February 2020 Release - General Feedback

There are always highsec miners; their nerfs are probably weaker.

I love my null sec space i have 21 system with over 100 astroid belts, 100’s of moons and 100 anoms i can survive

I am curious though as to whether this will help get rid of the mining bot fleets, or greatly increase them…

Yeah, for anoms basically you see the rorqual shoved back into its original support role
Only for on-grid links instead of off-grid
1 rorq mining the big rock while the subcaps do the small rocks, which you clear out in a fraction of the time
Whaling will now be concentrated on moon mining ops scheduled around big pull
Which arguably opens up a whole new strategy around both rorq mining and whaling

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You talking non sense again.

First of all, you can NOT FORCE PEOPLE TO PVP !

I don’t care about your content. You just want easy targets to kill around in cheap ships that are throw away and expect to kill ships worth billions of isk for the pleasure of your 1hour/day pvp in a couple mil ship right ? It’s very natural that a ship that’s worth 2bil can kill a fleet of 100mil worth of ships, even if they are 1000 man, because it’s sandbox and the effort to get a ship should be in proportion to what it can do, so an expensive capital should be able to take on cheap ships / fleets. This isn’t a battle royal where there is no skill training or any effort needed to get the tools (manufacture).

.And than you get mad because people don’t want to be forced to pvp when they don’t want and use all their power to defend their sov and assets.

You talking about swarm of rorqual alts, that you most likely heard on reddit to support that claim but i can say that’s not true. You aint gona see guys with 10s of rorquals mining, don’t pretend as if that’s the norm. If you ever mined in 1, you wouldn’t say that and furthermore you don’t have a clue about what your talking but atleast don’t mislead another people in your dreams.

You may not like capitals but the solution is very easy, stay in high-sec, that’s a whole region that you have for your elite “frigate” pvp endeavours. And don’t complain about capitals that you may think are useless. I know alot of people that would stop playing the game if capitals didn’t exist. And in High-sec you don’t need to think about capital balances but just enjoy the elite pvp game that your playing BUT CAPITALS ARE NEEDED IN NULL TO DEFEND, because null doesn’t have concord (i assume you knew it) as in high-sec you have concord as the biggest and strongest umbrella ever.


so… you dont cosider the possibility of someone just, you know, showing up and taking over your space? Since it´s “Empires crumble this is the biggest content drive in game now. Forced to Expand or work trade agreements”

Look at this rubbish this is the ore thats in a fresh enormous


125 units of spod CCP are idiots


So This is what Roid Rage looks like. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Let them we will fight them to the last ship. Nothing in this game can hurt me. It is suppose to be fun and the game is just pixels. Empires are cancer to the game, they starve the game of content, which is bad. Than they are forced to make up wars to keep their people happy, problem is the empires are to big so they blob who they attack so it still hurts the game. This will be great change. Rorquals have been and always should be support boats boosters as they originally where. Mining was always down by barges and orcas to make runs. This change now brings barges back into the game, it creates whole new content like do we time tank moon pulls or just keep them going around the clock or do we keep privet moons or do we make all public. I mean this change was badly needed and for a person like me playing for 13yrs i am happy about the change. People are going to cry about it but the fact of the matter is, you can still mine. Their are 1,000s of moons 1,000 of belts through out null sec, so yes the change is good. You either adept or die. Goons have no choice now they have to expand or they will fall, i wont cry about it.

Well not all of us might think “fun” is the same as you do.

A small belt has bigger spod rocks in units then an enormous belt… they are just taking the piss


Guess no rush to get my rorqual to null might as well stay in .3 :slight_smile:

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wait until ur next retibution will go up from 33m to 100m

when you have buy order now it will tell you you got a new item in your inventory all the time because some one sells stuff to you thats ■■■■■■■ anoying

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Empires are pretty much housing for krabs, which small scale pvpers and droppers hunt = they starve the game of content, ok. Nothing wrong with this statement.
What if peopple want to get into big fleets and rage into other big fleets, never heard about that?
Oh, when gankers blob krabs - it´s l33t pvp, when sov null blobs them - it´s bad for the game, ok. Nothing wrong here either, i guess.
So, instead of changing rorqs back to boosting ships only they remove 90% of ores for mining barges as well? Sure, sounds logic.
Basicly your post is about “hey i wanted this change for i like it”. That´s fine, dont consider the overal affect on the game, keep it only to your own desires.

Its ok, i have enough isk to not care about that plus i can just build my own. Plus i don’t base my prices off jita like others i just put them up for cheap what i think my time is worth. So wont bug me

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A rorqual that stays stationary for 5 min you mine a single rock now in one return of 5 excavators… this is not balance. this is completely removing all efficiency out of something they put in the game. The previous ore balances was ok and i could deal with it by changing the way i roll belts. This now is beyond stupid…


Rorquals have never supposed to be the back bone of mining barges are. So this change effectively brings back barges which is great. The rorqual has always been a support role and it should be taken back to that role

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Those ore anomalies nerf is more stupid than the Blackout, is everyone at CCP with their minds ?!?!

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