Fix this CCP. You keep losing players

Imagine being so bad at EVE you can’t haul stuff trough highsec of all places.

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You can warp your alt off the gate, align back to gate, and warp to your freighter when it’s in system. You will land on it even if it is cloaked.

for scan, you just need targeting rigs.

A sebo’d rapier locks a freighter in about 0.8 seconds. That’s awfully close to the one second mark and if you’re just a little bit slow or you have some latency you go over that 1 second which means you’re a tick “late”.

True enough, skill and luck play their part but nothing is guaranteed in Eve.

Freighters have a large signature. With proper fit the lock time is way under 1 second

I still had my webber burn to gate on regional gates before uncloacking the freighter because sometimes (rarely) the ships appeared more than 34km from each other. (yeah, only got Recon IV)

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Sadly you left and there’s no point to post this here: “In the era of destruction there’s no place for hauling”.

But something’s puzzling about this.

You jump through a gate. Doesn’t matter if cloaked or not, when you hit CTRL+ALT+SPACE to gain speed … you move forward, into the direction your ship’s facing. If the ship had no directional vector, then it wouldn’t know which direction to go. As the ship moves forward it must have a directional vector.



I forgot.

There is no directional vector at all.
There’s only a vector for velocity, which is never exactly zero.


don’t move after jumping a gate.
Your velocity is exactly zero, yet the graphic engine makes your ship aligned.

@Black_Pedro and me figured this one out when we were moving stuff.

The webber centers his camera onto the gate.

The trucker centers his camera on the webber …
… and rotates it so, that the gate is behind the webber.

Now both players see the same thing!

The trucker now tells the webber in which “region” he is in … (topleft, bottomright, behind the gate, etc)
… and the webber can move there before the freighter even decloaks.

Works like a charm.

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what a waste of time.

What a waste of genetic material…


They should just remove the webbing trick from the game like they removed various other mechanics that were deemed “exploits” like boomeranging.

In return, they should give freighters the ability to fit speed mods and active tanks. Keep the cargo/EHP baseline the same as it is now (base EHP and/or cargo capacity might need to be adjusted down due to increased tank potential, especially if more slots are added). Make freighters function like the Orca does already, except more cargo-driven instead of utility-driven.

The issue is that, sometimes, you just need to move 20M m³ materials in the same system.
Typically move reprocessed minerals from athanor to EC.

In that case you need a charon with cargohold.

and sometimes it’s the same, except you have two shitloads of stuff spread among three adjacent systems in null. And you can move them all (1M m³) with one webbed freighter without really a chance to lose it.

If something doesn’t have counter-play, it doesn’t belong in the game.

garbage BS.

you have no chance to lose it because you don’t undock unless the systems are clear.

So according to you, no undocking has no counter play, so it doesn’t belong to the game ? Nice.

Not undocking is a player choice, and not a game mechanic.

And yet that’s what give almost no chance to lose it.

Funny that you dodge the question.

There was no question. You’re comparing apples to oranges dry fish jerky.

You claimed the BS statement that

In answer to a case where the freighters having huge cargo is their sole point.

We are not talking about apples or oranges. We are talking about the need to have a huge cargo for freighters, and you claim that being able to undock them only when the systems are safe does not belong to the game, for the reason it makes them un catchable. This is BS because that’s always how null has worked : only undock expensive ■■■■ when there is nobody in the constel.