Found on the internet

I read it, so I’ll ask again if you don’t understand.
How does this answer relate to the article?
Attacking the players, not the article, will show that you are mentally a kid.

You have a horribly simplistic mindset. Instead of discussing the article, you attack players with crude methods.
Answer the question from the article: Why is the game not growing? The trend has been downward for ten years.
Grow up and be factual.

So, was this entire thread just a cloaked “EVE is dying” complaint thread??


If you want to be factual, please bring facts.

Like I mentioned above, the numbers in the article could just as well have been made up on the spot, since they’re referring an unreliable source for the numbers, a source that makes up those numbers based on subreddit usage.

It’s an article written for clicks, not for facts.

Let’s give the article the attention it deserves: none. I’m disappointed I clicked on it.

Read the article title. There is a thesis. What is your answer?
What is your opinion about the topics in the article?

Please don’t make me laugh with that argument. Save it for the kids in the sandbox.
Prove to me that this data is false.
The picture below shows no downtrend.

Screenshot 2023-07-20 204204

Now you’re presenting different data.

The article mentions it’s using mmo-population data:

Which in return mentions their data is guessed based on subreddit usage:

In short, that data is based on nonsense, therefore it is nonsense.

The new graph you now show is not what I was calling ‘false data’, and is a common sight from EVE-offline.

Yes, it shows a downward trend since 2012. What of it?

Is this indeed, like Anthony remarked:


Because it sure looks like a cloaked EVE is dying thread to me.

Fun fact: did you know the first ‘EVE is dying’ post was made over 20 years ago, in 2003?

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Finally, it is a factual argument and not just a primitive campaign. That’s why I published what I found to read the opinion of all interested and not listen to the baying of children because someone criticized their toy.
Is anyone else brave enough to say something more?

Yeah I said your article is bunk and you replied with an incomprehensible sentence. It’s an SEO optimized hellscape article stealing primary sources that aren’t worth anything in the first place to make ad money.

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BTW it is not my data. I published someone else’s data to discuss that.
Over the last 10 years, the trend in the number of players has been declining and this cannot be denied.
The question is, why?

It’s a dumb question. Look at the total MMORPG market and Eve trend follows the rest of the industry (see: WoWs exact same data). It’s nothing special when you actually spend time to investigate the total MMO gaming trend instead of copy pasting a copy paste of someone else’s idea. Mystery solved. People play games other than MMORPGs. News at 11.

It’s been solved on these forums forever and I bet you didn’t even search here either

I can see that everyone who dared, even in the slightest degree the baby’s beloved toy immediately hits a vulgar attack.
Every article that criticizes EVE is fake, stupid, stupid etc. but everyone that praises it is objective and true.
This approach stinks from a distance homo sovieticus.

Yeah, it turns out when you present an article like a child with no commentary beyond „interesting“ you get treated like one and the article gets criticized on its lack of Merit, and I’m not surprised you can’t handle your pet article receiving legitimate criticism and resort to whining

Btw how’s handling the data driven explanation about player numbers in MMOs like WoW correlating strongly with Eves and the overall MMORPG market going. I see you fully ignored those facts because their inconvenient.


Nothing was solved. I don’t know who you are, but I don’t care about your bans and if I come across any other interesting articles about EvE on the Internet, I will publish them here whether you like it or not.
They criticized the poor child’s toy. A comfort lollipop?

Ah yes, the article was called fake ‘because it criticizes our beloved EVE’, not because it literally uses fake data.


I like you publishing them. I can criticize them. It’s not me getting upset about me posting my criticism and using words like homo erectus and offering lollipops. Cry more. I will keep debating the merits in the meantime.

„Random guy on Reddit“ is not merit.

Try reading comprehension or go back to school.
Am I the author of this text? NO.
Then start thinking and refer to the author, not to me. If you didn’t understand the context of the word “interesting”, all the more so go back to school.

Show me true data, please.

Do you need another lollipop?
Where is true data? I’m waiting.
Keep criticizing and embarrassing yourself more.

I could tell you the exact same.

The article you cite is not a primary source.

The things it cites are not a primary source.

The things it cites are secondary works that build on primary sources.

You’re are dealing with a tertiary source. For that class of media it fails horribly in what should be expected from it.

Do yourself a favor and find better primary sources to come to your conclusion.

By the way, how’s my unaddressed topical criticism not being handled by you: Eve Online follows the market trend of MMOs and it’s population does no deviate from the industry trend. Do you have data to debunk this? I still have data to correlate this (WoW subscriber count). For some reason this is the third time you’ve ignored this actual criticism that debunks your own belief with no data of your own. Stick to the facts please.