Farewell Friends

I’m not even fine with the regular 150MB downloads every other day without any patch notes. But in contrast to this woman, I am not an insufferable nuisance every time she starts clattering on the keyboard on this forum whenever someone critizes CCP. :slight_smile:

The fact that no one else has complained about repeated full game downloads today or in the past week. This is a her-issue.

Who put a gun to your head and forced you to post in this thread?

My intrigue for the issue and love for entertainment. :slight_smile:

A true to the EVE traditions quitting EVE thread with some drama. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:



Forget about that now.
I’m not leaving the forum. I have too much fun here.

I wouldn’t want to break with tradition. It brings bad luck.


While trying to find a solution to the problem I have frakked up my own installation.
WHY do I try to be so helpful?


Panic over, i just pressed the “install” button and it took me to the Ready to play status

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Sorry to hear of your troubles, Yuzima.

I can’t offer any advice. I did download EVE direct from the website and - like you - I followed default prompts. It was only later that I shifted the game files to a new internal hard drive (SSD). So far, it’s working ok.

But I know that tech can go belly-up at any time, so I have other stuff I can do. My worst problem is internet providers. I’m in the UK at the moment. A little while ago, I had no internet at all for the best part of 2 weeks, just 4G on my phone. Then, Monday last week, the new provider’s service stopped working. Using Sellotape and rubber bands at the moment.

Chin up. It’s an irritation, sure, but maybe you can sort it all out over the next few days. I certainly hope so; you’re so all over the Forum! :grinning:

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Have you learned nothing from playing this game? :thinking:

Aah, good memories… NOT

Thanks. I do try to keep my chin up despite everything but I will also try to eliminate aggravations and stress from my life as per doctor’s orders and the game was causing me both.

Oh I’m sorry. I don’t always realize when I’m a pain in the neck so please do tell me when I post too much, you’ll be a real help, and I will effort to post less as well.
I started this thread though so you will understand I post a lot in replies here.

So when the new launcher became mandatory, and I was forced to upgrade, and I saw that “download huge update” button hanging there… I had a feeling similar to the OP: “J.H. Christ I’m tired of CCP creating gratuitious hoops for me to jump through”.

And I wasn’t really interested in finding alternatives at that point. So I basically just said “Screw it!” and clicked the button, figuring that if it started a huge re-download I’d just interrupt it and toss EVE in the trash bin for a while.

But like you, I just clicked the button and it plunked over to “Ready to Play”, no download.

So yes, the “new improved” launcher has bugs and problems, and one of them appears to be that it gives the “massive download” message (and may even display the wrong download directory), even though the game is up to date and will work with one click. Just noting this for any other people who may see it: if you think your game is up to date just click and see if it works.

OP: completely understand the frustration. If you head to friendlier climes and stay away, or decide you were just having a hair-tearing moment and re-install tomorrow, either way I wish you the best results.



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No one should be leaving EVE because the game is malfunctioning.

People should be leaving EVE because the smug Princess has just ganked thier Orca, or they had a DC while in a L5 Abyssal.

The issue needs to be corrected.

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Haha, I did rub my chin a bit while I was proofreading my post (yes, I know…who does that?). I thought it might be taken like that. I hit ‘Reply’ anyway. :upside_down_face:

Of course, I meant that the Forum - from nowhere - suddenly burst into life!

Thank you very much.
As I wrote before, I don’t know if or when I shall reinstall but I want to get things that stress, aggravate and frustrate me away from me.
I’m ill, I have to go to the hospital every two weeks because one of my kidneys decided to die on me when I was a child and I only want to evade this ugly reality for a few hours a day. I thought EvE would help do that, like I enjoy offline games because they do that for me but in the case of online games I was wrong.

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They took my likes away again!

I’m usually the life of the party on my good days. That’s what my doctor has been working on for so long, trying to give me back my smile. :slightly_smiling_face:

Smart people.
I should proofread my posts too. I hate that red edit icon top right of the posts.

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Uncheck the box for the shated cache, read only…uncheck.

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This may come as a surprise, but most single player games require a stable internet connection. Which makes them also online games.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Don’t go please.
I’ll give you some of my bad boys :popcorn: here <3

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