♦ Forward Operating Base / Fob Tips

:frowning: I miss the agent finder…

Not exclusively. I’ve spent time in a system with an active FOB, over the course of a couple of days, and the Agency search doesn’t show it.

We recently took down one in Matyas! 3 Nestors, 1 Damnation. Worked very well and was exciting. Specific resists are the way to go. Nestors drew all aggro, Damnation had no problem. Contact me in the Sparkle Parlour for more information or send message.!


Gratz for your success Cleaning Lady and to fellow fleetmates.

Now FOBs know revenge is coming. And it’s coming FAST.

Fellow capsuleers, I would like to stress out that Cleaning Lady and FunHadByAll can be found on ‘The Defense Network’ ingame chan. Come to ask questions, share experience and why not, formup fleets.

Have fun !

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My group does fob removal services. Blooders and Bunnies. Pricing is based on distance from our home and how fast you want it done. Cheers.

So whats the trick/exploit there? I noticed on KB it is solo-able again. Players are doing it with 2 nestors multiboxing. So I tried to just warp there with Gila 86% thermal/kinetic/explosive to see what happens, well I got instantly drained to 0, webbed and warp disrupted or scrambled, since I had one warp stabilizer I assume all the frigates are applying those ewars. And there were around 10 of them + 2 battleships.

I realize I took wrong ship, but even if I took those 2 nestors I would have lost them instantly. So whats the trick about?

The Nestors repair and cap chain each other. While one NEstor has the full aggro of the room, the other Nestor repairs it. They potentially also have a Damnation armor booster with them.

We just killed the FOB with 2 ships. I believe the Blood Raiders are really OP for High security space. Since most players here are under one year old. CCP needs to look into the DPS and modules that Blood Raiders are using here in high security space versus what the players are capable of doing.


How can they chain cap when they neuted my gila to 0 instantly?

The other Nestor is not aggressed and they have at least 1 cap battery to reduce the neutralizer effect as well as cap rechargers to increase the cap recharge while the FOB neut cycles.

Would you be so kind as to post your chain cap nestor fit?

The problem then becomes, players running them solo or in duos.

I agree for where the content is and the target group they are OP (unless the target group is the highest skilled, most experienced players in highsec), you need well skilled players with well fit ships. This counts out fairly high majority of highsec players.

Maybe a solution could be limiting the ship types that can be used, make it gated content similar to Resource Wars.
Fix the NPC AI and make them part of the objective, to complete the site (destroy the structure) X amount of the NPC’s that spawn need to be destroyed.
Tier 1; T1 ships, Destroyers and Cruisers
Tier 2; T1 ships, up to T1 Battlecruisers
Tier 3; Anything up to T2 cruisers and T1 Battlecruisers
Tier 4; Up to T2 Battlecruisers and T1 Battleships
Tier 5; Anything goes, with risk and reward to match.

The Risk vs Reward factor needs to be balanced.
The sites need to be more than just “shoot FOB done”.
Each tier should have a chance for a unique reward upon completion. Tiers 1 to 4 could have a chance for a unique BPC reward based on the ship types used to complete them. Tier 1, Guristas or Blood Destroyer. Tier 2, Faction specific Cruiser. Tier 3, Faction specific Battlecruiser. Tier 4, Faction specific Battleship (not a Bhal or rattle). Tier 5 could have a chance for a Blood or Guristas Carrier BPC.

Target groups need to be defined and the sites configured accordingly. One size fits all is very poor design.

I agree. I don’t like it being doable in two ships. On the other hand, until last patch fobs were too hard and not worth the effort.

It needs to be something in middle.

Why shouldn’t it be doable in 2 ships? It just means that a solo guy with an alt can clear their system without having to wait for other people to come help them, or pay ridiculous fees every time a FOB spawns. It also means that a bigger fleet can finish them quicker, while the 2-alts guy takes longer to clear this structure.

@Scryptic_Menzies I wish I could. Since CCP in their infinite wisdom have turned FOBs off on Sisi, I could not yet test the fitting I wanted to use. And I don’t see why I should test this otherwise worthless and annoying feature on TQ with expensive ships. Also, the people who ran them in 2 Nestors have not responded back to a mail I sent a while ago.

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The trick is resists at 93+% and cap chain stability. The resists and cap ensure you yourself will get the good reps you need and give the good reps needed. The cap chain is because it costs less to produce the extra power to give to your friend, giving you both extra power. You can do it with 2 I am pretty sure, but it isn’t “soloable”.

If you don’t have resists about 92-93% on every ship, you gonna die, or make it very hard for your team to rep you (which equals more cap drain on their part) and they gonna die too because cap chain instability when they get total neuted because they perma run 3 reps cause you didn’t pay 15m more for resist modules :smiley:

glad to give my Nestor fit in game, please mail me. Last FOB with 3 Nestors/damnation/vindi went like butter :slight_smile We even took off boosts from damnation to test ability, and we ran just fine w/out.


Because last time I checked the reward for destroying fob was 800mil. That is too much for 2 ships (but was as well too little when it needed 10+).

The bounty is capped at a maximum of 30mil per pilot.

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If you are part of a 4-5 person group, expect about 50-100 million at most/pp, with 4-5 billion on the field. It’s not a money maker, but it is a fun challenge and is definitely helpful to take down your neighbors FOB to help them! That’s why we learned, because we had to or else the alternative of not being able to sit in system mining, belt ratting, owning low-power structure. I think people will hire you for some amount in The Defense Network channel in game.

The best part about it is knowing you are at a level where you can tank so much with friends having each other’s back :slight_smile: It is a good feeling of self-skill and trust. Definitely promotes high-level teamwork.

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Cleaning Lady
You can do it with 2 I am pretty sure, but it isn’t “soloable”.

Checking killboard history is a thing

Rivr Luzade
Why shouldn’t it be doable in 2 ships?

Maybe content designed to be run by a “fleet” should be doable by 2 people.
That sort of defeats the purpose they were added to the game for in the first place, doesn’t it?
Looking at killboard history it seems there are a couple of guys out there making more p/h off FOBs than a ratting super could before fighters were nerfed. Is this acceptable?

I agree in their current guise FOBS are nothing more than nuisance value, which is only made clearer by the fact they can be easily dealt with by one guy and an alt in half an hour or by 6 guys in 12 minutes.

If CCP is genuinely trying to add “group content” then maybe they should speak to players who actually want to be able to run PVE in groups. It’s pretty obvious their current design method is a giant failure, they are either too OP and no-one will do them or the’re too easy and can be run by one or 2 people (which as far as I know isn’t a “group”).

I’d like to hear your thoughts on my idea to make them similar to RW’s sites.

Actually, Sisi was just mirrored and the FOBs are now enabled there.