For two days i lost 2 Orcs in a safe zone, 100% GM intervention

What an outrageous idea. :smiley:

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After 12+ years of EVE, I understand the errors he made in not scoping out the environment, plexing into a ship too early, fitting errors, inacurate targeting priority queues, and other errors. Obviously rhetorical questions are too complex for you, but I do understand you are relying on your understanding of a secondary language and nuances, so credit to you for having that ability.

Combined with the accusation of GM targeting, the whole initial post is full of inaccuracies, misconceptions, and self made errors in judgement. Understand it is a painful loss for him, but the information is all out there to easily find. Used to be people would spend hours researching a new aspect of EVE before undertaking. Now days, here’s a credit card and away we go.


To be fair, it’s a pretty reasonable theory. If you were a GM and encountered someone as obnoxious as the OP can you honestly say you’d resist the temptation to spawn some NPCs and gank them?


There was a GM Day last year. My impression was that most of these guys had never played the game before.

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Oh, this is a good one. Bravo op :+1:


He said it plain as day that he was pointed and that he could not kill them as they were being repped and you accuse me of this:

Which is so funny I have to laugh:

This is just plain wrong, and you throw in stupid insults at me to hide your failure to see what is front of your face.

In his first post.

You sir are so keen to troll, that you just look stupid.

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Or y’know. You literally just hit the v key once in a while.

A GM had nothing to do with it. Forward Operating Bases are a long term and well understood game mechanic. They’re also totally avoidable.

You came to this game, knew nothing about it. Whaled yourself into an Orca. Spent two months afk mining and now you’re mad your ignorance got you dead. You’re also mad that repeating the same actions lead to the same consequences.

You didn’t even fit a tank on your Orca.

This is all on you man. When you were offered the knowledge you needed to not repeat your mistakes you doubled down on your ■■■■■■■■ and sprinkled in a little racism too.


Yesterday the fleet was without repair ships. Yesterday my Drone range was 30 KM.

So yes after i lost my first Orca, i increase my fit with more shields resists on this Orca and i just did revenge. Without the Kestrels just becouse they fly on 35 km orbit.

Today my Drone range was 80km, like i said Heavy and Light Drones. And shield resists 75-80%.

For the 15 min fight i lost half of my 40 drones from the drone bay… without 1 kill.

Looks like these ganks are made from GMs specially from someone in my case agains me.

You can talk what you want, the result of the game shows the truth. The trolls here are you, not me… i mean most of you.

You can keep saying it but you’re still super, hilariously, and completely wrong. If you learned about the game you’d know that.


Did you do something to anger the GMs?

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What a bunch of trolltards, Eve is no longer a sandbox like how CCP keeps claiming it is. The OP is correct, CCP has been intervening with the game for quite a while now, constantly changing things which is slowly turning Eve into a scripted theme park.

did he attack the mining npc rats?

Are you saying that you have information about the capabilities of an authorized person?

I am sure that i know much more than you for these two months… compared to what you knew about your first six months of play.

If you have information about what GM can or can’t do, share it. Otherwise, you just made another pointless reply.

Why are you here, Hypocrisy?

If someone should leave that’s you.

Good bay

Yep, you’re the same guy.
I wish I remembered your old name.

Where’s racism?
Did I miss anything? :frowning:

And OP knows it’s a racist slur since they had to * out one of the letters to get it through the word filter.

STFU, almost all of your replies is nothing but racist slurs and trash talk. How about you take your own advice and GTFO.

You will either cite an example of me using a racist slur or you will STFU with your blatant lies.

Also, please keep in mind that your accusation here is getting dangerously close to a criminal act of libel.