Yeah of course PVE that is hard to complete is great. It is something poorly lacking in Eve and always has been. So far attempts by Devs to change this have failed miserably and FOB’s are just the next in the line of failures.
The fundamental problem with FOB’s; Risk vs Reward is way out of balance, the content offers no challenge other than to kill the objective as quickly as possible, the content isn’t interesting enough to hold player attention.
CCP buffed FOB’s out of player reach - They just aren’t worth doing for the reward…
The “average” highsec player that is disrupted by these probably doesn’t have the skills or ability to kill an FOB.
They take a highly skilled group of players in specially fit, quite blingy, pirate battleships. Not everyone can afford or wants to use a 1 bil isk + battleship to make life easier for everyone else in the system.
While your comment has merit, PLEASE go find a few guys (six or seven at most, any more is only going to make it harder to complete and provide more losses to your fleet) and try to “eliminate the threat” - I’ll watch for the loss mails.
You are partly right.
RW and FOB’s are an attempt to get highsec players working in groups.
What CCP forgot is, that behind every action in Eve there is a reward, the higher the reward the more it will get done.
I can get 30 guys in fleet to go kill a few carriers, I can get 300 to go kill a few titans and or Supers.
Hence, RW and FOB’s will never attract enough players to justify the space they take on the servers, they just aren’t rewarding in any sense. The disruption they cause with roaming gangs etc is more likely to see players (especially newer players, which we sorely need) quit than try to kill an FOB - Like I said the average player just doesn’t have the skills or knowledge…
Sadly due to how CCP designed FOBs, they are the realm of highly skilled well financed players - Or, those who don’t care due to measly rewards.
They offer no sense of “wow that was awesome” they offer no isk incentive worth the effort.
Without one or both of those in reasonable levels, the content will be all but ignored.
CCp know this - The ONLY reason burner missions get done by the niche group that runs them is down to the large rewards. Reduce the rewards to be in line with FOB’s, RW and normal missions - No-one would do burners…
Eve is about RISK vs REWARD. EVERYTHING else is secondary.
It’s sad to see even you fall for that. People say stupid things here all the time, and things they think they want. But nobody actually wants really challenging PvE, or die to NPCs, as only a very tiny amount of people do PvE for fun. If the ISK/h plus the effort is worse than another activity, most people will ignore it.
EDIT: Ask yourself, when was the last time you skipped a PvP fleet for doing this new fun PVE? And no, the answer is not that you are focusing on PvP in the game and the addition is for PvEers. Because if true PvEers would want danger, loss, and unpredictability they would not focus on PvE but do PvP.
Incursions are disruptive to HS dwellers and cause system ‘panic’ when they occur. Most people just wait for the usual incursion fleets to come and restore order to the system, or wait it out until the incursion passes. Incursion runners do this because of the built-in payment for doing so (which is a large isk-faucet for a small number of players).
However, the FOBs are not designed this way, in my opinion. They have the same need to be cleared to restore order to the system. But I think CCP has created a situation where HS industrialists and PvE dwellers can choose to eliminate them themselves (at their peril) or consider paying someone else to do it for them. I would consider this a possible new business for a small dedicated group in HS. From what I can see, that focused group could charge a nominal fee and also gain some inherent bonus from doing this.
And without another drippy isk-faucet being added to an already isk rich game.
If there’s something strange in you neighborhood Who you gonna call?
Also we haven’t seen all the possible strategies for attempting these FOB destructions. We do see one method that seems to work, but the requirements are pretty heavy for a small group. Even the new “Agent” system recommends a much larger fleet. What is the max cap for these? We honestly don’t know yet, I don’t think anyone has found out…
No, What CCP have created is a situation where people are unable to eliminate the FOB’s, as the requirements are far harder than incursions.
Incursions can be run with T1 Battleships with a T2 fit, and some T2 logi cruisers with a T2 fit. It’s not the fastest fleet, but it will get the job done.
FOB’s are set to the difficulty level of the most bling incursion fleets.
And then they’ve given them hardly any pay out relative to that risk.
If they could be done with T1 Battleships & T2 logi cruisers, the same as incursions, I’d say they were reasonable. But if you want to have common PvE (my guess is 100 at a time exist in High sec, give or take, vs 20 or so incursion systems) then it shouldn’t be super super hard. And if it is super super hard like it is atm, it should be far less common, & far more rewarding.
I have no issue with super super hard PvE existing, I think it’s great, but it needs to be correctly tuned in both reward & occurrence to be in it’s proper place.
For information, a fob this destroyed in 12 minutes, so ratio 30 M for 12 minutes for a group of 7 people, on average you find all 5 jumps, for a group of this size it remains very interesting and without count the potential loot, so please stop saying that this is not interesting in income, for our part we do more isk with this than clean vanguard signatures.
Difficulty is oriented on templay in contrary incursions
When I was hunting Drifters in wormholes for a mix of RP reasons and a desire to see the new content - and FWIK a lot of work went into figuring them out.
M. Keepe, Nous vous remercions pour vos efforts.
However, your group (votre corporation, First Legion) is the only one that has been able to successfully and repeatedly kill the FOBs, and you haven’t killed any for the last 20 days. Your group is skilled and well coordinated. Very few groups will be willing to risk 5 vindis and 3 nestors for 30m in payout. Your vindicators are probably worth 2 or 3 billion each, and risking them for a comparatively small reward is scary.
I have seen several corporations asking around for mercenaries to kill the FOBs. M. Keepe, you should consider asking for 400 million as a small gratuity to remove the FOBs from systems. This would only be 50 mill per group member, but it will help you stay motivated
Not really, I tend to flit from PvE activity to PvE activity as I don’t find any of them particularly interesting beyond that initial exploration and discovery of mechanics phase - Which is why I focus on PvP.
Thank you very much for this
It is not necessary to have ships as expensive to successfully destroy the FOB, full Tech 2 can do it, then the faction can just be a little more secure (against a level of skillpoint is clearly needed for to fly the ships used correctly)
Then, it is true that it can motivate a little more, because for our part we approached the FOB as a challenge and entertainment, even if on our sceance it is profitable it does not necessarily cause an intensive farm of the latter
As I said above via the strategy, the factors to take into account are really the teamplay
Fly safe
Ok I’ll bite.
An NPC site that requires 1 bil + isk ships to complete by 6 to 7 people maximum.
The rewards from the site itself are shite so whoever you are paying to do it will get paid, how much?
Who in the area is going to contribute to the the cost to hire someone to rid the system of the FOB, consider also they can now respawn over and over.
In your opinion how much is it worth to have someone kill an FOB for you?
My price - 500 mil, per person - so 500 X 6 = 3 bil. Which I want upfront.
I really would be interested in;
1… If they are so lucrative, why has your little group stopped doing them?
2; Can you show us some of these “potential loot” drops you have received. You have done more of these sites than everyone else in Eve combined, surely you have something to show for it.
Until these 2 questions can be answered (honestly) - the overall opinion is - They are shite with shite rewards.
If I remember the numbers right, about 1 in 10 drops a faction module BPC, 1 run.
Which works out to about an extra 10 or 15 mil per member per site on average I think it is.
You can chain them for about 150 Mil each an hour if you have the fleet, if you never make a mistake that results in loosing a ship, and if your local area has them close together.
For a fleet that could easily do VG incursions at much lower risk.
actually, the reason why some people bling their ships is they miss skills to fit them. e.g. a rattlesnake with T2 BCS and DDA can be very hard to fit, using faction allows more damage(which is very important at low SP) and more CPU, which is needed for cruise missiles and shield booster.
When you have better skills (weap upg V, enginery skills …) you can use T2 fit.