From Extraction to Production

Wow, 20km3 ore hold?! how big should this ship get? can you even fill it between downtimes?


Ours is an extremely social style of play. We’re individually doing ok in terms of in-game isk and out-of-game isk. We build from T1 Frigates up to Jump Freighters. Give us 20 minutes notice (and a few billion isk for the skills books) and we’ll have two Titan pilots at your disposal. We’ve got folk who literally only started a couple of weeks ago.

My group will cope with the nerfs, but we won’t cope without minerals in R4 moons. That’s the glue that holds us together.

“Make you weekly fleets into attacks on ordinary asteroid belts”, I hear some folk say. We can can mine 30M m^3 in 24 hours. We can mine out a system of ordinary belts in no time. We have rorquals and other caps, but we like our social game in highsec.


the hulk is actually the largest Exhumer by Volume, It would be nice if CCP unified the exhumer/barge assembled volumes so they were interchangeable in size they currently are 100k, 150k, and 200k, considering they just unified the mass of them they should unify the volumes as well. The Volumes have probably been overlooked from the time when the procurer/skiff had 1 Strip miner, the Retriever/mackinaw had 2 Strip miners, and the Covetor/Hulk had 3 Strip miners. As they all have 2 Strip miners now maybe unifying them at 150k volume would be sensible.

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And why is solo playing an issue for you ? … and what business is it of yours how people play ? It is, after all, player choice ! - Whether CCP allows the game mechanics to make it worthwhile/advantageous/fun is another matter. When it comes to In-game changes and tweaks, CCP does not always get it right. The ill-fated ‘roleplaying’ Captain’s Quarters is an excellent example and it didn’t take them long to remove it. I would suggest that CCP don’t fully understand their player base. (But that is just my humble opinion).


The point of high sec moon ore mining will be exactly what CCP wants, namely “PLEX more accounts you noob. Do you guys not have exhumer alts?”.

The amount of hate this company dispenses to solo miners is disgusting. Not to mention the “amazingly effective” move of trying to force people to do what they don’t want to do…in what’s supposed to be a sandbox…


Newbies would get the same as before, and ore availability won’t change (+100%-100% = zero change) due to them. It may only change due to higher skilled pilots (less waste - more raw ore available) or Type-C crystals (intentional destruction of resource).

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Well I agree on that, but seriously, does anyone truly believes that after a “scarcity” meant to burn through stockpiles there was going to be a phase where those stockpiles are built back again?

I honestly like the design intent of the patch, the Rorqual as a mining platform had to go, it’s role is now to be manned by a FC that organizes the op and does buyback in place (with Orca and Purpoise being scaled versions). Some aspects have to be fixed, like the compression time and the ability to pick ore from the right hold, but that’s the role it was meant to have, support. You don’t do ratting on a titan after all, do you?

After reading the interview I get the idea behind the waste mechanic, I think it also need some tuning but totally make sense. In short you can decide to either be the miner with a pickaxe or the caterpillar. That’s a nice design but to support it as it should be high waste should be tied to very high yield, not to T1 modules.

The only thing I really cry about is the loss of specialization for the Endurance, it just becomes a bad copy of the Prospect. Tankier yes, but who wants a tanky frigate? Leave it as a dedicated ice mining platform, even with the weaker cloak it had, that is an interesting design

Eve is closed to 20 years old. New players start with an enormous gap vs vets. With ND you continue to make this gap wider and even encourage their eviction from mining fleets…Be correct, just tell YOU don’t want new players or just want them to play for 2 months after spending a bunch of $ in plex…The new player is already the mouse in this game but a 2 cms blind mouse walking on 2 legs and deaf of one ear. So when people ask “would i try Eve ?” how not feeling totally hypocrit in saying “yes” nowadays…

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Many of my friends refuses to play EvE Online , they find the concept of the game REALLY COOL , they love sci-fi space opera game, but unfortunately they realise how much time it requires to level up , spending 1 month training for skill so you can do that , that’s way too long, the alternative is to buy skill injectors… wow… i don’t even want to imagine what it would cost to be able to fly a let’s say Tengu starting from scratch 500k SP with skill injectors , 1k$ ? 2k $ ? 5k$ ? 10k$ ?

And as time goes on the GAP between vets and newbro will just widen even more. EvE Online with it’s current model is just going to kill itself slowly as time goes by unless they make a drastic change to it.

Removal of the Rorqual’s mining viability is absurd for the following reasons

  1. The cost of the ship and risk vs reward
  2. the majority of rorquals in the game and the pilots for them were trained for that result
  3. Many pilots never realized the goal of rorqual mining, being partway through the training or have recently purchased the rorqual
  4. Excavator drones were made for one specific purpose and to essentially remove it is silly
  5. CCP Introduced the rorqual as a skill injector sink, now they want to profit by selling extractors back to the pilots, this is rather unethical.
  6. The Excess rorqual hulls post patch will result in years of market inversion for rorqual hulls, an arbitrary market disruption for ship builders.
  7. I shot a BFG at the rats before, it was neat.

The Compromise would be retaining the rorqual as a viable mining platform with a max M3/HR just above that of a hulk, Still being nerfed in max/m3 hour rate but still remaining viable as a mining platform to justify its cost.

The waste mechanic is probably the stupidest part of this patch. The ability for scorched earth gameplay with the use of the C-Type Crystals is likely going to occur, resulting in more market shortages. This is important since CCP has already bottlenecked the economy in a very specific way by space type.

Overall the entire concept of this is really bad, we already have the decline in PCU from what has already occurred from this poorly implemented self-destruction of the economy that has reduced content in the game in all forms.

The cost multiplications are pretty much undeniably shovelware, more man hours to do the same thing. The game is no longer a sandbox, it is a litterbox, and CCP wants us to pay extra to play with the cat turds.


It had to go but it didn’t have to be turned into a pile of crap. Limiting how many Rorquals can mine on a resource field so that they can retain their mining capabilities and support the actual exhumer miners well would have been much more reasonable. Much better at least than turning the FC into a robot that has nothing better to do than to push ore into a grinder by grinding their own mental health down … Although that seems to suit CCP Hilmar as he said, he wants to see people need meds to keep up with EVE.


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A overpowered “meta” that players put a lot of effort to acquire is getting nerfed, what an unpredictable and never seen before occurrence in the world of MMOs!!!

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beats not having anything to do at all, or were you mining AFK? Because that’s clearly one thing they are trying to get rid of

Both Agree and Disagree.

I’ve had a few arguments/conversations with vets on the whole catching up thing. The presence of skill injectors etc at least provides an option for people that want to pay. Otherwise there would always be 10years of a training gap.

And in sympathy to modern CCP this a problem based on decisions taken when the game was designed initially.

There aren’t many options for solving it. They can’t “level things out” as the vets would have a mutiny. “Why have I trained my account for 10+ years when a new character can do everything I can in 6 months”

As such the only thing CCP can do is provide options. And those options currently are pay for skill injectors with either real money or by grinding isk in game and buying them with isk.

I think that’s better than having no options right. They arnt forcing you to pay.

But here is where I really disagree. I don’t understand how these changes specifically increase the gap between new and old players.

One of the most repeated criticisms of these changes is that a player can reach peak mining in 60 days as there is no progression beyond exhumers. That being the case surely if anything the gap has closed?

The point being when one group of players is arguing the patch is bad because it widens the gap and another group of players is arguing the patch is bad because it closes the gap CCP will just press on because “they obviously didn’t understand it”. Conveniently missing the bit that both groups agree on. It’s bad.

But honestly my initial reaction to this patch was the newbie thing. I felt it was going to be an issue. But after considering it I just don’t think it’s going to effect many players.

Newbies in highsec won’t be effected at all. In highsec there is already an abundance of ore and it doesn’t get mined out. Therefore at 100% waste there is no change. Nobody is going to care if new bros are in belts. It’s just business as usual. The one exception to that will be corps that moon mine. But as I said before in another post…… how do they stop you? Kick you and gank you?

Nullsec may or may not be an issue for them. Corps mining moons need to make a decision on wherever the ore is worth more than a new member……… who’s long term worth to the corp/alliance is far more than some waste. Many corps would see the bigger picture over short term gain. Admittedly some won’t but in that case………

Given it’s going to take like 60 days to sit in an exhumer with t2 gear how long will it take to sit in a venture with t2 gear? Or a barge with t2 gear. You don’t need to be maxed out to get your waste down. These are achievable trains.

If you look at the bigger picture the newbie issue is being overstated.

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Virtually almost anything is better than repeating the same keystrokes every minute for hours. That approach was already such a great success story when they introduced Blackout and forced people to dscan every 2 seconds. Amazing experience.
It has nothing to with being AFK or on your keyboard. If that was the case, the Mackinaw would not get an even bigger ore hold. But CCP doesn’t get it. Just because you push buttons for a mindless task, doesn’t mean that “more active gameplay” is better than semi-present gameplay. It’s worse because now you have to focus your mind on this mind-numbingly idiotic task.



The Mackinaw does not get the ore hold to be afk, it gets it to mine further away from a compressor and so travel less. I’ll always be in favor of any measure that makes being afk riskier or less efficient. Or hell even a boring presence check.

However I believe you are misinterpreting the proposed Rorqal’s role. I don’t have one, but I have a Orca, what I’ll do the day the patch hits is join my local mining fleet, pull out my drones as usual and propose to buy other people’s ore at 90% the price. It will save them the constant trips and I’ll have a better compression on board than they have at the station.

I am just sad that I bought the Orca at the old price instead of the one it’s gonna have, but at least it will finally be performing the role it was designed for. I’m excited about it!

If they can do it for free it’s a mutiny , if they spend thousands suddenly it’s okay ?

I mean the whole Skill system could remain , but the time require for training there’s SO MANY options to fix that issue…
just to name a few…
Active skill leveling: the skill you are currently learning gets a speed bonus if you perform action related to it , example you’re training a drone skill that takes 12days , if you then use your drones in combat the time it takes to train would then be reduce by alot , some kind of “hidden exp” bar that would reduce that time, having implants would have a bigger impact on that time reduction.

New format: scratch the idea of skill require time, instead it’s all about an ISK cost , you buy the skill you can “buy” the training of rank 1 rank 2 rank 3. for the rank 4 you would need some materials along with the cost and maybe some kind of mission or event and rank 5 could be something similar to rank 4 but more drastic.

both of those option encourage GAMEPLAY instead of poping up a skill and logging off of the game coming back in a month.

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This reads as simple as this:

We are doubling the amount of resources in a belt for you to mine “Yippee”

But we are reducing the amount of resources you will actually end up with in your station hold “OhNo”

So what your saying is: you will have to waste even more time grinding Poop, than you did before, just to maintain the same as you have now.

I have a question:

Who thought of this Poop?
Was it a Conservative Government?

This what it looks like to me, work longer e.g. grind resources in the game for more of your real life time - to receive much less in the end, whilst super inflation takes hold and the prices of everything in game trebles.

So CCP can try to make more real money selling isk to players to keep up with the in game prices index.

All I read is “grind for skill points”. This system is so hideous in all other MMOs. EVE does not need it. What EVE needs are people who understand that the passive training of skills is superior because you train all the time and not just when you play, and that you don’t have to grind an activity just so that your skill points go up but you might not even like it that much.

Active leveling means that you’d have to – yes, you have to because that’s what faster skill training coerces you to do – fly ships and weapon systems that you don’t really need but that are required for the faster skill training because they give more bonuses. For instance, even if you don’t like Gallente ships, you’d have to train and fly Gallente ships because they are the optimal choice to use to learn drones. But you just want some light drones for your Abaddon or Hurricane.

Skill Points for ISK is even more hilarious. How do you want to earn ISK to buy skill points without having skills to earn the ISK in the first place, let alone to afford the tools to earn the materials for higher skill levels?

The ideas that some people have are exhilarating.


