♦ Forward Operating Base / Fob Tips

Has someone been able to find FOBs on Sisi lately? I would like to test something but all the FOB systems I know don’t have any.

afaik they are turned off on sisi now

Please contact me in game or I will try to contact you tonight, we are looking for help to take down 5-6 Blood Raider FOBs in our area. Thanks very much!

you can contact him ig yourself.

Thank you Ms. Geten.

My pleasure, Ms. Lady.

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I wouldn’t mind joining one if someone could point me in the direction xD I want to be a part of one of those fleets but getting the isk for the battleship will take time but ill get to it xD.
if you want to invite me then I’m up for it xD

XD I don’t have the skills and money but I want you to pay me a ship XD
Please trust me XD

Just updating, it seems that the sites have been rebalanced. More info will no doubt come from those who have done the sites since the patch.

Does any know how much cargo space is required to scoop an average drop from a FOB? Wondering if it can be done in a regular ship or if something like a DST is required.

Citadel modules are around 4000m3 so you will need some sort of industrial ship it you loot them.

Type Guristas Standup Module Blueprint Armored Cache or Blood Raider Standup Module Blueprint Armored Cache, right-click -> Item something. Those are rare drop though. Some Citadel modules like Chan’aar said. Check out OP zkillboard link too, to see actual drops.

So post patch guards don’t respawn, do they? It is time to try doing FOB solo again ))

Can anyone confirm if these have gotten easier since the patch?
Do guards respawn?
What’s the best way now to approach these?


No . My Corp fleet just got wipe with 3 Nestor’s , EOS and 6Vindicators on field. One Nestors Survived.
What a Joke . Think it would be easier to kill a few Titans. https://zkillboard.com/related/30004983/201802232100/
3 Nestor’s enough? May be 10 or 100? Put a zill on the field to 50k of Isk ?
They are a pain to the miners in Local thats why we went after it .
Any Thoughts? Maybe 10,000 Nestors and 100,000 Vindis? On filed ?
Even with lvl 4-5 Armor skills I went down in 3 Shots from the Base 82, 91 overheated therm not good enough I guess ? Should Have spent more ISK Thats the CCP solution throw more money at it ? Buy more Plex!!Couple of Dreads maybe?

Why did you fight spawns in station kill zone?

Hi Casteal,

would you tell us how the engagement ran in the details ?

From what I can guess, a Guristas hauler spawned in the middle of the fight and brought his defense fleet with him. The Vindis were overwhelmed with the new ships and the Nestors may have run out of capa given the cap pressure on repairs. At this stage, neither of you could disengage when things began to turn to disaster because a part of your fleetmates were warp disrupted. Am I wrong ?

Your Nestors fit isn’t bad at all. You may want to harden your thermal resistance a bit and search for capacitor stability.

Adding to this, even if a second sensor booster might prove useful, you may want to change it for a microjump drive module as stated in our first post. Same thing with your Vindis.

Or you could use the spider-tanking dominix strategy. Looking at zkillboard lastly proves this fleet composition can do the job. And it’s cheaper. But I have not tried it yet.

Good luck with your next try and thanks for your post.

I just saw your losses, I could already notice that you did not have the good tanking, on the guide we made, it is very precise that it is necessary to have a full tanking in termal, except I could see on your fit that you were in omni + 1 thermal , with two termal hardener + 1 reactive hardener you have your tanking , why nano menbrane ?

Fly safe

After DT today cant find any FOBs. Agency search tab doesn’t show any results, not 5, not 10 jumps away, not at any distance. They turned them off?

Edit: No, its just search window bug. How come search 10 jumps and any distance returns zero result, then you jump 1 gate and suddenly 3 FOBs 4-5 jumps away? Does it look in current constellation only or something?

Because The Agency window is a sucky buggy piece of tat?


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FoB’s only show within 5 jumps regardless of your range setting. Much like some sites only show when you are in the specific system. Constellation or region boundaries may also interact.
It doesn’t seem a bug but deliberate.