Freighters are too cost effective to suicide gank. Need HP increase

Depends on how much support you have and how many ships you are willing to sacrifice in order to keep the gankers from popping your freighter.

Agreed, but unlike the OP I’m at least trying with something close to facts and figures instead of hyperbole; the available evidence suggesting that less than 1% of all ships traversing Uedama end up dying.


This topic still going…

All haulers/ freighters are just fine as is. It’s how to deal with/ avoid being ganked that matters.


Why not?

The ESI end point it uses is a direct count hourly, provided through the ESI and Dotlan updated all of its Daemons to run to the current API, in early 2018.

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The ESI counts all ship kills. It’s not a rough number. It’s an exact number, cached hourly, of each ship, pod and NPC ship that dies in each system.

Holy ■■■■. OK. I’ll come back on that with the proof, beyond what the ESI already explains it to be:

Get the number of ship, pod and NPC kills per solar system within the last hour ending at the timestamp of the Last-Modified header, excluding wormhole space. Only systems with kills will be listed

But I’ll reach out to a couple of specific devs and get separate confirmation from them directly.

■■■■ me that’s childish.
Meanwhile, prove it isn’t.


To be fair I could do the same for all of the chokepoints and probably end up with similar figures. I get the feeling that the OP is only interested in pushing forth their own agenda regardless of what the situation really is.

I used Uedama in my original post because I was flying through it at the time.

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Long hauls eh? :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:

The ESI isn’t tied to the killmail server, and issues with kills not being recorded only occur in a narrow set of conditions that don’t exist often.

They also aren’t tied together technically.

Any excuse when the data isn’t convenient.


Not really, I accepted the limitations of my post in the original by acknowledging that Uedama has more than 1 gate and that people may just be passing through thus adding to the total number of jumps. Even if I was to be generous and half the number of jumps the total of ships dying still amounts to under 2% of total traffic, I didn’t bother delving deeper into the numbers to separate freighters from other ships beyond looking to see if any had died during the 24hr period I used.

I’m in a real PVP corp. Don’t try speaking for me.

If you’re claiming that this is necessary without changing freighters to accommodate those too lazy to fly them properly, you’re simply being dishonest.


Yes, we know. Anytime something is inconvenient, excuses abound.

So it will be good to see your proof that the stats are not correct.

Show me a time I haven’t accepted objective data. You won’t be able to. Unfortunately there are few people here who actually validate their position before writing ■■■■■■■■.

Actually what you stated was that it is only a rough number:

That’s nothing to do with my understanding of it. That’s all yours. The ESI provides only a rough number.

That’s incorrect, but I’ve reached out for confirmation of my understanding from previous discussions I’ve had. I don’t expect any response before Monday now given the time in Iceland, but I’m confident that my understanding of it is all ok.

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Either way, data won’t be far off from real one.
You would be better stating that current statistics are abnormal because recent DDoS changed play styles.

Though I agree that “1% of ships passing through gate were killed” does not say anything about freighter kill rates.

Indeed it does not, however it does set an upper bound on freighter kill rates, any particular class of ship being a subset of the total.

I didn’t claim gospel. That would be dumb to do so. It is an accurate count almost all of the time, except under a small set of rare conditions.

You claimed the ESI just provides a “rough number”, which is incorrect.

So while I’m reaching out to confirm my understanding, your proof that it’s just a rough number is going to be entertaining.

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Considering the topic is “Freighters are too cost effective to gank. Need HP increase” I would suggest that “only 1% of them get blown up” says that they do not need any sort of increase at all.

This topic was started by someone who wants indestructible ships they can autopilot without loss instead of playing the game.

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That is an assumption that game actually works. If data from ESI would be, let’s say, 2x off, this certainly would be noticed by now.

If you think that current events with connection strongly influence this percentage, we can just wait and look on statistics later. We both know they would not be very different.

In any case, it is possible to collect this kind of data manually, sitting around commonly-camped gate in cloak. You will probably say “this was ganker, how we could verify his words”, but still.

Still, 1% of all ships could mean anything between 0% and 100% freighters, if they are rare enough.

Without knowing how many freighters are currently plying their trade across hisec any figures are somewhat irrelevant, I’m merely suggesting that freighters don’t die nearly as often as the OP thinks based on the available evidence, thus IMHO freighters don’t really need an ingame buff.

YMMV when flying a freighter, generally depending on how you fly it.

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There you go. That is you saying it is a rough number. Proven.

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Yep, you said it here:


Now, you going to prove it’s just rough, or just keep stonewalling? Even just an estimate of how inaccurate “rough number” is would be a good start.

As above, I expect some comms back on Monday, which will mainly be about the conditions when the numbers may not be accurate, which from my previous discussions, are rare.

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