Freighter Webber

Excellent, that is a game changer.

Gonna train for one now that I just lost my rapier to concord…facepalm.

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yea, you also need to keep your security to green and be in same corporation with FF on.

We are in the same corp. I think friendly fire was allowed earlier or maybe not, might have been my own little corp; had a blonde moment and turned the safety off.

Fast warping frig with low inertia and a sensor booster is about all you need for this method. And if it is a cheap frig, who cares if it gets popped.

Your freighter would miss it?

Yes, but not if the frig is also acting as scout.

If the frig gets caught, warp the freighter to a station and dock up or go to a safe and wait/logoff.

that’s assuming your freighter is in a place where it can afford to not jump once it lands on gate.

Could I see your vigilant fit for freighter escort?

True, but that is always the case. You should always assume the gate you jump is camped by reds and someone is actively hunting you.

Sounds exciting

Fly one through low sec. It’ll get your blood moving, but may not be a good choice if you have high blood pressure.

I’m poor. I haul using only a rusty sunesis.:cry:.Its not even a hauling ship.:worried: Can you donate some isk for me so that I can buy a jump frieghter.:pensive:

Absolutely. Give me what you have just now and when I make my fortune, will be sure to look you up and buy you a decent rustbucket.

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as I wrote, the issue is the price.
Don’t have access to my ships now, but basically a gravid mutaplasmid is very cheap, so you can afford to burn through 10s of them in order to get 3 webs that will have good enough strength to make your freighter warp in 2s with a maller. Just don’t use those with good stats overall, you ONLY need web strength.
The maller is good because huge tank and very cheap. With DCT2+plates you can just ignore the gankers. The only issue is aligning back from your ping. you don’t care about aligning after webbing the freighter cause weapon timer anyhow.

The vigilant is required for freighter that have a huge align time though. It’s just less tanky than a maller, but will catapult a freighter in 2s whatever the align of the freighter

Holy hell @Anderson_Geten you really outdid yourself this time. Good work.

For real??? I’ve never seen this. What gates do this?

matar border(towards another empire, like bei ? ) 42km +12*2 => 68 km max distance between two ship appearing.

edit : ya, bae. Towards Colelie.

Interesting… I guess I’ve just never noticed. Good to know.

See any problems with this Vigilant? 69k ehp , 0.5 sec lock time for a carrier.
One web be enough? Should I maybe change one mutlispectrum for a reactive hardener?

[Vigilant, Vigilant fit]

1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Explosive Energized Membrane II
Damage Control II

Stasis Webifier II
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]

Medium Targeting System Subcontroller I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II

one web not enough unless your freighter has implants, or JF, or you use a good mutated web ; 50MN is useless (so replace it). 0.5s is on the edge of nope. RAH is useless. 70k EHP is okay. Remember that in .5 a nade can shoot twice, therefore you can not tank 3 nades in .5 (assume 25k ehp per nade), going to 80k EHP would help a bit (faction 1600)

edit : actually just using T2 1600 increases the tank. Also if you go mutated webs you can use a 3rd sebo. Plus you can replace the rig with a T2 one.

edit2 : with 2 IN 1600, IN MEM , a IN explo EM , and 3 trimark T2, you can reach above 100k EHP. price tag is 400M though. But they will need 5 nades to gank you, so above 600M ; with 70k EHP they need 3, so 360M (minus 240M) , so a 100k EHP vigilant requires 240M more to kill and will reward 150/2 = 75M more so it’s better to use it.

[Vigilant, 100k tapult]
Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
Imperial Navy Explosive Energized Membrane
Damage Control II

Stasis Webifier II
Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II

Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II

Scan Resolution Script x3

I am now getting 0.4 sec lock, 77k ehp. Dunno anything about mutations though :face_with_thermometer: