Formal Charges Levied

CCP is tree. Branch is EVE. we sit on a branch and some players cut where they should not.

Stop ganking players, start ganking bots.


Do you think we’ll change our M.O. over you crying here? :joy:
Pot meet kettle

You can change.

Being stubborn never works when life is changing.

We gank everyone including the botters - we serve as equal opportunity agents of risk. More importantly, while there are clear, irrefutable sign of botting, some bots are better than others at appearing human, and some humans are more bot-aspirant than the general player base. It is difficult to be sure who is what, and often the most damning evidence of botting is only apparent after the gank. So we just gank them all.

I don’t see how ganking botters helps them just like I don’t see letting bot-aspirants off the hook for their lazy, greedy and incompetent play is good for the game. Pressure and consequences for poor play, including cheating, is good for everyone making for a more vibrant and interesting game. So we apply pressure on everyone - we don’t pick favourites and if you a violating the Code, you are a valid target.

I’m glad CCP has finally caught on to this with the pirate FOBs, and look forward to this change in direction after years, even a decade of just making highsec safer in a futile attempt to pander to FarmVille-in-space crowd. Guess what? In addition to serving as a haven for bots, a safe highsec is boring and fails to retain new players, and even damaging to the rest of the game as it acts as a vampire, sucking activity out of the more risky spaces with the draw of easy and safe ISK.

Better late than never I suppose.


You’re the one not wanting to get your hands dirty lol
You’re the one stuck on the idea that we should not shoot players lol

Stop complaining and get out there lol
If you want me to change, start by plexing my toon :kissing_heart:


I shoot players too. But I dont gank. There is difference.

Cheating is the worst. Its a plague that makes everyone sick. By overstraining your field, you get only weeds. Cheaters and bots that are hardened and have huge tanks.

Still I dont see anything from CCP, so it proves my theory that they are pathetically miserable in that department now.

I’m not one to lapse frequently into the vernacular, but wtf are you talking about, Nana?

Forced analogous statements are just so…awful.

CCP is a ‘business’. EVE is a ‘product’.

Also ‘field’ and ‘weeds’. We get it, you know…

We perfectly understand the relationship; it’s really quite a basic one. Perhaps you could start again, this time explaining exactly why I and my comrades in the New Order should pay the least interest to your caterwauling.

Wait? We’re cheating now?

This guy, kids, is why you don’t want to take drugs…

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Cheaters like botters. Botters are cheaters. Not you dummy. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, you dont. You CODE treat a weed (bot) like you treat a fruit (human player) and that is despicable. You make no difference. While the humans is what game needs, not bots. You should get rid of weeds, only consume the ripe fruit, not the green ones.
You are just the ones who look dumb. If this is what you want, so be it.

You make a great bad characters. That is not a compliment.

Oh please
Enlighten us

Enlighten people who did this stuff for years and tell them that the way they decide to play is wrong.

As far as I’m concerned you’re just trolling at this point. I hear ag are looking for a leader of your stature

I’m going to bite, despite grave misgivings.

From Wikipedia (because I’m no horticulturist, remember?): weeds are useful for:

“fertilizing the soil, increasing moisture, acting as shelter or living mulch, repelling pests, attracting beneficial insects, or serving as food or other resources for human beings”

There is no positive or beneficial function discharged by software bots within EVE Online, of which I’m currently aware.

That’s what I meant about using loose analogies. If it fits, use it; if it doesn’t, find one that does or abandon the attempt and simply say what you mean, Nana.

I’m afraid you don’t get to set out an agenda for the activities of the New Order of Highsec. Apparently, you’re so taken up with instructing new players in how to live their EVE lives that you cannot resist attempting to do the same with seasoned players from the Court of Crime and Punishment.

Those new players may look up to you in awe and wonder Nana, but alas, you’ll find quite a different welcome here in C&P.

Is that your main you’re posting on btw?

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Your wasting your breath. If code actually meant all the drival they spew they would be all over these courier bots. They are nothing but cowards who hide behind hic-sec mechanics looking to pad kill boards with easy kills. If they would actually step up and do something people may actually respect them. Hell I would even buy a permit if they would put their money where their mouth is and mean what they say.

And you, Charley, are wasting yours.

You are so good at making weeds look good, look better than those juicy tomatoes, mmmm such a pleasure it must be to you to munch on a raw thistle, fresh from the field. :joy:
Do these bots look cultivated and hardened enough for you? Do you like perspective of having only bots and NPC miners in high sec? I bet you do. CCP will love you too for making all those human miners go play somewhere else, like to Star CItizen.

Seriously, you better start doing something about it. Take your head out of the gutter.

Oh, and I just gave 1 B to Wanda Fayne for the good work. :ok_hand:

That’s what all of you carebears say

Oh I would have gotten a permit if you had let me dock

I’ll get a permit if you let me through

Excuses all across the board from those who don’t like pvp :joy:

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Look, Nana, I know what you’re on about, but it just doesn’t work in the way you’d like it to.

Wanda has been doing some sterling stuff out there against the mining macros, but as Pedro pointed out, this type of practice is so common in the more popular MMOs that replacing the destroyed workers is, frankly, trivial to those who use them.

I often use the same arguments in different situations, if they apply. Analogies can be…tricky. Here, it’s easy and requires no effort.

If CCP decides that Highsec suicide-ganking is seriously skewing things in EVE Online, you can be sure that it would be patched out quite quickly.

In the same way, if CCP believed that bots/macros represented a significant challenge to their delivering a stable and satisfying overall gaming experience, they’d prioritise it tout de suite, with a whole team of folks devoted to cleaning house.

I don’t know how big the problem is; neither do you. Neither do we know exactly how CCP chooses to handle it. From my experience with a different MMO, CCP appears to be comparatively slow. In fairness though, I doubt whether they command the income of the bigger, more popular games.

Speaking personally, I see it as my job to encourage compliance with James 315’s New Halaima Code of Conduct. In that document, he lays particular emphasis on the actions of (player) bot-aspirants. The Code is not only the blueprint for a healthier Highsec; it is also (by implication) my job description…

I’ve no doubt you’ll come back at me with something; some variation upon what you’ve already said; but that is my final word to you in the way of explanation. If you have further questions, however, I might be pleased to address them.

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Louder! Hilmar is too busy practicing yoga on top of the mountain to hear you. :joy:
Oh, how he would laugh…

They are now EA. Its not about the game anymore. Its about investors. Investors want money from new investments. There are all hand on, but on other games. With EVE its just maintenence mode now. Has been for some time.

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Actually I dont know why I am even replaying here. Its pointless as you people in CODE will not change because you growed roots into this and are sucking the last drops of the blood from the playfield and CCP is now pointless as they are sucking everyone of you dry before they will collapse.

To hell with that. I can have fun my way without you. Will play EVE where i still see its of any fun for me. For free.


You know, for some gamers the destination isn’t the game itself, or even the fellow players with whom they share an experience or two, no; the destination is the emotional hit engendered by these means. The game is just the environment which serves to deliver the hit.

I think originally - when EVE was just a twinkle in the friends’ eyes - Hilmar and Co had little but entertainment in mind. ‘Wouldn’t it be great if we could…?’ That clearly couldn’t last, in the face of the game’s ultimate success.

If you look at an interview given by Sean Parker (ex and founding President of Facebook), you’ll find a telling and quite chilling quote. He accuses the company of ‘exploiting vulnerabilities in human psychology’.

I don’t think the aims of EVE or any number of online ‘attractions’ can be too far away from that. Very close indeed, in fact.

So, I don’t think EVE is in maintenance mode as such, Nana. I think it’s all hands on deck to exploit those vulnerabilities for all they’re worth. If that starts to fail, you won’t even see maintenance mode…

Ultimately they will exploit the bots. Like on chinese server that is about to get closed. Serves them right. Dance with the devil and you will have to eat brimstone. :smiling_imp:

Hell, they even put NPCs on high sec asteroid fields to make bots of their own. CCP bots. Fully automated game.