Frozen Fallout for CSM 19

Good Morning New Eden!!!

I am Frozen Fallout, CEO and founder of the Federation Front Line Report, a mercenary news organization fighting alongside the mighty Gallente Federation on the frontlines against the Caldari menace. By broadcasting our battles live on Twitch and through our weekly podcast on Faction Warfare, we hope to ignite your passion for combat, inspire valor, and tell the tales of the capsuleers who make New Eden their home!

Today, I announce my candidacy for the CSM. My passion for EVE Online and its player-driven universe runs deep, and I am driven by a desire to serve the community and champion the voice of lowsec residents. As a veteran lowsec pirate, a Faction Warfare fleet commander, and a former nullsec foot soldier, I’ve experienced the galaxy from multiple perspectives, from the grunt on the frontline to the leader of a small corporation trying to make its mark on this universe. This diversity of experience has gifted me with a deep appreciation for the richness and complexity of EVE’s ever-evolving universe.

If elected, I pledge to represent our community with an open mind and relentless determination to improve our quality of life. CCP should focus on improving, fixing, and balancing existing content. There also needs to be a better understanding of the different areas of space and why they exist. Once this is understood, we can better strike a balance of risk vs. reward for each area.

I believe in three core principles that I will fight for if elected to the CSM:

Reasons to Undock, Strong Community, New Player Experience

Reasons to Undock

  • Skyhook Heists Revitalization: CCP’s overcorrection has stifled the thrill and accessibility of Skyhook heists, all but eliminating the prospect for small groups or solo pilots to strike at these treasures. The new system’s one-hour vulnerability every three days has sealed the fate of these daring heists. I am committed to advocating for changes that will breathe life back into this vital mechanic.
  • Promoting Prosperity: The fabric of New Eden should be rich with opportunities across all playstyles. Capsuleers should feel empowered to undock their prized ships, risking their assets to reap rewards worthy of their investment. A careful rebalancing of ship construction costs and the availability of materials is essential to making this vision a reality.
  • Balanced Risk vs. Reward: As it stands, the risk vs. reward equation is significantly misaligned. Activities across New Eden must be carefully re-examined to better understand the risks involved and encourage greater PvP engagement, especially in lower-cost ships. Earning ISK should be exhilarating, not an endless grind.
  • Revitalizing Lowsec Beyond Faction Warfare: While nullsec should focus on larger, more expensive ships to run PvE content with what some would call relative safety, lowsec should become a great danger but with solid rewards. It should be a haven for independent capsuleers to set up shop and seek riches, knowing they can never truly own or control the space around them. By centering on cruiser-and-below content, lowsec can offer a playground where diverse paths to ISK generation are accessible, dynamic, dangerous, and rewarding.

Strong Community

  • Empowering Community Events: Whether through CCP-led live in-game events or player-organized gatherings, these crucial moments of unity deserve a stronger spotlight. An in-game event announcement system and a search/calendar feature could go a long way in bringing capsuleers together, fostering bonds that will keep New Eden vibrant and thriving.
  • Support for the NPSI Community: Not Purple Shoot It (NPSI) fleets exemplify the best of EVE’s PvP spirit. Improved in-game search tools and a dedicated spotlight on these communities can enhance player engagement and help sustain these valuable forms of combat.
  • Expanding Community Resources: Content creators, Fleet Commanders, and corp/alliance leaders are the lifeblood of EVE’s ever-evolving narratives. Streamlined tools, creating spotlights, and enhanced support are critical to enabling these leaders to craft the stories that will shape New Eden’s future.

New Player Experience

  • Engaging PvP and Faction Warfare Tutorials: Faction Warfare offers an unparalleled entry into small gang PvP with minimal commitment; however, its potential has yet to be fully unlocked. Comprehensive tutorials that break down concepts like plexing, battlefields, pirate insurgencies, and D-scanning, as well as making minor tweaks to mechanics, will empower new players to join the fray with confidence.
  • Revamping the Loyalty Points (LP) Store: The LP store is in dire need of a full overhaul to better guide new players and offer enticing rewards that encourage active participation. Small adjustments may help, but a transformative rework is essential.
  • Cultivating Player-Driven Stories: At its core, EVE is a game where capsuleers forge their own destinies. By equipping new pilots with the tools and guidance to build their own legends, we embed them in the very history of New Eden. While the New Player Experience has seen progress, there is ample room for improvement. Instead of scripted epic tales, we must arm players with the knowledge to write their own unforgettable stories in EVE.

The Saga of Frozen Fallout

My story starts when my friends introduced me to my first MMORPG around 2002, Ultima Online, a game that helped prepare me for the open-world PvP sandbox that EVE Online would later provide. We started exploring other MMORPGs around this time, looking into ones that were in beta, hoping to get in on the ground floor of a game and build something cool together. We tried Earth and Beyond, Neocron, and many others, but none really stuck. In early 2003, we all fumbled around in awe of the graphics and concept of EVE Online, but after a few hours, we ultimately stopped playing, as the new player experience was nearly nonexistent.

Over the years, we continued to hear tales of this crazy universe, and in 2005, we gave the game another shot. I was working a lot during my friends’ playtimes, so I didn’t get hooked until late 2006 when I created Frozen Fallout.

Haine is Home (2006)

Living out of the lowsec pocket of Haine, my friends had created a corporation called Mecha Enterprise Group (METAG). There were only around five of us at the time, and we didn’t have much more than a POS in the system, but we had found a home for ourselves in this cold, dark universe. During this time, I fought alongside my friends against pirates, ran missions, and tasted the thrill of space combat. However, I had heard tales of capsuleers building mighty empires in lawless space and fighting epic wars over the riches of zero point zero. I convinced my friends to join a corporation that belonged to the Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate (IAC), and we moved into Catch to find our new home. We mostly lived out of FAT-6P, ratting, drinking, and learning the ways of drunken fleet combat. It was like moving from a small rundown town to a post-apocalyptic Las Vegas, where we were now under the employ of the gang running the city. We partied, raided, and ratted, and all was good.

The Great War (2007-2008)

In the Great War, IAC joined forces with the RedSwarm Federation, going head-to-head against Band of Brothers (BoB) and McFix. It was a time of great heroism and struggle, with countless battles in the regions of Querious and Catch. As capsuleers, we stood shoulder-to-shoulder, defending our homes and carving our names into the history of New Eden. However, in the middle of the war, the corporation I had convinced my friends to join left IAC, and we soon were drawn back to my old home.

Living in Outer Ring (Early 2008)

In early 2008, my friends and I moved back to Haine and reopened METAG. Not long after, we joined the PURGE as a member corporation and moved to Outer Ring with dreams of taking space of our own in zero point zero. Though this was short-lived, it was a great learning experience. For reasons I can’t exactly remember, the alliance disbanded not long after we joined.

The Empyrean Age (Mid-2008)

When the Empyrean Age expansion arrived, I saw an opportunity for METAG to become battle-hardened with the release of Faction Warfare. We proudly joined the Federation, beginning our journey to liberate and defend our space from Caldari aggression. However, we found many of the mechanics needed massive improvements to make life in Faction Warfare manageable for a small corp. With interest waning, we started to look into moving back out to zero point zero.

Mostly Harmless (Late 2008-2010)

We joined a corp belonging to Mostly Harmless in the North, enjoying the spoils of ratting and exploring the newly released wormhole space. I have fond memories of looting from POSs that had run out of fuel, as many owners would lose their way back to their wormhole when this area of space was first revealed. This was a relaxing era in my EVE history, and I have good memories of Mostly Harmless and the friends we all made there. However, I desired to return to Faction Warfare and lead a corp dedicated to being the Gallente’s junkyard dogs.

The Call to Faction Warfare & Rise of XMETA (2010-2013)

Returning to Gallente space, I partnered with my friend Coder Fasteele. While he managed the industrial might of METAG, I founded Mecha Enterprises Fleet [XMETA] to bring fire and fury to our enemies.

XMETA joined Villore Accords and unleashed devastation on the Caldari in Black Rise. We were relentless, and our pride as Gallente warriors knew no bounds. Fighting alongside brave comrades to secure our freedom provided me with valuable insight into fleet commanding. If you have the heart of a Gallente, then you understand: to fight for freedom is to fight for glory. We were a hardened group of bloodthirsty killers. I have fond memories of leading XMETA and still wonder what could have been.

The Goonswarm Party Era (2013-2020)

By 2013, I joined Goonswarm just after the end of the Fountain War, an epic story of once-allies Test and Goons becoming bitter enemies. Having attended many real-life parties that were hosted by Goons, I had made a number of friends who convinced me to join after many a beer. It was hard to leave XMETA, but my heart was no longer in running the corporation, and I felt it was best to hand the reins to someone who could continue the fight for freedom with renewed passion. In the end, I think this was the right choice, as XMETA went on to create an alliance called FEDUP and even held space in 0.0 for a short time.

Fighting for Goons, I learned what it meant to be part of a powerhouse alliance, mobilizing fleets, and experiencing large-scale warfare. Witnessing firsthand how alliances like Goonswarm could create content and inspire loyalty deepened my understanding of nullsec conflicts.

I partied with Goons for the next seven years, taking a few short breaks, the longest being in 2019 when I spent a year pirating the high seas of the Black Rise Region. I had found a good home in Goons and stayed a line member throughout my tenure. I fought on the frontlines of our wars, ratted in my super carrier, and went to a ton of parties. But I found myself desiring a return to Faction Warfare, and I wanted to make something of my own again in EVE.

During this time, I became an avid reader of the EVE media and started to dabble in streaming. I had the idea that I could create a corporation and stream our activities for all to see. I wanted to create a corporation that focused on activities that needed less op-sec and had little at stake in case of stream snipers. Faction Warfare seemed to be the perfect fit for this new corporation. I also had the desire to create a podcast called the Federation Front Line Report that would tell the news of Faction Warfare from a Gallente point of view. No matter where I roamed, my heart remained with the Gallente. So, in 2020, I returned to my old home of Haine to prepare for my next journey in EVE.

Federation Front Line Report (2020-2023)

In October 2020, I returned to Black Rise and rejoined the Gallente militia, launching the Federation Front Line Report Podcast to spread our message of freedom, strength, and resilience. With my co-hosts Night Flyer and Samson, we rallied the militia, interviewed pod pilots, documented our battles, and brought the truth of Faction Warfare to all of New Eden. We would go on to create the Federation Front Line Report (FF-LR) corporation and Federation Front Line (FED-F) alliance. However, after having a few beers with Alek, the leader of the mercenary organization called Noir, he convinced me that joining forces with him would be the best move. Their plan was to use Faction Warfare as an activity to sustain them while they were between contracts and had sided with the Gallente.

Mercenaries, Havoc, and the Gallente Cause (2023-Present)

In 2023, we joined The Network, run by Noir, a mercenary corp with a long history of excellence. It was an honor to work with such professionals, but even among mercenaries, my heart beat for the Federation. After the release of Havoc, The Network shifted loyalties and joined the Guristas Pirates. However, my loyalty never wavered. My oath to the Gallente was stronger than any contract.

So we rejoined the Federation Front Line to continue the fight, honoring our Federation and ensuring that our ideals remain a guiding beacon for all capsuleers who believe in liberty, equality, and justice.

As a candidate for CSM, I represent the lower class of New Eden. To every capsuleer who has ever undocked in the name of fun, to those who believe in my cause, join me. Together, we will fight to make New Eden stronger, better, and more alive than ever.

Vote today, for a better tomorrow!

Would you like to know more?


All hail our brave leader, smasher of squids, Frozen Fallout!


Got my vote!


Approx. 2 years ago I was a noob 2 weeks into eve I entered the home system of Frozens’s corp whereupon I was promptly murdered by them. But afterwards even after killing me they had the decency to return me my skill injectors I had noobishly left in my hold, after which I decided to join them, Frozen and co. took me under they’re wings and showed me the ropes and are 100% responsible for keeping from quitting Eve. Now I’m a Gallente FW warrior still flying with the same awesome guys. Frozen is dedicated to Eve he knows what we need to keep this game one of the best and long running games ever, he’s dedicated to the new player experience helping noobs get to a level where they can enjoy the game which is necessary to keep Eve alive and that can only be achieved through the communities we have. Vote Frozen Fallout!!


I look forward to your tenure Frozen, I remember the night I met you I lost my Loki just because it was gunna fun. I still am with you to this day like 2-3 years later.


CSM announcement and interview on the Federation Front Line Report

@Frozen_Fallout Do you support hiring (EVE Vanguard) Warclone Mercenaries as an attack/defense vector in Capsuleer conflicts? Like attacking/defending Planetary Infrastructure, Skyhooks/POCOs and Upwell Structures?

As a CSM would you try and pitch for CCP to make stack multi-split (splitting a stack of items into multiple stacks of same size in one go instead of just on split at a time) happen?


Mrs. Fallout here - vote Froz for CSM, can confirm he has gotten me killed and kills aplenty!


I think making Eve Vanguard a part of Eve’s Wars and player interactions would be awesome. I would also like to see some kind of economic connection. I loved Dust 514 and want to see Eve Vanguard succeed where Dust failed. (Thankfully its not a PS3 exclusive)

I don’t think it should be required but having it help with or interact with attacking Infrastructure would be awesome.

I 100% support stack multi-split and will advocate for its introduction


O7 Frozen Fallout,

Last year I asked eight questions and then compiled the answers into a huge mega-thread. It was massive. With the exception of MILINT_ARC_Trooper, no one had a thread bigger than mine, to be fair MILINT_ARC_Troopers’ thread was so weighty and knowledgable it teetered on the edge of collapsing into its’ own core.

That catalogue of replies is now a time-capsule and encapsulated within are the hopes and disappointments that CSM 18 candidates considered worth speaking about during the year of EVE’s 20th anniversary.

The responses gave voters en masse an opportunity to test and compare each hopeful CSM 18 candidates commitment to their claims of being community oriented, knowledgable, responsive and representative of player values. Given that the CSM does not directly control any aspect of EVE’s development and that the successful candidates are those that can identify existing and future consequences, co-operate with other CSM members, and communicate issues -from a player perspective- to CCP staff one-to-one, I’ve formulated a set of questions designed to seperate the compressed ORE from the Long-Limb Roes in this years election race.

Year-on-year the Independent Representatives, Solo players with single accounts, Worm Holers, Triangle People, Semi-nomadic Role-Playing Sandbox Explorers, and Salvagers, have been organising and gaining traction against the self-secure Null-Bloc Empire Candidates and their vast hordes of leather-skinned, evil, flying-monkeys. More-and-more players are choosing to vote in members they believe can positively impact CCP’s approach to the game regardless of their in-game affiliations.

Exposure matters, who are you, what is your clue?
As was the process last year I will post each candidates reply in a super thread, first-in first-served.

This years questions:

  1. What ONE identifiable consequence requires CCP’s attention?

  2. What PROVABLE evidence can you supply to support your belief in this situation?

  3. What practical, and balanced change can be made to support a solution if any?

  4. What support do your observations have from other CSM candidates?

  5. How will you present your findings to CCP?

If you have already identified and spoken about a problem in your CSM candidacy bio at the top of this thread feel free to copy pasta that response where applicable. I’ll copy paste directly from your response to this post. Choose your goblet…. wisely.

Let the games begin, and may the odds ever be in your favour.


Frozen Fallout CSM 19 Interview Strength in Gaming

Audio Download:

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1. What ONE identifiable consequence requires CCP’s attention?
The Loyalty Point Store is a horrible new player experience and needs to be completely overhauled.

2. What PROVABLE evidence can you supply to support your belief in this situation?
This aspect of the game hasn’t been updated in years and is filled with new player traps that are not needed and can actually give you negative isk per LP.

Expanding on the Player LP trade system with actually accounting and a true system of trade would greatly improve the life of a new player that relies on LP for their income.
At the very least the LP stores need to be slimmed down to actually items that are useful to a player and ensure there is a proper balance in related LP stores, at most it needs to be completely revamped from the ground up. Faction Warfare is a new player activity but understanding how to extract isk out of the LP store is currently an advanced skill.

3. What practical, and balanced change can be made to support a solution if any?
Remove all the bloat inside the LP stores and tone it down to items that players should actually buy.

4. What support do your observations have from other CSM candidates?
To be honest I think I have heard of others in the CSM talking about this.

5. How will you present your findings to CCP?
If elected I will work with other to build a spreadsheet to show how horribly imbalanced the LP store is

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I almost rage when I check the minmil store, we could have boosters (interdiction range boosters, alpha strike boosters, etc), useful implants (not Jackal implants LOL), etc.

Special wardec policies:

  • New Wardec Policies: I believe that dedicated Factional Warfare corps and alliances should have the flexibility to wardec any corp that has members enlisted in any of the militias (both sides of the warzone), regardless the eligibility status of the attacker and defender. This would allow for more direct conflict resolution and reduce the impact of standings hits.
  • Corps enlisted in FW should also be able to aid in wars without having to be elligible
  • Addressing Overfarming and Alt Corps: Such a policy could also help to discourage overfarming and the use of alt corps that we know that belong to individuals from the enemy militia.

So, overall my idea about FW and wardecs is having something closer to the old wardec system, but it should be for the FW public only… I mean we already live in eternal war, please remove the hurdles in our way.

What’s your thoughts on these two subjects I brought here: better LP store (boosters, implants, consumables of any kind, etc) and special wardec policies.

For last, how about being able to convert LP into tokens just like the ESS tokens and then simply selling the tokens in the market and through contracts?

Thank you!

What’s your thoughts on these two subjects I brought here: better LP store (boosters, implants, consumables of any kind, etc) and special wardec policies.

Your ideas align perfectly with what I believe would allow for us to better self police the militias. Let Civil War begin!

For last, how about being able to convert LP into tokens just like the ESS tokens and then simply selling the tokens in the market and through contracts?

Not 100% sure on this but some kinda floor of 500 isk per LP would be nice and a new player friendly way of extracting isk for LP is needed. I think the first step is at least cleaning up the LP store and improving our ability to trade LP.