of passion about FW, this is also very encouraging!

CCP’s speed of iteration has exponentially increased as of late and the stuff people are complaining about here can be tweaked further later.

Overall, 95/100! Great job CCP!


This is a reasonable start…

a few of my general impressions, as someone who spent several years in the WZ before quitting the game because FW was unplayable…

  • Suspect flag…
    good. Overdue. Fixed a major quality of life problem for every militia member

  • LP payout rebalance. I need to see the numbers. FW mission runners dilute LP which impoverishes the people who actually want to undock and fight. FW missions in T5 should be only barely worth it instead of “literally the only thing you can do to make good money”. The order of LP value per hour spent should be like this…
    M/L plexes > N/S plexes > Missions == PVP kills
    For the last few years it’s been this… Missions >>>>>>>> S/N plexes > M/L plexes >>>>>>>>>> kills
    Plexes in cushy convenient systems need to be viewed as solid gold. This will drive content.

  • Gate sliding distance.
    Good. I think 30-50km is reasonable and I hope that CCP errs on the roomier side of the equation. A BS blind warping to a slide will still be very at risk against a long point tackle frig, but they can do counter-play like MJDing… even MJD THEN slide… on that basis… i think anything over 50km might be too much, because then you could land @ 50km, MJD toward the slide, and still be in range when you finish MJD, that’s too cheap.

  • New plex type
    Yes please. I think BCs are actually pretty well equipped to deal with the oppression of AFs, but it never matters in FW space because if you put a BC on a large you’re going to get ■■■■ on by everyone’s hangar toys. Everyone’s thinking “BS”, but really I am excited to be able to plex in a Hurricane/Harb with the added comfort of that slide. Gives FW pvpers more realistic options on a nightly basis to choose their content.


So how on earth does this help with getting tackled outside the gate? The only thing this does is give the tryhard kiter the option of sliding with you if you manage to sling him.
The issue with missions wasn’t that the payout was too high, the issue was that the entire rest of the player base can use missions to use and abuse the system, manipulating the entire landscape of the conflict, all while not even participating in FW. This change does not address that.
Please, find a better way to select the CSM. While it remains a fully democratic process, it will remain the Council of Goon Representation, and everything else but null will suffer for it.

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FW missions LP reward need to reduce 50% minimum, 35% not enough! OR! prohibit entry to LVL4 mission site all ships except BCs and Battleships! I`ts very simple! Now too easy and fast, players flying on a Jackdow, bombers, etc. get money to buy TITANS! They ruin the LP course in common positions for all LP stores. Now FW alliances exist only for parasitism at tier5 and farm missions. Ah I forget, also it’s best business for RMT players! Missions need more nerf!

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Please bring back bombers for FW missions. Those you can actually catch because they are slow. All these instawarp Jackdaws nowadays are cancer tier farming safety.

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Yea currently you can run lvl 4’s in a jackdaw / Hecate with 0% chance to be caught because of <2 sec align time’s and make 1bil isk per hour off the lp while the people running plex’s and being chased out getting killed and getting some kills are making like 60mil / hour because of how much missions have deflated the lp.

Currently in t4 Level 4’s give about 60-90k lp per mission which can be done in about 3-10 min depending on ship and bling with 0 competition if someone warps into your site you just warp out and go to another system and come back later without your mission failing.

It would be much more balanced if missions where giving 20-30k lp for level 4’s in T4 in my opinion, which will still net you 300mil/hour which is pretty damn high for risk free farming.

Easier solution would be to just remove level 4’s as level 3’s are about that range.

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