Gankers and freighters, a request for discussion. Not a BJ RANT

1- I don’t link facebook stuff
2- Max is a good friend, why would I put in his mouth that aren’t his?
3- this is what I asked him

PEGs always have a field yes? Regardless of if in warp or just sitting there?

And above quoted is his answer.

Any other questions?

I don’t see that question in the screenshot.
Nor did you ask if PEG field is the reason for bumping when not at warp.

Well, you linked a screenshot off FB.

Please tone down your doxing attempts, this is certainly not the first time.

Also evenif you don’t really understand how it works, just say “aaah, ok I see!” instead of making people chuckle with your answers. You were wrong, own up to it.


Ok now you’re just playing dumb

An edited screenshot to not doxx anyone…
Because something something EULA

I’m not doxxing, or attempting to dox anyone.
I’m questioning the validity of the screenshot.

Where is the part where it is shown you asked the question you claimed below. Its not in the screenshot:

Ill be contacting Max myself, probably this weekend, if he would confirm for me that the PEG field does indeed explain why ships not in warp repel each other, and if there are any caveats to that.

Furthermore, Max does not work, and never has worked, for CCP, afaik. His theories/explanations are very interesting, but they are not actually CCP statements, afaik.

Here we go again… lol
It’s like the book published by CCP with the exact same material as the Fanfest presentation was a lie to you :joy::joy::joy:

I’m out, you’re beyond hope

Can you cite me a section in a CCP published book that explicitly states that bumping as it is now in-game, outside of warp, is a result of a PEG field?

On a totally unrelated topic (but still not a BJ rant) :

PS : Ask someone to help interpreting it.

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Wouldn’t be surprising, Salvos does that a lot…



Buy me the book and I will.
And don’t forget my 6b47 helmet :wink:

Hello my name is Whilhuff Peter Tarkin and I’m here to remind you that Dom is a nice guy, strange but nice.


Did you ask him yet?
also why didn’t you ask thursday?

No, not yet.

Why do you ask.


because I already know the answer you’re going to get :smiley:

don’t start believing His Holiness is unaware of this thread and all the dumb things you said :wink:

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Translation: His Holiness has seen this thread and yes bumping while not in warp is due to the PEG.

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Why not just have the ship, take damage that does bumping (ramming) . Damage taken based on ship size ,also random fitting module damage. The bigger ship being bumped takes much less because of mass of ship . This sounds easy to correct to me

1 bump no damage
2 bump hull damage…
3 bump increase damage
by 4th or 5 bump hull damage

Something like that…

Because that idea is retarded :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You can find answers to that question is this thread, and every other thread it has been suggested in, on this forum and the old ones.

It won’t have the desired outcome.

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Jesus Christ…

Yes! That is so brilliant!!

I cyno into a system with a fleet in my carrier and my carrier and another ship “bump”…who takes damage?\

Software cannot determine who is bumping whom. And as such your idea becomes exploitable by the very people you want to hobble.

As for multiple bumping all you’ll end up with is multiple bumpers and/or people repping the bumper. You are merely changing the parameters of the math equation.

_And…_why should there be an issue at all with bumping? If you are getting bumped you screwed up at least 3 or more times in a row.

  1. You over loaded your freighter.
  2. You didn’t use a scout.
  3. Your scout doesn’t have webs.

When you make that many mistakes why should you not suffer some consequences? Please provide an logical and cogent response or GTFOOFT.

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