Funny 50% promotion

Not sure why you’re replying to me, the deal makes MCT worth it (actually acquired it for one of my accounts). 3 months game + 3 months MCT is useful.

Under normal conditions I wouldn’t as it is more expensive than an Omega, and I’d rather pay for an Omega with 2 spare slots and save $5 a month – it’s $20 on the web, whereas an Omega is $15.

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Does this mean If I pay $48.85 USD My account will add 3x months of Omega AND 3x Months of MCT for One slot at the same time?

These sales are so confusing.

Someone explain to me like I’m 5. Do I want to start alts on my account with this deal?

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Is the front advert image the same as the old deal?

Okay, I talk about alts on one account versus alts on different accounts in an earlier post. I’ll just relink it.

Now, this special is a good deal, but if you are only working with one account, you’re probably going to get more mileage out of a second account than adding an alt to the one. Dual boxing is super useful and/or powerful depending on what you’re doing. The downside with a second account, however, is that you’ll have to keep it omega in order to get the full benefit out of it (i.e. dual box and omega skills). With alts on the same account, you can’t dual box (and can’t train more than one toon without MCT or MPTC’s), but one sub (or month of plex) will allow every character on the account to enjoy omega status.

Anyway, this is a good deal for anyone who wants to open another skill queue. But you shouldn’t let the special dictate the alt. Instead, decide what you want to use the alt for, as that will determine whether it’s better to put him on the same account or another. Then do that. Does that make sense?

Anyway, if you don’t know whether a particular type of alt is better off on the same account, or a second one, just ask.


I need to work out all of my sums before I purchase something like this as i am not sure if I really need to buy this or not.

My current account shows that I am Omega up until 23 December 2020 and I did add extra play time with the 1 x Quadrant 3 Zenith Bundle $39.99 in July.

In game though I sort have too much isk and here is my last 30 days.


It will add 3 months of omega, and allow you to train a second toon on the same account for 3 months. IIRC, it will automatically apply to skill queue 2. For example, if you already have a second account training with an MPTC, it will add the time to the second queue, instead of opening up training on the 3rd. Of course, you could probably file a ticket to have it apply to a 3rd skill queue if you wanted to.

Hopefully that made sense.


Plenty of reasons to use MCT to skill alts on a account you have a main on.

Trade alt in a diff location
Additional build slots /research / reaction / invention
Out of Corp hauler
Out of Corp Mission Runner
Dedicated miner so you don’t have to move your main
Or just extract and either sell or fast train another char of yours.

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Agree with Shipwreck_Jones on the above. I have two Omegas, as that lets multi-box two characters at a time, whether mining, PVE or PVP. Training long industrial or long PVP skills can take years, having to pause a queue on a main to make an alt more effective can cost over a month at times. 3 months of MCT for circa 50 bucks is very handy.

Nice holding 125BN - is 7BN your usual net per month? That’s not bad. Interesting to see trade balances when putting 100+ into the market.

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It seems like a lot but it really isn’t as it had taken up to a year to roll that average as in the past I had linked screenshots of showing less than 90.

Reason for linking is that I too am interested in others and wish to benchmark/cross reference my progress in New Eden.

A few accounts are active and don’t know what else to tell you.

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Industry, I like it, but it is work - a 7BN net that’s a lot of production and good, or selecting the right high-cost manufacture that doesn’t stale on the market.

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