Nothing wrong with those, they are rare and just a nice bonus when you are lucky to find one. But the concept was a prime source of minerals in the drone regions, when as first conceived, Rogue Drones were busy collectors. All of them carried their “bounty value” in compressed mineral alloys, making farming them a non-mining method of building capitals.
I will definitely take you on that offer.
Do you think after your meeting CCP will stop doing this placebo work on NPE and focus 100% on the real issues and devote time to find good solutions?
This right here should be TOP PRIORITY
ffs this should have been implemented years ago!
NPE improvements shouldn’t be discounted out of hand. Items like the trade window UI update, can affect / help everyone.
I “know what you mean,” tho. A large number of players feel stuck in the 20% bracket, which so far, feels like some additional Triglavian content. Maybe a capital ship for the old-timers to skill for. They’ll be rare to start, and ludicrously expensive if only found as a rare bpc drop in T5 abyssals.
I’d like to see a “road map” to the new Promised Land. CCP Seagull spoiled us with frequent video updates during the development of Citadels, making us feel like we were “along for a journey” toward Goals.
Their journey led us to the doom we are facing now, but it was a journey during which you could have fun with new stuff. Now we reached end of history, and CCP is unable to steer the Titanic away from the clearly visible iceberg.
Maybe the iceberg is too big now to be chopped to pieces within a couple of months, so it can melt, but there are so many relatively easy things which can be done.
- Have regular live events starting again, stop this trig ■■■■ right here
- Low power citadels have no timer, no tether, no asset safety
- Finish unfinished things: POS removal, tiericide
- QoL improvements
Communicate and this buys time while players have something to do, where CCP can work on good solutions for the big issues.
BTW, FAX … why can’t you just make it so in a first step, that capital reps can’t be applied to subcaps?
… and if for some reason the code does not allow this to be done easily, then prioritize refactoring so you can do such changes easily in future.
Check your contracts.
If the CSM is going to be an honest representation, everyone should be identified with both in game name and real life name…
Used to be the case. My name is out there, if you care to look.
However, why? What possible reason do you have? Because I cannot think of a good one.
I await your reply.
Honestly, following this BO debacle, besides wondering what CCP is smoking, one also is in right to wonder what is the CSM doing out there and how well is the CSM working on behalf of the players. As far as reasons to have real names out, simply because in my opinion, if real life name and activity is known, one is more likely to do the job right. Simply my opinion.
I understand your point but I would NEVER ask them to post their real names in todays world.
I have nothing against the CSM. As someone with a large ego once said, they are better than nothing. I just don’t see them coming up with any better ideas than what has already been posted in the forums already. The most I can hope for is they do their best to keep us informed as much as possible as to what rug CCP is going to pull out from under us next. If their on the forums half as much as Brisc, I’ll consider that a win.
I hear you, but the problem I see is that CSM has no incentive to get anything done and every election I have seen so far is basically based on who one likes the most and not on results which benefit the players.
The one thing CSM got right this time and I believe Vily is the one that said it best: this whole bs was a direct attack by CCP vs the players…
Which makes me think, @Steve_Ronuken and @Dunk_Dinkle, where is that DAC (Daily Active Customers) graph that CCP Larrikin is talking about?
I suspect that’s information that CCP aren’t going to release. As the CSM are bound by NDA, we can’t release it either.
If you’re saying this is a reason that the CSM should be public, that suggests that you think that there should be a real world impact on the members. Which is, umm, just a touch off.
I hear you about the NDA, but in that case dont post the info on a public report…
And no, I am not saying that CSM should be public because you all have no incentive. If you notice I said it is a problem I see. Not saying I have a solution, dont misunderstand me.
But truth be told, if the CSM is going to act as official representative of the players, then the CSM should have negative consequences when they don’t do their jobs
And it suggests, by the fact you want out real world identities to be public, that you think those negative consequences whould be in the real world. Which is, quite frankly, somewhat disturbing.
Are you threatening the CSM members when a change that you personally don’t like occurs?
Something, btw, which CSM don’t have control over since they’re not in charge of the development of Eve Online.
Interesting thing to know:
CSM members have received death threats. Both in game, and when their names were public, in the real world.
That’s a pretty huge yikes. Imagine being that pathetic of a gaming neckbeard that you send death threats to people who want to help improve the game.
Yes, unfortunately I can imagine it. That’s why I said its a bad idea.
Not at all. However given the BO debacle, one should question whether CSM are really representing the players. And the change in question (BO) was not liked by a whole bunch of players.
That is something completely uncalled for!!! and I am not suggesting real world consequences, however as I wrote above, given what happened, one has to potentially also question what CSM is doing that actually benefits the players.