For two days i lost 2 Orcs in a safe zone, 100% GM intervention

I am not trolling or even insulting either you or the OP.
The language barrier is causing some issues, but the gist of my original post was that the OP was full of errors, misconceptions, and generally self inflicted wounds; yet, he then blames its all on a conspiracy by CCP. I hope it is a language issue with the both of you; that your responses in your native tongue would be more understandable and logical.

…but based on your past history, I am not quite sure that is the problem.

And yet your ignorance is all over this thread. You don’t know anything about this game. You don’t know how to fit the ships you’re flying. You don’t know how to use the Agency. You don’t know how to use D-Scan. You didn’t even know that diamond rats existed. You don’t know how to counter remote reps. You don’t know how to counter a point. You don’t know how drone damage application works.

All you “know” is that a bad bogey-man GM totally picked on you because you’re so l337 and experienced that you had clearly accounted for all other variables.


USA. Everything’s racism there. It’s so bad,
I’ve found USAmericans who honestly believe that hating on them is racism too.

I disagree.
It’s not racism.
Doesn’t matter either way, though.

Feel free to call me a racist …
… while I eat this delicious chocolate ball …
… that’s formed like an egg.


Oh boy. Enter: Texan Law.

You’re a racist troll, constantly calling people Farmer Trash, Carebear Trash, etc, etc.

And now you’re a space lawyer too? :laughing:… Go ahead and sue me.


Everything’s racism.

Thank you, DMC. :slight_smile:

Everyone who started this game knows everything except me

So, Goodbye

For everyone else, the result of these ganks are GM intervention.

You know what Sol, same to you.

Apparently you’re an idiot who doesn’t understand what the word “racist” means. You will now cease posting libel against me.

Go ahead and sue me.

Why would I bother with that? CCP has every incentive to permanently ban you to remove their own potential liability.

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You all need to calm the ■■■■ down. :slight_smile:

You’re a damn liar as well as a racist.

Oh yeah Mr. Space Lawyer, keep on dreaming.

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Maybe DMC will host a San Diego meetup (since CCP canceled theirs) and you two can mud wrestle.

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The GMs will sometimes award players with bonus content. It looks like you are one of the recent winners, it’s too bad you didn’t kill the NPCs, cuz you would have gotten some bling loot. Oh well!

So, you admit to lying and now you have to hide behind the feeble excuse of “everyone knows”.

By the way imbecile, this describes you perfectly:

Are you honestly this stupid or are you just roleplaying someone who got podded too many times without updating their clone? Farmers, “people who play the game differently”, etc, are not a race.


They are in your mind.

By the way, STFU and GTFO already

Miners disgust me.


I am genuinely at a loss for how to respond to such profound stupidity.

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What makes you think I live in San Diego?

I’m not trying to dox you or anything. I thought you from California for some reason. Could have been somebody else.

@ISD please remove the libelous accusations of racism and use of racist slurs that DMC has been making towards me.

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I want to say that at this time I’m 99% confident we’re all getting punked. OP paid 2 billion to troll everyone.

Troll him back by getting this locked as quickly as possible so his money is wasted.

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