Ganking and Paying A Gank Fee / Ganking Permit

dorthy is hot…


besides, no one even asked the one question we all should be asking…

how much is a ganking permit? LMAO :stuck_out_tongue:

Pod traveling under criminal timer is risk free because pods travel with insta warp.

I’m not talking about GCC. I’m talking about low sec status as as fake consequence. GCC was never disputed by me as consequence. Knowing the game and what others say are things you should try for once. :slight_smile:

Astral Alliance. Using alt farms against a target that shoots back is rarely a good idea. But there are other groups who can do that better. And overall it’s more content and activity for everyone.

Except it’s not, the consequence of low sec status is that there’s very little you can do in highsec without being hassled by FACPO, and suicide gankers generally ply their particular trade in mayhem in hisec, not lowsec.

The pool of stupidity is getting deeper, best you grab a life preserver before you drown in it.

Just their choices. According to their own words only crybabies and weaklings stay in high sec. There are many things you can do even with GCC and low sec status.

Dryson, you should probably stop talking, because every post continues to take away brain cells.

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Why don’t you issue a decree instead of Concord and enforce it? I think CODE. ganking permits are a great idea and I wish you luck in enforcing them


CODE. Have a fortizar in Uedama. It’s already proof that such a change wouldn’t hurt them but it would potentially hurt lowseccers and independent gankers

She was 14 or so.
Now she is a fat tranny sjw.

This particular whine is so omni-present lately that I kinda expect they will implement something like this one day. But even for independent gankers there are other options than a citadel which I’m already exploring. Maybe they can get CCP to change the rules once again, but they will never get the effect from it they hope for :sunglasses:


Post something intelligent for once that is about your own self validation.

Stop necro’ing threads for such useless comments

I’m honestly surprised he managed to go a whole month without commenting here.

Whenever you can post something that is worth reading and adds benefit to this game perhaps you should start posting such ideas.

So are you still playing your mind games behind your alt mask? What type of data do you think that you have that you are role playing with? Trying to roleplay like you compromising someone’s real life to force them to join you?

Exactly where are suggesting that I haven’t posted a whole month at? Come on Remiel play the game.

Where is it that I haven’t commented a month at?

the irony XD


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‘1 month latter’ can be interpreted as a gud thang. He has a life, or is less triggered than some.

just saying


Or he’s so triggered that he held a grudge for a month and made sure to get back on it. Or it took him that long to think of a reply. Why it took him a month is irrelevant. It’s a necro. Also, stop white-knight for shitposters.

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I like Dryson, just think he is misunderstood, sometimes deliberately.