Ganker-antiGanker Exchange Week

Gankers don’t receive insurance payouts, and many gank characters are already dedicated to that purpose. This would only ensure either:

1, insurance (which is already a bit of a joke) is used even less than it is now
2. more gank characters would just be dedicated for that purpose

That would be such an easy change to work around that it would be kind of pointless; and it would only end up hurting the “accidental” ganker (ie. the ganker that doesn’t actually intend to gank but makes a mistake).

How about you work out how to get past gankers, or is that not challenging for you?

I don’t spend a ton of time in HS. This has nothing to do with me personally, it’s a mechanic that has sucked for a long time. There are ways to get past gankers pretty consistently, but they’re not fun… E.g., take many long boring hauling runs or fly a less blingy ship… Not exactly gripping gameplay.

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As an example, you’re happily running missions/mining/exploring in HS and you spot combat probes within 1 AU on d-scan and pinpoint a group of Catalysts/Thrashers parked at a structure, often with identical ship names. Because you have already flagged the ganking corp as having bad standing (since you used the available intel) you decide to GTFO before the gank fleet lands.

In my experience about 5% of my victims ask me how I caught them and what they should do to avoid future attacks. 10% get abusive. The rest probably know that they effed up and weren’t paying attention.

I’m very familiar with the mechanic and play on both sides of the fence. I also spent several years as a Stay Frosty pirate before returing to HS. Again, if you used the available intel you would know that. :wink:

Use the toolbox and mechanics to make it fun; either by evading the gank or setting up a bait scenario. That takes effort though, eh.

Highsec is unbalanced, when I’m in lowsec I engage in elite PvP and do all kinds of smart intelligent things to stay alive, and its fun and interesting, but when I enter Highsec I am a complete and utter more on and I immediately just unfit my ship and go AFK and start autopiloting and watching Youtube and just generally not even trying because I feel entitled and if I die then I’m just gonna cry and whine because it’s super dumb that people are trying to kill me within just seconds like I have no time to react at all I usually don’t even notice I’m dead until the next day when I check where my alt is and im podded back to nullsec? wtf


There are many more ways than splitting the haul into multiple loads or flying less bling, and they are to different people, very gripping gameplay.

Wormholes, jump freighters and webbing for just three example can all be really fun ways to bypass and/or haul right in front of a gank fleet.

Mechanics aren’t the problem. People’s ability to entertain themselves is.

In relation to the earlier claim that in low and null, everyone is a risk. In highsec that’s what standings are for. Only a small group of players take part in ganking and if you use standings to highlight to main alliances and corps, that will take care of >90% of the issue.

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Simples………. You don’t live in those areas. There are tons of high sec systems where there are only a handful of peeps in local. And do you know what else is awesome about systems like that? Gankers never go there. Why would they go to 2 or 3 targets 20 jumps away when targets just keep coming to them where they are.

If you keep trying to do stuff in the gankers back year you are going to be ganked.

I spend 100% of my time in high sec. I mine, I explore and I run combat anoms. There is no problem. :). I actually can’t remember the last time I even saw a ganker. Coz I follow the advice set up above :slight_smile:

Every single ship I have under 50m ISK gets a ’ your ship is not worth insuring’ message.

Saved me the other night in a Procurer in an ice belt. But those gankers weren’t about killing for fun and profit, they were the “Get Out of Our Ice Belts” arm of the corps that “owned” that HS system.

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Here’s the thing though, it wouldn’t matter. The other day I sat in a gate camp in the only low sec system splitting Jita and Amarr. That one system turns that route from 14 jumps to 51. Clearly having it nice and safe is in the best interest of every hauler in New Eden. But guess what happened? 10 of us sat there and killed BILLIONS of isk worth of ships, with absolutely 0 people trying to stop us. Nobody organized to clear us out, nobody did anything. We were all suspects and criminals the whole time, you wouldn’t even have to tank gate guns to shoot us. But none bothered. CCP can’t make players organize


Hi can you tell me please what sys and who the gankers are that you had a close call with . Information is an important weapon for Anti-ganking in our fight .

I’m never surprised to hear that ice mining is a hot bed for ganking

If you don’t want to reply here you can mail me in game and if time zones allow we will start a special military operation to assist in our fight against criminals types.

Long live the resistance.

A few weeks back I pointed out in corp chat that 5 of our members had been killed that day at a lowsec gate camp just 4 systems from corp HQ…and maybe we should all go and sort them out. Nobody was interested.

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How well does [New Eden Police Force] know it’s 240 members.

/I understand this thread last reply was over a month ago but something about playing both sides in this battle.

What do you mean .

And as to our members we don’t require any time commitment , play when ever you can and leave if it’s not your thing.

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