Gankers and freighters, a request for discussion. Not a BJ RANT

Ramming damage would be great. Freighters will still get bumped, but just think of all the fun you could have taking your Mach into belts and ramming Retrievers…

I do have a freighter or two, and a bowhead, but I use them selectively, I also went with the Providence because I could fit more resists on it.

So what do you really need to move in a freighter? A Keepstar and a Sotiyo at 800,000 m3, a Fortizar, Azbel or Tatara at 80,000 m3. I cannot really see anything else. I would argue that moving a structure should be a planned fleet operation with dedicated gankers ready to kill a bumper if of course you are buying it off the shelf so to speak… And hardly anyone does that, in effect you should buy the structure components and move them.

What I used to do is use DST’s in the areas which the gankers operate in and outside of that used my freighter, I had DST’s left in key locations. It just takes a bit more effort, but you don’t lose your stuff, simple as that.

In effect people going on about freighter destruction being too low or not risky are missing the point, the bumping mechanic does not have a realistic counter. I proposed in features and ideas that freighters should have mid slots too so they could fit a BS MWD like the bowhead, this offers more counters to the bumper in that you move through the pipes faster and if the bumper is not especially good and you have set up your BM’s around the key gates you might be able to warp to a safe with the use of the MWD.

Freighter ganking is just get Macherial on freighter, bump unto you have enough people available to kill it, there is no dynamic chase and kill just a very boring bump, hold in position and kill. And that is the issue, it is awful game play and there is no realistic counter for hisec players to use against bumping. I suppose that if I want to be able to counter a bumper I have to have five acounts, the freighter, a webber and three PvP characters in Talos’s. Game of accounts indeed…


Orcas :wink:

No, definitely not, you gimp the fit too much and make yourself too easy to kill.

Transporting those in an Orca is about the most dumb thing you can do. Even less intelligent than putting them in a normal freighter. You transport them in a jump freighter and nothing else. If you see too many Blackbirds, Celestii and/or Procurors on your gate, you light your cyno, wait for your gate cloak to run out and jump as soon as it’s off. Otherwise you web-scout your ship all the way.

[quote=“Dracvlad, post:291, topic:61236”]
No, definitely not, you gimp the fit too much and make yourself too easy to kill.

See @Salvos_Rhoska youtube video feed!

Now back on the topic like asked repetitively by the GM!

Aren’t most freighters killed when they go under 0.5 regions? Not all ganks are suicide ganks.
Also, we should start a fundraiser and donate @Dom_Arkaral ISK so he can make a few Orca fits that will actually help haulers avoid/fend off angry pirates in high sec. DONATE NOW!

For low/null I agree
But in HS an orca is quicker if you know what you’re doing (I’m a tad biased on the matter lol)

And dies quicker than a JF.

You do know that jfs still get ganked right? (Even with fuel and all)

Yes, but as I described above, there are ways to prevent the gank if you pay attention. If your cargo rigged, cargo expanded orca lands in the same situation, it is dead.

Don’t worry lol
Not claiming the opposite

It just depends on the situation at hand

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Exactly, I made a thread about blocking on forums EVERYONE cried.

Roll Bonus: Can’t be bumped while aligning

All problems solved.
Gankers can still gank.
Pilots that pay attention can still avoid it.


If I recall the correct thread… I supported it.

–Gadget is not Everyone


This is a very pragmatic solution.
Can be explained in lore as the ship becoming immeasurably massive as it spools up its warpdrive.

Scrams already exist for the purposes of preventing a target warping off.

PEGs don’t care if you ap or are aligning or whatever… they just work

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I take it you mean the mention of bumps at the 19:40 mark?

That refers to ships that have already initiated the PEG field (ie: initated warp), and what happens should they collide during warp (they repel each other).

So far I have seen no explanation for why two ships OUTSIDE OF WARP/PEG FIELD INITATION, using conventional propulsion systems, should not collide with commensurate damage to each ship based on mass x velocity, armor and shield physics.

Fuerthermore the alignment process/time happens BEFORE initation of the PEG field. The alignment time is when the ship makes miniscule changes in orientation so as to arrive specifically on the target point, and not millions of KM off. The PEG field is initiated only when the ship has finished alignment and enters warp.

Is there another time mark that I should review that is relevant to bumping?

@Teckos_Pech the graphic you linked below applies to ships in warp/PEG field, not to ships using conventional propulsion:

PEGs are permanently on btw, since they’re just a power source
The warp drive is a separate system entirely…


The PEG field is only initiated, once alignment is complete and the ship enters warp, via the PEG field.

That bubble and “peg” you see on the ships in the images, only occurs once the PEG field is initiated.

The PEG field is not on during flying around with conventional propulsion.

There are always 3-5 PEGs on, the ship can only enter warp or cloak with 6 or more that are on
