Fix window blur

At least add option to remove it to all shader levels. This type of coding is ridiculous. Removing an option that improves performance is a great way to tell your customers “We do not care about you.”



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Myself use Eve in aorund five computers when trael. Fixing 16 accounts , 35 characters in each is stupid. First time i think today, my settings were erased.

I agree with Lenneth 100%. I wish to see all my screens clear all the time. Pretty please replace the ability to turn off the window blur or remove the window blur all together. Why would folks need to see more poorly? Its function to game is nothing but window blurs annoyance level is about 100%.


+1 Bring back the ability to turn blur off, i need max shaders for seeing the wormhole color, and i dont need blur.

what’s window blur ? The fact that a sunlight behind your ship can make it impossible to see the overview ?

I don’t think I ever activated that .

Hey I used that transparency to see, since two thirds of my screen is covered in windows. You’ve literally gotten rid of 2/3rds of my field of view.

This had better get cleared up fast. There is zero reason to remove useful features, ruin performance on lower end systems and multi-boxers, and screw over guys like me who just want to see.

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Hi all, we have monitored things after the initial change and have made the following changes based on your feedback.


Thank you all at the development team for making that work in a way that benefits everyone.

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That is great news! Thank you.

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was there anything in feedback where the server going be offline because you guys having tested the patches proper or the test name still confusing you guys?

Where is thre button to enable/dsable window blur ?

Unpinned windows are not transparent.
Pinned windows are transparent.

So pinned windows eat more resources than unpinned?

Guess I’ll be using unpinned windows from now on.

And unpinned windows has the effect but less…

Can we get an option to disable station advertisements yet?

From the Dev Blog:

If you have Medium or High Shader quality you can now turn Window Blur on/off.

So… I’ve been looking for an hour, but I can’t find it… Can someone point me to the option??

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My shader quality is set to high also, but no option to turn off the annoying blur here either. :frowning:

Max settings…
and have windows unpinned

That’s transparency. I’m looking for “turn off window blur”…

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The window blur makes me nauseous.
i mean yes i could turn the shader quality to “low” … but then this game looks as old as it is.

CCPls :frowning: