Gank Related Megathread Pt. 2

Yes, we can see that.

But from the perspective of an industrialist, everybody else has to die and they should buy more modules and ships.

For example:

  • I never mined, why would I chase miners everyday for 10 days straight?
  • But if I build a ton of pvp ships and modules, it’s of my interest that people do a lot of pvp

I am not sure if CCP employees play EVE, so I’m not sure if they understand this

The gank specially against miners will not stop, it uses a lot of shotgun fleets.

The tether helps a lot against big targets who are travelling, so the tether removal helps the rich.

Player stations which arent perfectly anchored offering an insta warp to the gate will have to be reanchored, if stations start being reanchored here and there you will know who the owner is.

The outcry about ganks from now on will be unjustified, since there’s years of nerfs and now this tether removal.

Truth to be told, from roleplay point of view, it was pretty insane seeing a bunch of Faction Police a few meters away from a blob of pilots on the tether.

Tethering was an un-needed buff, that has removed, that buff should never have been given in the first place.

That is the truth of it, I am glad you see it. o7

I can see you don’t know the pvp market, you shouldn’t give so many opinions about it

My wallet is the evidence of that, also for years I sold gank modules, mining modules, hulls, everything
For years I took notes about such purchases in people’s notes

So that’s how I found that miners where stocking up gank modules and hulls and I made many many bilions on this along the years

So I am living proof that what I said is true, my wallet is the hard evidence of that and the notes I did about many hundreds of buyers is another hard evidence of that

I don’t care about EVE’s production or other people’s ISK, they can all die for all I care

I care about my EVE experience only and what I just said is very true, I made a living on this
A crazy lot of highsec miners were buying the stuff!!!

Also, for years when I added modules and hulls in the market I did that based on zkillboard’s fits, in many instances I could predict which ganker would gank and where based on modules being bought directly by the gank alt or the trade alt

Countless times miners were buying the full gank fit through multi buy

You have no idea about the ocean of intel I possess about antigankers, miners and gankers


Self project much. Haven’t you quit, again?

And you are no different. In fact worse, as all your ganking anecdotes are third hand, and you are assuming various things whilst dismissing anyone else’s direct experience. If anyone is blinkered, it is you.


Careful, you’ll get your post flagged.

oh now we can see more catalysts at the dock if we spin the camera

that’s a nice touch!
first time i see

guys, spin your camera while docked

OMG when we dock now there is a scary sound! omg
I thought I was being ship scanned

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Uh Uh…you are posting on an alt that has not seen a killboard record for getting on towards 3 years. In fact given that there is then another 3 year gap before that…you actually have just 6 days of killboard ( all around end of 2019 ) in the entire past 6 years.

Yet somehow you have the sheer gall to pose yourself as some sort of expert on PvE and PvP against people who have kill records on a daily or weekly basis.

Why is it that not a single one of you anti gank people or your many alts have a killboard worth mentioning ? How can you rile against PvP when not a single one of you seem to have done any either ever or for years and years ?


AG are essentially a group of voyeurs. Time and time again I’ve seen them witness a gank going down and yet do nothing to get involved. They will report it in their intel channel though and pat themselves on the back like it counts for something.


CCP should just have a forum word filter so every time people type “Gank” it replaces it with “cat ears”


Secretly they would love to be involved in the gank, but like the loner at school, nobody asks them to play.


Bad boy



Points to @Githany_Red

You don’t need to be a murderer to be expert on murders. What’s more, one’s feeling are also important and you can’t disregard them for the reason he’s not been the one forcing those feelings onto other.
I however agree that having played on both sides is a plus, even if for the sole reason that you can corroborate your feelings with facts.
It’s a plus, it’s not mandatory. You can not play suicide ganker in HS and feel like there is a huge imbalance in the game towards them. Typically because they are the one to choose when they gank, which leads to oppression of one gameplay against others. You can also be a victim and feel like there was nothing you could do about it - even when people tell you you should have changed your fit, it does not change that you are imposed other’s gameplay and have no way to force them the same way - and suggesting multiboxing (scout, webber) is a P2W strategy.

Just to be clear : I don’t mind suicide ganking. I still think it’s a gameplay that is heavily imbalanced towards the gankers, to the point I have to take it into account in any fit I have in HS.

You got that back to front. Getting a scout is actually p2w, not suggesting you get one. Why is it p2w? Well you can deprive many gankers of your loot with just a scout/webber.

That isn’t fair now , is it?

And this is different for ppls who hunt in lowsec, nullsec and even wh how?

And this is a good thing risk and reward. Without this everyone would be autopiloting 3x ORE expanded cargohold freighters with 20b+ . Which players currently workaround by having 10 alts each autopiloting 2b in 3x bulkhead freighter… Lazy p2w solution, but you can always use the scout and webber you know.

Also, if you say ganking is heavily imbalanced towards gankers, what more than last set of nerfs do you want? :smiley: You don’t seem like another gank-hater alt so I am willing to discuss this - if you are not against ganking and you thin it has place in the game, then how would you change it to be more balanced in your opinion?