First CSM Summit Meeting Minutes


It seems like you fundamentally misunderstand what the whole point of CSM. And to think you’re trying to push for irl negative consequences.

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So you think there should be consequences.
And you think that their real world identity should be known, to encourage them to do better.

But you don’t think these are linked in any fashion?

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Communication is all I ask for. Keep us up to date as much as possible.


No, you are right and I did write something dumb, completely dumb

At the same time, if CCP is pulling crap like the BO, I am wondering what the CSM is for and how well the CSM does the job they got elected for. And if EVE is to continue to have CSM, might be a good time to figure a way for CSM to be more efficient on behalf of the players

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All we can do is advise CCP.

And they have ignored that advice on a number of occasions, generally leading to exactly the problems which were predicted.

There have been things we advised against, and CCP listened to us on them. You’ll likely never hear of them.


The BO wasn’t crap for everyone. Most fun I’ve had in Eve in years.


To be a fly on the wall. I would have quit years ago… :upside_down_face:

And again, saying the CSM is a bad idea is just beating up the wrong people. Sure, most of them have ulterior motives, but so don’t we all. That’s why we post. CCP’s decision making history over the last few years has been dismal. Do any of you really expect them to get any better, CSM or not? As long as I hear from them in the forums, whether I like what they say or not, I still think its worth it.

Sorry for trying to be constructive. Back to my old self. This is what the game used to like on a Saturday night. Now we sit and type…

Panic! At The Disco: Say Amen (Saturday Night) [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

## Panic! At The Disco: Say Amen (Saturday Night) [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Panic! At The Disco’s music video for ‘Say Amen (Saturday Night)’ from the album, Pray For The Wicked - - out ev…

I got an EVE ad! :crazy_face:

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I’m not sure I’d call it ‘spoiled’. EVE is such a complex, fluid beast that players really do need to be able to feel like the developers have a coherent vision they’re working toward. And that it’s not just buzzwords, but an actual idea of ‘how do the parts of this game fit together?’

It’s a different thing than theme park MMOs, but even there: when an expansion hits, it usually communicates what the current ‘vision’ for the game is. New raids will open up in a predictable order, progressing through the story of the expansion on to the end boss—who was already previewed in the cinematics.

Not giving players any idea of what to expect—or even if the developers have expectations—only makes people uneasy, and unsure of whether or not it’s worth their time, effort, and money to stick with it. After all, if you’re gonna bail, the sooner you start playing something else, the sooner you’ll be playing the upper-level content of whatever that something else is.

They do: they don’t get sent back to a godforsaken volcanic rock in the middle of the North Atlantic, where they get to spend all their vacation time working for people who’re just going to spit on them and insult them no matter what they do. See? Totally negative there.


Having been a reader of these forums for a while, and seeing some of the crap that appears here and in the Reddit forum, I can quite understand why members of the CSM are unwilling to DOX themselves…

Also, how are you going to know if they’re telling the truth ? Anyone could make up a name and profession and claim they were real, how would you know ?

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I once had a guy from eve send me screenshots of my house from google maps (he trawled my entire city looking for a landmark) and he even took the time to photoshop in a load of creepy anime cartoons into the picture and a demand to ‘‘be nice to him’’. You have no idea how sad some of the people who play this game are so I wouldn’t want my real life name known either.

Oh and guess what that guy’s punishment from CCP was? a 2 week ban :roll_eyes:


Why would the CSM, a group elected to represent the player base as a whole, be forced to sign a NDA? In effect we as the voting public are just selecting certain individuals to withhold information from us that they have gleaned through CCP.
I would rather vote for candidates that would violate the NDA and have confidence in CCP that the level of transparency to all paying subscribers would preclude the need for an NDA.

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Considering just how much of a complex, fluid beast EvE is, are we sure there’s anyone who actually understands how all the parts of the game fit together? Or if it’s even possible?

Jesus Christ, some people…

The NDA is needed so that CCP can show them information not yet ready for release and get feedback without worrying about leaks.

It is also a real world legal document, and if you want to vote for someone who will break a real life law… what kind of trust do you think you can have in them.


It’s possible, as long as you approach it in the structured way the game developers should.

Executive Producer: Knows the big picture—What is Null Supposed to be? Highsec? Lowsec? FW? J-Space? How do those pieces fit together in a general way?
Senior developer A: Null is supposed to be X. Ok, how do you achieve X? What parts need to fit together how in order to produce X?
Senior dev B: Same for Highsec.
Senior dev C: Same for Lowsec, possibly FW.
Senior dev D: Same for J-space
Senior dev E: Where systems overlap, how do they communicate and interface between the different types of space?
And then each one has folks working on the different aspects of each area of space. Where those areas overlap, the working groups combine devs fromall of the groups, etc, etc.

Basically, you use a tiered approach where you’ve got some guys who know the nuts-and-bolts of different parts of the game, either different types of space, or different coded systems. Then you’ve got people above them who look at how each of those parts integrate in specific areas, and how those integrations change based on the needs of different areas. Then you’ve got the guy in charge of the game, who keeps an eye on ‘is this moving us closer to what we want the coherent whole to be?’

And none of those are the CEO, because the CEO’s job is the business side of things, not the development of any one single product.


…speaking as a longtime fan of Warhammer Fantasy and 40k, I’m starting to think that CCP are in the same general category as Games Workshop.

Good IP + chronically error-prone = fans going:

with a side order of


Yeah, but CCP doesn’t charge as much for a single plastic figure as a 22oz steak.

And really, that’s kinda boneheaded in and of itself. If CCP were to offer plastic model kits of ships—not even more expensive resin kits, just like plastic Revell-style kits, people’d snap those up.

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I’d love a model kit … but … there’s a big upfront cost in making molds, min quantities of sales required just to make that back. (I’ve never looked into it.)

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At this point, they could even just sell 3D print patterns.

That would be nice.