Freighters are too cost effective to suicide gank. Need HP increase

Your confused between freighter pilot and his corpmates
freighter can’t fit any of those mods , and good luck bumping with a freighter loool , must have missed that one.

A single Talos also cannot gank a freighter.


dupe post , bad link

You are Correct !
why is that a reply to the convo thread you just quoted ?

Nice try. Were not the ones crying about how unfair and unbalanced freighter ganking is.

You have no idea how attentive this freighter pilot was, but yes, even people who have web alts can make mistakes and get themselves ganked.

Right above you, mate.

Now whos crying?

Calm down love.

And theres no reason why freighter pilots cant accept the current status quo.

They already DO.

Even if we ignore the fact that Price should not be a determining factor for how strong a ship is, or how much HP it has, as Alliance Tournament ships are always very pricey but we dont expect them to have Titan-level HP, A full bulkhead freighter already has tons of hp, more than a fully tanked Orca.

Every single level of your argument is bad. Its all about “I want the gankers to have more problems because I keep running into problems when I try to do the minimum level of effort possible”. Remember, CCP already buffed freighters by adding a 33% increase to resists for hulls. Even if you add even MORE buffs, there is no gauruntee that an Idiot like you wont come around in a couple months time saying “We need EVEN MORE Buffs because I keep going afk in Uedama and ganked while hauling billions of stuff.” Its a vicious cycle, and idiotic, self-entitled players will always feel as though a game mechanic is stacked against them, even when it isnt.

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Dont give him ideas lol.

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No one said anything about corpmates. Your alts dont need to be in your corp, and your friends dont need to either.

Yes. Hence why I pointed out the singular. Freighter pilot. Singular.

You said “Freighter Pilots”, plural, indicating that there is more than one of them on-grid. Which is false. You were only indicating that there be a single freighter pilot, against many multitudes of gankers.

My point was, that if freighter pilots bring in alts and friends, they can do a lot more than just sit there for 3 minutes. Kinda like how the ganker needs to bring alts and friends in order to bump, gank, etc.

So yes, you were wrong. Freighter pilots have a lot to do, if they actually fly as pilots, plural.

Yes, you missed a lot.

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If you weren’t so new to the forums you would understand that the reference is commonly made because some idiots think a freighter is a newbie ship and should be protected like new players.

Ah, show us on the doll where the bad ganker touched you :rofl:

All you are doing by weeping on the forums like this is showing your own lack of skill.


Really? Post on my main, bro?

No, it isn’t.

Put your head in the sand all you want.

You’re still confused
Sorry I did not realize English is not your first language.

I did say “Freighter Pilots” , to refer to all instances of pilots flying a freighter throughout the game. No one mentioned a grid of freighters. The context was established by the First few line where I made it clear I was talking about the overall gameplay of flying a freighter during a gank interaction. not any singular instance.

You say if you want to have fun you have to bring other ship types on alts
So you agree with what I was saying “there is no gameplay for the freighter pilot to enjoy”.

Do you think it is good game design to require people to pay multiple omegas in order to have fun ?

Thank you for proving my point.

I guess you dont understand the nuance of what im trying to say. Its okay, not everyone has an IQ of 90 or above.

And yet you completely ignored any instance of freighters bringing alts and friends in to help them escape a gank.

So in essence, you were talking about a singular instance. Because you ignored all other instances.

If its to avoid a gank by multiple, dozens of gankers?


Do you honestly think it would be good game design for a single player, a single character to be able to reasonably counter a dozen other characters, all at the same time?

Gankers require the collection of many, sometimes even multiple dozens of characters in order to successfully gank you.

And yet, all it takes is 2, 3 characters to counter it.

20 VS 3, and the 3 still win. I think thats more than reasonable.

Your point was that you were an idiot. And i proved it. No need to thank me, im sure it was obvious to everyone.

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Given the argument was all about there being no meaningful game play for a freighter pilot during gank interaction.
You confirmed the hypothesis and lost the argument when you inferred “You have to fly other ships on alts if you want to have fun”.

being abusive only confirms you already accept this.

Fly with other pilots in an MMO…
[/sarcasm]OH MY!!! What ever will they think of next[end sarcasm]

his point is that if a gank squad has 12 players, then maybe a sensible Freighter pilot would also try to fly with some backup.

ROFLMAO. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Freighter ganking was recently nerfed, the number of freighters being ganked nowadays is much lower than it used to be, but I somehow still managed to get my freighter ganked and that sure must mean there is some game imbalance somewhere, so I’m gonna whine and cry on the forums asking for that to be “fixed” with one more nerf…

To whoever ganked the freighter that caused this childish, silly, ridiculous thread:

THANK YOU :hugs: :ok_hand:


You’re the stupid one. You people make this game ■■■■.

That’s the bittervet population for you :slight_smile:

No, this is a lie. Just because you lost the argument, doesnt mean you have to be dishonest.

What youre trying to say, is that there is no meaningful game play for a solo freighter pilot that refuses to make friends or create alts, during a gank interaction.

If you phrase it like that, then yes, i agree. There is no meaningful game play for someone who goes up against 20 other players, characters, without any friends, and expects to survive.

If by “Fun” you mean “Survive”, then yes. I never denied this, nor did you ever mention this in your original post.

Again, no need to be dishonest with me.

I never denied it.

But how dishonest do you have to be to compare dozens of gankers, to a single freighter pilot, and list all the things that the gankers can collectively do, while ignoring the fact that you can bring friends as a freighter pilot, and can list all the things that a freighter pilot can collectively do?

And now that i Look back at your original post, the whole “I have no problem with gankers” comes off as a “I have no problem with black people, but…” then proceed to go off on a racist tirade.


Yeah he is replying to multiple thread and got confused there.
Someone else must have been talking about balance.

My sub thread was about ccp shortchanging freighter pilots with 0 gameplay.
Just cus its an MMO does not mean you should accept shiteness.