Federation Grand Prix Time Trials Contest YC123

They are useless for this event as it does not involve any moving around. All it does involve is warping around.


There are two types of boosters. For warp speed and for velocity. And you can get both.

You only get 1 warp speed booster at the end of the event and only if you are omega. Now tell me how useful that is… Especially if you have already warped blisters on your heels on day one.

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Right but boosters that give +% to Velocity have been a thing on the market for years and so are not ‘useless’ at all. You don’t have to use them for the event only.

The ones that would help with the event are also given, free.

This is like a kid complaining because they got sweets they don’t like even though they also got sweets they do like.

Not true.

If you’re so worried about boosters for the event, then you would be doing the event, in which case you would get 3 warp speed boosters.

You only need to visit the first few monuments to get a warp speed booster, then you’re golden. By the time that one runs out you’ll have earned another one.

There’s really nothing to complain about.

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Three questions I have:

  • How come after finishing the North Route Extra Lap, the next challenge is - once again - the North Route Extra Lap? How do I complete the other routes?
  • At the end of the extra lap, the get to finish line task said I should be notified about my time by some “external” referees. Where is that? I have no idea what my time was. No one told me…
  • Lastly: Will the leader board be somehow live updated or do we know only when it’s all over?

I have updated the Eastern Route leaderboard.

Due to the announced bug with the repeatable “Extra Laps” version of the Northern Route yesterday (which is the timed version of the event we derive our numbers from) it meant that no runs were completed and thus there are no scores to post for that today.

I’m having a separate technical issue obtaining the times for the Southern Route for its leaderboard too, so for now I can only post 1/3 of the results. I’ll try to get it recfified ASAP but as we’re heading into the weekend it may have to wait until Monday, sorry! :\


First of all thanks for updating the leaderboard, highly appreciated! Only thing I wanted to ask is how current the data for the Eastern route leaderboard is. I’m pretty confident that I did a 25:30 this afternoon (EUTZ), therefore I’m wondering if my timing was wrong or if it just didn’t make it onto todays leaderboard because the data was pulled earlier.

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The starting beacon was gate camped…

Anyone who wishes to play this mission may find Warp Core Stabilizers and Inertial Stabilizers useful. Or maybe just go with Covert Ops Cloaking Device.

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Naked clone and shuttle and a nice home station to be taken back.

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Everything’s working now and I was able to pull the times for the Southern and Northern routes. All 3 leaderboards have been updated in OP.


How often do you intend to update this?

Well, almost one hour for south, north … :-/

A lot of time for zero reward.

EDIT: I don’t count skins and non-tradable boosters as rewards


I’m going to try to and do it daily until the end of the event, with the final scores being posted on the 24th.


You know how sad and entitled it sounds when a) you act like one hour is a lot of time and b) you can’t spend one hour doing something in a game without getting a reward.


Trophy generation.


Correct, because then I could also clean my room, do other useful stuff in RL. :wink: I just have to decide, a) going to Black Rise or Pochven looking for PvP and have fun, or b) zipping around 1h in an interceptor, for what? Actually it is at least ~4h (3 starting rounds, 1 timed lap) … if I want to get to the leaderboard.

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Okay, I mean, I appreciate we all have different definitions when it comes to fun. Some people even think Mining is fun, right?

But isn’t it fun to take on the challenge of making it through all 3 courses with zero deaths, to survive smartbombs and Sabres and Jackdaws trying to kill you, to see the sights of New Eden and to possibly get on the time leaderboard?

I found the challenge fun, and there was a pretty nice sense of achievement at completing the whole thing unscathed (by unscathed I mean I still had 400 hull left).

But yeah, we all have our own definitions I guess.

An hour in EVE has got to be better than cleaning your room though, cmon.

Hey there !

Would be great to have an IG live leaderboard for each of the extra loop (Southern, Eastern, Northern) instead of having to come here on the forum to see who’s leading and where we stand. (if there is already one IG I could not figure out where it is …) My understanding is that this race is the first of its kind so hopefully for the next one.

Also it would be great for all the participants to have a decoration reminding them they took part in Luminaire Grand Prix YCxxx and have complete all the routes or even one (I let CCP decide). IRL people who participate in a race usually get a medal, a t-shirt as a reminder even if they finish last.

Also if I may, in the Contest Details, 2nd point : “after A capsuler has completed …, HE will then be able …” not they.

So far I was only able to run the 3 routes and to repeat twice the extra loop on one of them. Did not succeed to have the extra loop for the other … don’t know why …

This isn’t the first time there’s been a Federation Grand Prix in New Eden although it’s been some time since the last one.

This time trial contest wasn’t part of the original design of the Grand Prix live event, we just thought it would be a cool thing to do on the side for players who really care about optimizing their runs. As such the leaderboards weren’t built-in in to the client so we’re having to improvise a little so that it can happen.

I really like your suggestion about medals, too. I’ll give it some thought!


Hi, Is there anywhere we can have an assessment of our own time compared to the leaderboard?

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A stopwatch :stuck_out_tongue:

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