i dont think i will have any chance … we did see him very shortly . seem like troll crp jumper or like you may be?? huh???
we have been in comms to guide and non stop answering questions he just wanted to try some fights … thats the only time frame we seen him .
seem like he had been listening people in forums and listening them more than he actually take us serious
people telling him what to do :
If he stay in academy we do finance all PVP costs of our cadets untill they learn PVP … And become sefl sufficient … then they can leave and go wherever they want … in fact they can leave whenever they want also too…
this pilot was pretty clueless … and havent stay even enough to engage and ask questions …If he stayed and join some of our classes or at least he might ask in shannel he didntdo that .
Which atm currently we have 48 vets in channel and most veterans … so he made his choice… and decided to not to learn PVP… that’s something we can’t do anything …
Was that any chance your alt or such… since i know how much ■■■■■■ op toxic person you are in forum pages … and harassed me many times in the past?? and considering text i will fallow this pilots future adventures just to see how much more you can stretch this
may be reason for that much effort and ■■■■ posting?