Freighters are too cost effective to suicide gank. Need HP increase

That’s exactly what a strawman is : you claim that my post is agreeing with you, while it is exactly saying why your post is idiot.

You still provided ZERO proof that ESI is not accurate.

Until then, your post is just claiming that since ESI is IT, it’s not perfect, which still makes zero sense when we are talking about a video game.
That’s why you are an idiot : you consider the inaccuracy intrinsic to distributed systems an issue to use them, yet you are playing Eve and using this forum, both of which are based on distributed systems. Stupidity.

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That isn’t what was claimed above, nor does a narrow set of conditions that affect event-driven systems make the data a “rough number”.

The evidence of the accuracy will come, but your whole point is ridiculously stupid. It’s unfortunately the normal for your arguments.

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That is a strawman.
accurate != infallible.
Anything fails when it’s destroyed. Does not prevent from making accurate tools.

for example, you failed when you claimed that ESI was not accurate, while not providing any proof of it. You are accurately a failure.

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No one said that. The conditions that can affect the ability of an event to be published and/or the listeners to register the event don’t exist often, nor do they make the ESI a “rough number”.

You are just being ridiculous because Jonah’s point above was inconvenient for you, so much easier to try to dismiss it, with no evidence and only a vague term of “rough number” to try to ignore the truth of what he wrote.

Once again, glad we could reach a common ground.

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Calm down, miner.

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Kitten Intermission.


geten intermission.

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You know, any handguns sometimes do that.

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Another ganker’s ASMR topic :thinking:

A topic in which Andersen and Kell are arguing with eachother. This will be a neverending topic.


I’m right…you are not…

It’s so simple once you accept it…

Right on schedule the farmer trash shows up to post “IM ARGUING TOO DONT FORGET MY TROLLING”. Which, to be fair, we shouldn’t. It has posted many worthless spam posts and done at least as good a job of trolling as the other two.


Sure. And after so many freighter pilots stop playing, and people get frustrated and set up rewards for 50, 100, 200 million isk, the freighter pilots will be laughing all the way to the bank.

That is something that they would have to demonstrate.

Not at all, I mine with rorqs. I’m okay with a minigame for my drones. Infact, I sort of play a minigame with my drones already.

Sure. But I’m not one of them. And there are plenty of others who have posted actual arguments.

No I didnt. Everything written by the OP, I have actually responded with arguments of my own. Do you want some examples?

My argument isnt “people still haul so everything is fine”. If were talking about the original discussion set by op, her argument changed in the middle, but it started out with “The Cost to gank is too cheap, with too few gankers required”, then switched to “I want the option to haul more plus tank” after I demonstrated that it takes atleast 1.5 billion isk worth of taloses to gank a triple bulkhead freighter. Not once did i ever say to her “Well, other people still haul so its okay”.

With my discussion with you, again, its ongoing, but my response has never been “people still haul so nothing is wrong, and therefore you are wrong”. Instead, my responses have been, for the most part, lengthy paragraphs demonstrating how you are wrong.

I never dismissed things out of hand, my responses have always been counter-arguments to what you call “Good” arguments.

But you are correct, in saying that I decided before i read the arguments, that they were invalid. This has more to do with the person, and not the conclusion they are reaching, though, and is also utterly irrelevant to this discussion, when I demonstrate that my pre-conceived notion was valid by debunking said argument.

Its like when Dryson Bennington posts something, I know immediately that it is going to be a garbage post even before i read it. It doesnt change the fact that if he does bring a good argument, I will agree with him, and if its bad, and confirming my pre-conceived notions, I can still counter his arguments.


For all you know, The forums could be changing your forum posts to something completely incoherent, though. HOW DO YOU KNOW???

In the case of Anderson you’d know the forums are glitching if their posts started containing coherent and well supported arguments.


That’s literally what I was saying -.-

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Personally I would like the ability to fit a BS MWD on all freighters.

Id like the ability to fit BS MWDs on frigates with enough fitting room for everything else.


I’d like an eucalyptus ice cream.

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Sounds delicious. They had Viagra flavoured Gelato at my home town.