Exactly. Almost all criminally exploded freighter freighters carrying 5B+ or more cargo. Some fall below that threshold, but those are the cargo expanded ones that are still profitable to gank.
Almost all of it is already done for profit. There is one example where it was done to hurt a loud-mouth. When there used to be big fleets participating and bump-tackling was a thing, sometimes it was done out of boredom, but even then it was rare that an unprofitable freighter was exploded.
They do?
There is a 3-minute timer now for entering warp. Bumping is maybe used for a very short time still, but not like gankers “always have done” when they would routinely trap freighters for many minutes, or rarely hours.
This is a non-issue. The overwhelming majority of freighters exploded by criminals in highsec are exploded for direct piracy reasons. That is intended gameplay.
Maybe we should all take the time to reflect on the wise words of our departed friend, CCP Falcon when challenged that it preposterous notion that ganking is without risk:
"Because he’s prepared himself, done the work and knows exactly what he’s doing, how to achieve his objective, and knows the risk if the stuff he wants doesn’t drop.
I say fair play to him if he cuts a profit from someone who’s half-assed a ship fitting and AFK hauled across space with a sizeable chunk of ISK in their hold.
Honestly, doing that in EVE is like dressing up in red, diving into the ring with a bull and complaining when you spend six weeks in hospital because you got the horns.
This might be internet spaceships, but it’s not rocket science to protect yourself and fly with a little common sense." - CCP Falcon; 2014
Falcon was right.
If you take precautions, it is almost impossible to lose a ship to pirates in highsec. The cards are so stacked against them, they can only hope to succeed and eek out a profit against the laziest, greediest, or most clueless of targets. Those are the exact set of players that should be exploding in a competitive game like Eve, and the players who prepare, organize and execute a such a crime deserve to be rewarded. Working as intended.
Everything old is new again I guess. People have been complaining that the other guy’s game is too easy since the dawn of Eve, especially in the context of piracy and suicide ganking. I do find it amazing that after essentially 16 years of highsec getting safer and safer every year, people still decide to have this discussion or earnestly claim that just this one more nerf will finally put piratical gameplay into balance. It’s like Groundhog Day.
On reflection, the reality is this is intended gameplay and as long as it is still intended gameplay people will come to the forums and claim that it is too easy for the other guy. Usually after they lose a ship to pirates of course, but still they will come. And then we will go through this thread again, like the exact same discussion hasn’t been had a hundred times before.
Groundhog Day.