Federation day fail?

Didn’t work for me either.

Party to the wrong party Brisc,
The only work here is what the long-suffering devs have yet to manually do due to the borked system,
But this is the Fed man! breach a booster and have a blast anyway. Any excuse to let loose, no?

I had fun in the conga line anyway. :slight_smile:

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Apologies, I didn’t see you. I struggled with the piloting of the BS, due to lack of skills, hence the Praxis.
Pleased you took on the role though. There is hope for us players yet with the likes of you and Azariah building character.

Yes i did the same warped thru 25 stargates
and yep same result of no SP
Is there a problem?

sex sex sex
its all they think about :frowning:

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I flew a character 18 jumps to participate in the daily event.

When I got there I realized that the event had a bug … them someone in the local chat provided a Twitter link with some explanations.

A waste of time !!!

I came from further, but I don’t mind it was a nice firework anyway. :slight_smile:

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I done it and no rewards, I hope it’s a recompense later. :slight_smile:

I will only use the Caldari fireworks. The others will be thrown in the hangar in a locked container.

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It was said in London Invasion Tour that they are contemplating more freedom of character creation.

It will be implemented due to their strife,
before 2929 if humankind is still alive.

I’m just curious how much they’re paying the pet rock that tests features lately…because obviously no one tests half the stuff that gets patched in since we have to release two patches for every patch. Cheers for the wasted flight times to gal space though. Parade was just a stack of ship models anyways so that was pretty engaging…

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No, you’re not. I can sympathize. I’ve had the problem of hiding my locarion, route or whatever is shown in this dreaded part of the screen with the dscan window more often than I want to admit.

I see CCP_QualityCoding and CCP_QualityControl did their finest yet again. :smirk:


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CCP really needs to make those planets have more detail.

I didn’t think Federation day was all that great.

Why are people still paying money to this shitty company? You give them $$$ and they release broken event after broken event. Do you have self-respect?

CCP = Can’t Code Properly

posting in the forum of a game they want nothing to do with?


Sometimes people visit Skid Row to watch degenerates in their natural habitat.

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Donate to my private rig upgrade fund for screenshots with pleasantly improved ocular stimulation!


May the peace of purpose be upon you.