First CSM Summit Meeting Minutes

Well, in the case of the CSM, all you’ll ever have is what CCP say. The CSM can’t tell you what things they’ve actually stopped CCP from screwing up horribly, or even what things they’ve advocated for. So you won’t know what they do.

They don’t. At all.


No, it didn’t. It just suppressed the faucet by driving people out of the game. That’s not fixing the faucet, that’s turning the water off where it comes into the house, man.

Yup. Totally not being fair or reasonable to point out that 3 days into the Blackout, it was already being called. Hell…

That was a full week before the Blackout.

Honestly, Brisc, this is not brain surgery. This is how people behave. Think about what you do for a living. If you had to tell people ‘ok, look, the government knows there’s a contract here, but they need to roll all this stuff back in order to see if something is going to work, and they’re not going to compensate you in any way for it’, the response would be ‘pound sand, we’ve got a gorram contract’. People react badly to having things disrupted and taken away without any compensation. You know that. To say that people are ‘screaming with hindsight’ how obviously horrible it was ignores the fact that no, a lot of the ‘here is how this plays out’ happened early.

Unfortunately, CCP’s revelations in these latest minutes indicate that their metrics for ‘who is where’ are so horribly off, they’ve got the 3 Goonswarm CSMs pegged as ‘highsec’.