Forum not auto-closing threads

Noticed multiple threads being resurrected because the auto-close isn’t working. Resurrected a couple myself.

not all have the autoclose option… i think certain subsections do not, like Crime and punishment.

Nope, these say:

This topic will close 3 months after the last reply.

at the end of the thread. In one instance that last post was over a year old.

I’m one of the most critical people on this forum. I’m not posting this unless I’m 100% sure of it. :innocent:

not all do… the ganking thread that was closed, did not.

does not say autocloses in 3 months at the end.

I don’t think they autoclose. I think a member of the ISD has to manually do that.

that was my point to the OP… not all are are noted for auto closing.

@Andlaust If you find an old thread that should have been closed and isn’t, please flag it and it will be reviewed.

Then tell me why they have this at the bottom?


Now, English is my first language, so I’m pretty sure I’m not misreading that when I read it as it auto-closes the thread after 3 months.

What meaning do you read in that line?

Let me say this again so you can understand it.


Why do you not understand that?
