February 2020 Release - General Feedback

I can’t remember where I read this, but I know I read it somewhere. Anyway, apparently early in the game’s history, CCP would make changes that they thought were safe, but then it would cause problems elsewhere that no one had anticipated. So, they became a lot more cautious when it came to changes. And, it was only until Chaos Era and Team Talos came along, that CCP has begun to move away from this tendency.

Thus, it’s probable that one of the reasons teiricide has taken so long is because of how much time they devote to making sure they don’t break balance in PvE AND PvP, and (determining what the exact stats of the mods should be).

Anyway, CCP proceeds deliberately and cautiously, and people complain that they take to long to do anything. CCP tries to speed up change, and players complain that they’re just throwing sh!t at the wall to see what sticks.

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+1 to being able to turn of the new inventory popup. It might be a good idea to leave it enabled for new players on new accounts, but it’s just annoying to me.


CCP Please allow us to disable the :red_circle: notifications.



I don’t get your point?

:red_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle:

I had 3 new items in my hanger woot. Thnx CCP


enorm-1hour-30minutes minerals-enorm-1hour-30minutes
This is result of mining with 1 rorqual + 6 hulks. 1 hour, 30 minutes to mine full Enourmous. Risking 7b+ ISK to make 280m. Have to pay for 7 accounts… Instead I can just take out Nidhoggur with one account and make same ISK, directly into my pocket, have chance to drop escalation worht of 100m as well. Unsubbing all of my miners, keeping just one ratter till it’s back to reasonable amounts of ore.


hello !
I can also live very well without red dots in my inventory, please help me to get rid of them - and please tell me why the colour red ? red is dead and everybody knows that


Did CCP fire ALL their community managers, or do they not understand overwhelmingly negative feedback to the red dots?


how do i sort Redeem Items by type again? it was easily done before


And who in their right mind decided that the now only sorting of the redeem queue would put the shortest expiry dates at the bottom of the list?


Well, today was a fun day in EvE. (sarcasm)

Ran some Gala sites until the inventory red dot drove me to the edge of sanity.

On my way back to dockup, lovely large lag spike caused me to go from starting warp to in my pod instantly in high sec.

Get setup for incursions tonight, and a mass disconnect grounds are entire fleet and causes another fleet we know of to lose half their ships.

But it’s cool, cus CCP is nerfing mining, because that is the real problem. Mining. :roll_eyes:

Is there anyone still at CCP with an IQ higher than my security status? Just wondering.


I’m good with the ore changes. There are many people who will be hurt by their abruptness, but I believe this has potential to be great.
Now, about those red dots: PLEASE give us settings options to disable the inventory badging system. I can see how it could help brand-new players, but it gets annoying fast. Being able to disable the new inventory sorting system would be nice also; it actually makes it harder for me to find new items with them jumping around rather than staying put at the bottom of the list.
In a similar vein to those painful red dots, can we PLEASE change the color of the redeemable items icon from that eye-stabbing “ff0000” red to something both easier to look at and more consistent with the rest of the UI, like that blue on the Notifications icon? Also may we please be given the ability to remove the Redeemable Items icon from the NEOCOM, bringing it in-line with other NEOCOM icons like Regional Market or Industry (putting it under Inventory in the “E” menu would make sense)?
Speaking of making the Redeemable Items window more consistent with the rest of the UI, may we please be given the options to show items as “Large Icon”, “Small Icon”, or “List” like other inventory locations, and also be given the ability to sort by expiration date?
Finally, I’d like to say that this strategy of just dropping changes on the players without any real notification or testing is the wrong way to go about this. If these resource distribution changes are going to be the shake-up that they need to be, MORE communication with the player base will be needed, not less. I know several smallish groups who’ve set up moon mining operations, investing a significant portion of time and resources, on the assumption either that the output of the moon would be stable, or that any changes would be gradual enough that they could adjust. Little guys being kicked around by bigger guys is one thing, but little guys being kicked around by the developers is a bit off-putting.

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And they rightfully complain. CCP promised for years that they would revamp the code and make it modern so that old issues could be overcome. That process has stalled in favor of work on cash grabs. Doing something cautiously doesn’t have to mean that no progress takes place at all. CCP has been talking about, promising and then scrapping things and projects left, right and center for years. No wonder that people complain because there has not been any meaningful progress visible for years. Instead, CCP leaves issues and issue creating things untouched forever. Instead of fixing those CCP instead wastes their time on useless new things that no one uses, see Abyss space and Hypernet.

And they rightfully complain about that. CCP ought not to “throw things at a wall and see what sticks”. People have been telling CCP for over a decade what they should do and should try. They have also given CCP FREE advice on all sorts of things they wanted to introduce. What does CCP instead? Stop communicating about plans and just introduce changes willynilly now without any feedback from the community. For instance: They removed all the ores everywhere while only really null sec is the issue here. And they left Rorquals completely untouched. CCP punished low sec and high sec, which contribute meaningless ore amounts to the general issue of mineral oversupply, because they are too incompetent to fix null sec Rorqual spam. That is a reason to complain about “throwing things at walls and see what sticks”.

If you don’t see the issues here, you are part of the problem. Apologetics like you that just keep coming up with excuses for CCP’s incompetent development practices are part of the problem.



Maybe you guys didn’t get the memo, but we all still got the CHICKEN POX! Aaaaaahhhhhh………

Please make it go away next dt.
Thanks in advance. :wink:



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I miss CCP Falcon. He’d be all over the forums right now,
hating his bosses for what they’re doing to him.


What Dot? :laughing:

I turned off the sound and put my local over the icon. I see and hear nothing. And when I move my cargo, all the icons go away at once.

The idea itself is not bad, just the color, the display and the sound and when (on what) it triggers is miserably implemented. Otherwise the remaining 99% of it is good.


The new item tracker system is causing a lot of issues for me. The badge, the blinking and the popup on the neocom bar are incredibly annoying and moving or stacking items anywhere causes extreme screen tearing and even freezing the game.
I’d like to have a way to disable this feature, at least get rid of parts of it, like:

  • removing the inventory icon from the neocom would help with the annoying part but I can’t seem to find an option for that
  • a way to stop applying this system to at least containers and hangars
  • … anything else I can do to have as little of this feature as possible.