Fluffly little kittens

I agree it’s bigoted, and there’s no place for bigotry on these forums.

I don’t agree it’s racist. Russian isn’t a race.

And I dismiss the idea of ‘hate speech’ entirely. Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity.


The better word is ‘bigotry’. Racism is a very distinct form of bigotry, but Russian is not a race.

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But, isn’t bigotry based on opinion, rather than perceived identity? At least I’ve always used “bigotry” as “intolerance of different opinions and ideas”, in a political sense rather than social or ethnic. :thinking:

Call it prejudice then, if you need to get that specific. Either way, racism doesn’t apply, because Russian isn’t a race. Bigotry works just fine though.

Bigotry is almost entirely based on opinion.

I cannot fathom why you have done so.
Bigotry applies as an umbrella term for all forms of exclusionary antipathy based on characteristics of another group.

Racism is based on race. Period,
It does not apply to anything else.

Religious antipathy is no more “racist” between for example Christians and Muslims, than political antipathy between Dems and Republicans in the US is “racist”.

I adressed the oirginal line, I put the verb int he wrogn place for a question.

But, according to dictionaries, bigotry is against ideas and opinions, not race or nationality or ethnicity.

There really isn’t a word that fills that role.

Please cite your definition reference for “bigotry”.

As you surely understand, nations or ethnicities are not “races”, and thus cannot be ascribed to “racism”.

That’s an extremely narrow and prejudice view, pretty sad, there are plenty of others who engage in RMT who are not Russian, frankly this game benefits from our comrades on the other side, seriously take you medicine please.

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LOL, reference?






It’s all about having strong opinions, not disliking someone’s perceived identity based on belonging to a collective.

If I had a quarter every time the television said something to the effect of “Russia is guilty of blah blah whatever”, I would be pretty rich at this point.

Btw, saying it over and over doesn’t make it any more true.

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Funny how you skipped over the one I provided earlier. If it’s all the same to you, I’ll keep calling it bigotry. If you don’t like it, I provided an alternative in the same post where you ignored the link I provided: prejudice. But if you’re such a stickler for definitions, then even you cannot deny that using ‘racism’ is just wrong.

Do you think someone can be “racist” towards someones nationality/religion/culture/politics?

That makes it a form of brain washing.

Just to clarify the point before this becomes a 400+ messages marathon between two dgos biting a bone and poor little me, I will just state that in my opinion there is not a word in English that means “discrimination towards people based on who they are perceived to be based on prejudice and tagging them as a group”.

Bigotry might be used, but it does not mean that. Also racism and even xenophoby, which is a less common word in English than it is in Spanish (and anyway, in Spanish we also don’t have a word like that I defined; we go with “intolerante” which is one of the translations to “bigot” but essentially means someone who doens’t likes those who are not like him, whatever the difference).




‘Xenophobia’ doesn’t apply either, because a phobia is strictly defined as an irrational fear. I’m not seeing an irrational fear in the OP’s post. Are you?

Also with a name like sugar_smacks you know that gets 2 snaps in Z formation.

Your understanding of the definitions of bigotry is confusing to me.

Did you actually read them?

Racism/sexism etc are based in the exclusionary views/opinions of the subject.

Bigotry is the umbrella term that covers all such views/opinions, in whichever/whatever direction.