FIGHT BACK! Join the Resistance!

Yeah dude, forreal. Meet me in real life and I’ll tell you the same thing.

That’s why James 315 has my undying loyalty, and that’s not roleplay or trolling or whatever carebears want to write it off as. He is a great man who has selflessly done great things for this game because he cares about it.


Blockquote James is legit my personal saviour.

Blockquote That’s why James 315 has my undying loyalty, and that’s not roleplay or trolling or whatever carebears want to write it off as. He is a great man who has selflessly done great things for this game because he cares about it.

So your entire real life revolves around a mmo game?
That is extremely…unhealthy.

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Lol wut? How did you get that? I knew some carebear would get confused…

Edit for clarification: My undying loyalty within the context of this videogame, duh. lol


Why all the hate with the so called carebears to begin with?

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I do not hate carebears. I shoot them, difference.


So you prey on the weak to satisfy your sadistic needs and call that “law” and “justice?”
That is reason why your sorts deserve perdition.
Good agent is a dead agent.
James 315 will burn in oblivion.
Yes this is a blasphemy against your code.

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I’m sorry, I don’t really roll play on these forums. That’s cool if you do, though.


I do roleplay.
But what I do believe is that your sorts always existed in many games and many corners of internet, and since this is a game, I am free to fight against you and your code.
What I also do believe is that the code. are not elite pvpers but sadistic vermin plaguing eve.

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Yeahh, you’re not supposed to acknowledge the fact that we’re playing a game when you roleplay. Furthermore, these are not the roleplay forums so you’ll be a little out of place here, but welcome.


Blockquote these are not the roleplay forums

Exactly the reason why I am acknowledging that this is a game we are playing.
Roleplay-wise I would join SOE roughriders for anti slavery cause.

But, I am still against your sort because you prey on the weak, and the thing is I am no miner and will gladly consent to pvp when necessary!
I oppose you because doing so is consistent with both my roleplay and personal beliefs.

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Right on, but mixing the roleplay with your legitimate butthurt is kind of awkward, jus’ sayin’.


And why do you think I am “butthurt?”
Are you saying any belief that upholds the rights, liberty and protection of the weak is “butthurt?”


This right here.

I’m going to stop posting in this thread tonight because they’ll lock it for some reason if it’s just us going back and forth for too long. Hit me up tomorrow!


And to be honest I was enjoying this.
Usually you respond with baseless ridicule but actual conversation is going on.

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The losing side is always weak, in any game, by definition. They were weaker than their opponent, thats why they lost.

We all fit our own ships. We all decide to step away from our computers and go to the bar, or the store, or AFK.

Its not up to the gankers to ensure that they engage people who chose the right ship, or fit their ships properly, or are their keyboard.

You are weak. So make yourself strong. Its all on you, not us.


I defend those who cannot defend themselves, that is all.

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Judging by your killboard, you don’t defend them very well! :rofl:


Bot-aspirant miners have a lot going for them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You know it’s not…

…if it’s based on facts. Like your killboard.

Also, miners can defend themselves if they really want to. The worst choose not to.

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Why ?

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Why not?
Eve online’s primary appeal is not pvp, but freedom.
So if i want to play vigilante-bear, who can bother?
I just find hunting down those who prey on the weak and defenseless, challenging the grim precedent of might makes right and fighting against tyranny very glamorous.
Really, I joined eve online because “there are slavery in the game plot? does that mean i can roleplay as freedom fighter? Hell yes!”
I am not afraid of PVP nor losing, just like i recently lost my vigilant in a duel just yesterday.
Was my feelings hurt? Shed any tears?
Not at all, I just need to improve my prowess.
The opponent was not one of you and he was fair through and through, deserving my respect.
But Code? they will have none of such respect from me.
You may claim what you are doing is for the eve players own good, but really it is just an excuse to justify your sadistic predation of the weak.