Further improve the broadcast for reps

sooooooo the watch list?

but in reality i don’t like your reasoning.
pilots giving poor broadcast is what separates good fleets from bad and rewards the individual pilot for proper decision making rather than putting the fleet fully in the hands of fleet leadership and everyone else nothing more than f1 monkeys

I agree with you on the fact the good broadcasting habits are what makes a good fleet, in part, and i totally try to shove this down the throats of the dps - all the time- but trust me, i spend more time shouting them not to broadcast stupidly and i’d rather save the time by being able to see with my eyes xD.
Watchlist is for important stuff that must not die, ofc.

yes i know i have been there. it comes down to training your pilots and not just during fights. penalizing pilots is also an important step in this when you have ones that just don’t care. but the reward when you get a fleet together who has mastered this is amazing. it’s also a sudo balancing factor. a smaller more experienced fleet that has flow with each other for a long time can take on a larger gang full of newer pilots and recruits.

ultimately we need more things that can make or break a fleet at an individual pilot level and i’m happy to see CCP has realized this.


That’s a goal i’m trying to accomplish. In larger settings it’s challenging cause you don’t even know everyone on the fleet but as long as the majority cohoperates it’s a win situation, from my side. For the rest, i’m defo on your same page as you are.

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this was exactly my point. its situations like this that balance quality over quantity.

make a change like this that makes it easier on the logi in large cobbled gangs you shift the power more in the directions of horde and other similar groups that just use the mass recruit numbers > all strategy.

you can get large groups that work extremely well together but you have to put in the work. if this was another game i would say that sort of thing probably didn’t fit, but in eve that’s exactly the sort of thing the game is about.

but yeah i know where you are coming from its why i decided to leave null as a logi pilot and join a smaller tighter corp to do it.

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You’re too focused on small gangs, where the problem you’re describing is quickly out-weight by the number of pilots in a fleet. At the same time are you ignoring inexperienced fleets such as event and incursion fleets where you have many new players in them. They benefit from UI improvements. The end goal needs to be to get more players into fleets and not to make fleet management hard.

With systems now able to hold 6000 players will we only get to see larger fleets. It gets harder all by itself.

You don’t need to go visit each and everyone at home and have a lunch-date with them. In most cases, they have a purple color that looks like the other fleet members, some of them with a red-cross on them.

If you cannot have your logi fly logi- erm with you fleet members instead of orbiting each other I cannot help you.
Your logi also doesn’t have to be in one place at the same time.

You should fly logi by your lonesome for 13 fleet mates and tell me how you cannot look to the left side for one second to make a distance check and how it would be good to clutter your watchlist.

That didn’t happen, the node crashed and the fight was over and the system with it.

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But you got my point, or did that also not happen?

… I’m not ignoring large fleets but this just comes back to your lack of understanding

large fleets with loads of new pilots already benefit just by virtue of what they are.

you want a healthy game that gets new players lower the skill floor not the celling. clearly the floor is just about as low as it gets. Large fleets are the ones that are full of those new players.

typos are typos the rest of what i said would have made that clear if you passed your context clues lessons in primary

Wut? <.< i seriously didn’t got your point. care to explain again?

I’v done what i’m pretty sure Two did . read the entire thread then responded to one person but mixed up what i posted with the rest of the things that popped in my head while posting

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I disagree. These suffer proportionally more from management issues than smaller fleets of new players, which is why I like the idea of improvements to the UI.

The small, but experienced fleets will not have a problem of finding advantages over similar-sized fleets of inexperienced players. Improvments to the UI will not become a deciding factor. They are a QoL feature.

no ■■■■ you really are well versed in the game.


that is why so many groups use them

And they shall have the benefit, because of their numbers and not because of the UI.

exactly so they don’t need a UI change that ultimately detracts from individual pilot skill and choice

No, this isn’t the point. The point is UI improvements are for everyone regardless of their size and numbers.


That’s just you, mate.