Freighters are too cost effective to suicide gank. Need HP increase

If I understood correctly, this thread is specifically about cargo-optimized freighters, given topicstarter answers and the fact that gank of tanked freighter costs much higher.

Any ship you own is already lost, the question is how long it will take to lose it.
Besides, ganks can fail.

We’re still waiting for a list of bulkhead fitted, less than 1 bil cargo, non-APing freighters that got ganked. If you can show us proof of the issue we might be more inclined to listen, you know: facts and all that.


The risk is nearly entirely with the freighter pilot. The gankers have very little risk, other than the small chance of the gank going wrong, which hardly ever happens, they take no risk. It’s an entirely one sided equation. And that’s why gankers love this activity. They take very little risk for sometimes great rewards.

Here is another one-sided equation: pay 1 million ISK to win 1 billion ISK with probability 1%.
Is it risky? Very.
Is it better than not paying, which is not risky? Yes.

Activity with less risk is not necessarily better.

Is there a considerable increase in amount of freighter gankers recently? If not, why people do not choose activity with zero risk and great rewards, which is also ridiculously easy?

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This example was already posted. Find another one, please. If there are tons, you can do it.

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Was it actually a gamble? This plastic wrap looks like it was intentionally created to force only non-tanked freighters to haul it.

yes, you win poor ganker. think i have some paint to watch dry or a wall to talk to. enjoy.

in the end ccp wants the freighter to die. it keeps the bois paying for 10 + accounts and the freighter pilot buying plex to cover the losses when moving stuff.

Just write kill ID (after “kill” in page address).

He got ganked because he’s an annoying clown. The second one is ■■■■ fit.

Show us some more of random people.


I’ve got a bunch more kills. All non cargo value freighters gambled on gank Talos fleets in the hope they had something better. Make the gankers pay more to do this, so they are the biggest losers from such fails, as they should be - not their victim.

Forum won’t let me post the links.

they had better be all bulkhead. And again, no APing.

Only ships I ever lost to a gank was a plated APing ishtar and an AFK (in a safe spot) gang link Tengu when that was still a thing. I simply shrugged off the Ishtar loss and contacted the Tengu ganker and had a laugh about it.

You only get ganked for a few reasons:

It was worth it
you were AFK/APing
you’re annoying

Those are the vast majority of ganks and I’m sure there’ll be exceptions to these “rules” but those are exactly that: exceptions. The vast majority get ganked because of stupidity and/or laziness and those can go ■■■■ themselves.

So, stop your useless championing. It’s not going to happen because it makes no sense especially not because it’s so very obvious that you’re just wanting this for yourself.

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I can see that many ganks are on freighters carrying 5 billion or more in cargo. Some of them even take place in Jita. I very much doubt all of these people are autopiloting. Gankers use bumping to keep a freighter from warping away, always have done.

Ganks on low value freighters are less common, but they do happen.

It’s like you’re not intelligent enough. So I’ll state it again:

  • don’t fit anything other than bulkheads
  • don’t haul more than 1-2 bil
  • don’t be afk

All 3, not just one of them. How much of a clueless clown must you be to be THIS far in the thread and STILL have no idea.


You follow all of these and still be ganked. It happens. These things you state only reduce your risk, not eliminate it.

Freighter pilots take all the risk. Gankers take none. It’s time to adjust the balance of the risk equation for gankers in the right direction. Make them pay more to gank freighters.

Your 3 little rules will hold more weight if the cost of ganking a freighter went up by around 50%

Yes, those are EXCEPTIONS, as I stated earlier. Again, it’s like you’re not intellectually capable enough to grasp basic stuff: the VAST majority gets ganked for a good reason.

The few that got ganked for “no reason at all” are happening SO few and far between that it’s not enough of an issue to change stuff for (outside Burn Jita but that in itself is its own reason).

So again, only clueless and lazy people get ganked. How is that a problem. Also, TONS of ship types get ganked, should they also get EHP buffs or is it just the ship type that you personally are interested in?


Exactly. Almost all criminally exploded freighter freighters carrying 5B+ or more cargo. Some fall below that threshold, but those are the cargo expanded ones that are still profitable to gank.

Almost all of it is already done for profit. There is one example where it was done to hurt a loud-mouth. When there used to be big fleets participating and bump-tackling was a thing, sometimes it was done out of boredom, but even then it was rare that an unprofitable freighter was exploded.

They do?

There is a 3-minute timer now for entering warp. Bumping is maybe used for a very short time still, but not like gankers “always have done” when they would routinely trap freighters for many minutes, or rarely hours.

This is a non-issue. The overwhelming majority of freighters exploded by criminals in highsec are exploded for direct piracy reasons. That is intended gameplay.

Maybe we should all take the time to reflect on the wise words of our departed friend, CCP Falcon when challenged that it preposterous notion that ganking is without risk:

"Because he’s prepared himself, done the work and knows exactly what he’s doing, how to achieve his objective, and knows the risk if the stuff he wants doesn’t drop.

I say fair play to him if he cuts a profit from someone who’s half-assed a ship fitting and AFK hauled across space with a sizeable chunk of ISK in their hold.

Honestly, doing that in EVE is like dressing up in red, diving into the ring with a bull and complaining when you spend six weeks in hospital because you got the horns.

This might be internet spaceships, but it’s not rocket science to protect yourself and fly with a little common sense." - CCP Falcon; 2014

Falcon was right.

If you take precautions, it is almost impossible to lose a ship to pirates in highsec. The cards are so stacked against them, they can only hope to succeed and eek out a profit against the laziest, greediest, or most clueless of targets. Those are the exact set of players that should be exploding in a competitive game like Eve, and the players who prepare, organize and execute a such a crime deserve to be rewarded. Working as intended.

Everything old is new again I guess. People have been complaining that the other guy’s game is too easy since the dawn of Eve, especially in the context of piracy and suicide ganking. I do find it amazing that after essentially 16 years of highsec getting safer and safer every year, people still decide to have this discussion or earnestly claim that just this one more nerf will finally put piratical gameplay into balance. It’s like Groundhog Day.

On reflection, the reality is this is intended gameplay and as long as it is still intended gameplay people will come to the forums and claim that it is too easy for the other guy. Usually after they lose a ship to pirates of course, but still they will come. And then we will go through this thread again, like the exact same discussion hasn’t been had a hundred times before.

Groundhog Day.


While I support suicide ganking , I have to say the game play is highly asymmetric for the players involved.
Ganker’s have 100’s of options with exciting and highly active/reactive game play esp when bumping.

  • movement
  • mwd timing
  • warp scrams / dissys
  • webs
  • weapon firing
  • probe gang blob warps
  • approaches
  • orbits

Freighter pilots have only 1 game play

  • sit there for 3 minuts doing nothing

Challenge, Can you possible imagine or design a more exciting gameplay.
No really try.

cccp “we have invented some highly exciting game play for you.”
Freighter Pilot “yeah ? great! what is it ?”
cccp “you sit there for a whole 180 seconds and don’t touch anything , just wait and hope . great huh”

Freigher pilot
“wow , you put a lot of work into that , thanks.
for a moment I was scared you were going to design something for me to do while playing the game
,like off top off head , have ships with multiple bays that can be decompressed, spilling cargo and giving a kick to the ships velocity in a given direction left,right,forward,up,down , hopefully aligning the ship to warp with skillful use , or have expensive 1 shot strap on Jatos that kick the ship to 1,000 m/s in a 10 second window , or have use of assault damage control type resists boosters.”
cccp “your welcome pilot , fly safe”
pilot “awesome , no wonder you have millions of people online and your paying player base is not dwindling to zero”

So while we all wait for CCP to implement the HP buff to freighters, which can take a long time, I suggest we all just try to make the best out of the current situation, purchase a mining permit for only 10 mil ISK and follow the Code to be on the save side.



Freighter are, imho, in a reasonable position right now.

If you don’t stuff them full of expensive things, don’t autopilot, and keep a reasonable fit, you’ll make it through the vast majority of the time.

Sure, you might lose one every so often to some people who are ganking because they’re bored, rather than for profit, but that’s rare. (There’s also a reason I tend to keep my freighters lightly loaded and triple bulkhead fitted when this character is in them. Being a recognized name can make you more likely to be ganked :wink: )

And if you’re concerned, throw in an alt to web you into warp. You’ve just massively reduced your threat window.

Is it unreasonable to ask that, when it’s multiple characters attacking you?

(Especially now that you can’t be bumped forever, without someone sacrificing a disrupting ship every couple of minutes)

Now, I’d love to see Q-ships entering Eve. But that’s a bit of a pipe dream :wink:


They are already the biggest losers, a point you keep ignoring. The gankers lose ~1 billion worth of gank ships, the freighter pilot loses a fully insured freighter and gets most of their ISK back.

Freighter pilots take all the risk. Gankers take none. It’s time to adjust the balance of the risk equation for gankers in the right direction. Make them pay more to gank freighters.

Changing the cost to gank a freighter does not change the risk in any meaningful way. The process of ganking remains exactly the same, you just limit the target pool to freighters with a higher cargo value. That is an increase in safety for freighter pilots, not an increase in risk for gankers.

You follow all of these and still be ganked. It happens. These things you state only reduce your risk, not eliminate it.

Yep, welcome to EVE. Nothing is 100% safe. The fact that you are objecting to this demonstrates that you’re just another example of highsec trash demanding “just one more PvP nerf” until PvP is removed entirely.