You have it correct. Bigotry isn’t the correct word really, but is increasingly being pressed into service to mean “prejudiced against”, especially for “prejudiced against a national stereotype”, as in this case.
There’s no single word comparable to ‘racism’ really (and this definitely isn’t racism btw) because ‘prejudice’ is a much broader term.
It’s like ‘sarcasm’, it didn’t always imply irony, but these days I can’t be fucked to argue. Together with confusing ‘celibate’ for ‘chaste’ it’s just a linguistic battle that has been lost.
We must retreat to more important territory, like getting wankers to avoid confusing ‘than’ and ‘then’.
Do you know the parable of the net? From the Bible?
I love it. It’s rather nuanced, and easy to miss the various interpretations available.
In it, Jesus is explaining how the fisherman keep the good fish, and throw the bad ones back into the water. The ones they keep are meant to represent the chosen people.
The way I interpret it is, I’d rather be one of the fish getting thrown back. Hell, I’d rather not get caught at all. Because the ones that are kept are gonna be chopped up, cooked, and eaten.
Things that are open to interpretation aren’t exactly conclusive.
It’s definitely irrational, there’s no doubt about that, because that is demonstrable. What isn’t demonstrable is any fear. What is OP afraid of, and how do you confirm it is indeed a fear that drives the post and the beliefs behind it?
What if OP is just an idiot, and not even prejudiced, but just misinformed and running on poor intel? Ignorance isn’t fear, and it’s not even a bad thing, at least, not if it isn’t wilful.
Until someone can demonstrate it as an irrational fear of Russians, I reject the notion of it being a phobia.
It is generally established that fear in this context is a response to the unknown.
Etymologically, and historically following the words and concepts root, this is logical.
That which is unknown, is not known.
It cannot be understood rationally, until ignorance is ameliorated.
Hence -phobia as an irrational response, manifest as fear.
BUT, it is rational to fear the unknown.
So my thought that fan fest really isn’t coded to mean fan feast (where we go to the event and get eaten and replaced by alien copies), is just some crazy view no?
Infact its fascinating how that ended up happening,
Russian EVE players love this game to death, have zero to little representation here on this board, yet have controlled a substantial portion of EVE since very shortly after its inception.
Rus space generally dgaf what happens outside of it.
They have their own mini-game, amongst themselves, inside EVE.
They fight amongst themselves and report botters etc of their internal enemies, and generally dgaf about what the rest of EVE does.
Leave them alone, and they wont bother you.
They dont care what we do. They only care what happens in Rus space.
Much like Rus space, Russia IRL is a world onto itself.
There are guys playing in the middle of Siberia, with crappy connections, crap PCs, difficult lives whom would rather give up a testicle than not have EVE to come home to for some relief after a crappy day at crap work.
EVE means more to many Russian players than most of us outside can relate to.
The OP is, in a word, idiotic. Collectivism is bad. It subordinates the individual to the group and that can and does lead to sacrificing individuals for the “good of the group”.