Ganking from Alpha account SHOULDNT be allowed

Actually, Ccp as posted these mechanics publicly in recent updates (war info) you can read it tthere. High sec corps /alliances like code are highly abusive.

Disabling red safety for alphas can have unintended side-effects like not being able to remote assist your fleet mates with criminal flag or not being able to shoot the pod in LS etc.

So idea has to be clarified to: disable red safety state for alpha accounts in HS systems only.

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You need to read it again.

Or link where ccp say code have k/d ratio of 100:1.

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im sure that metric data will show that most new players do not engage in criminal activity, thus, it is not merited for alpha’s to have.

removing red from alpha’s outright would be good for eve, let alone all criminal activity.

Welcome to the community @General_DeathRabbit

Ganking and many, many other forms of gameplay should almost certainly be allowed by alpha clones. Thank you very much

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When old players grief new players that is OK that is Learning and GF, when new players gank old players in Eve then that is awful and tragedy,

HTFU and Learn2Play


P.S. What goes around come around


Dont worry, I wrote the Corporate management of Pearl Abyss Today about this issue, and ccp’s lack of response to it, with a professional recommendation of the termination of the ceo for failure to deal with systems like this that are abusive to the population, and investment of their company.

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Too funny, cute, naĂŻve but also funny as hell! :rofl:


I don’t think they should be allowed to do any of those things anyways. Alpha should be a trial account.

Wow! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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umm…alpha =/= new player necessarily


That’s ok, I also wrote them today about this issue and also that they should ban you and give you all of my stuff. I think I’m more likely to get what I want than you are.


Yeah no, it is not like it is any easier to gank with an Alpaca toon, you should always be on your guard.

Note: I have bookmarked this post for my ‘salty classics’ video I’m working on for YouTube.


Can i have some of your stuff as well?

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Why are people talking about this, when the initial post is already exposing hyperbole and dishonesty?

This is a blatant lie.

When you can’t see the screen, you can’t influence the ship and thus can’t stop the invulnerability timer, which means you can not at all get ganked within the first five seconds. You can not get ganked at all within the first THIRTY seconds, unless you manually stop the invulnerability timer.

Plus: no zkill records at all.


You should rather look on the older forums.
The new one only has low quality trolls.


And failed projects :joy:

There’s a good reason why the failing troll above bit to that one line hitting the nail on the head.


Alpha Clones can’t fly TII ships so why should then be allowed to Gank?

Ganking should be an Omega Clone privilege, not an Alpha Clone right.

Alpha clones can’t fly T2 ships, so why should they be allowed to ____?

You can use that argument for literally any aspect of the game. The real question is why should they be prohibited? Are they having a negative effect on the game?

I see no evidence of that. In fact, outside of the special Burn Jita fleets, I see no evidence of Alphas ganking at all or highsec piracy increasing since they were introduced (actually, highsec piracy seems down like everything else) which makes sense given even with the expanded alpha clone set the are less effective than omega clones, and the lack of multi-boxing is so critical it is essentially a deal-breaker.

If some people are cheating and multiboxing gank alts I hope they are detected and banned in short order just as I do for the cheaters multiboxing Venture miners I report. Given highsec gankers are some of the most reported players in the game, I’m sure of all alpha abuses it is the one most likely to be be noticed by a GM.

Otherwise, I think everyone but the most hardened carebear partisan will agree that the benefits of letting players interact and play the game is good for us all. Alphas are sufficiently gimped they aren’t real competition for an Omega in almost any facet, and the only real issues with them arise when cheaters exploit the system to bot or multibox and scale up their restricted potential.

CCP should have allocated more resources to combat cheating when they came up with the F2P model, but from the outside, it seems that almost all the issues with exploiting the F2P system are on the income/resource generation side, not the destruction side of the game.

The ability to shoot the other players anytime and anywhere is a core right guaranteed by this game. One enshrined into the core rule set by the original designers, so much so that CCP probably couldn’t restrict it, not without a huge amount of effort and a large risk of breaking the game, even if they wanted to. If there was an Eve:Online constitution, it would be like the first article given it’s importance and the current devs still adhere to it, saying an everywhere/everything destructible sandbox is what they are building.

There is literally zero chance CCP will ever change this. Sure, they have made, and could still continue to make expedient changes to fix problems that restrict player interaction, but each time they do, the game loses a little more momentum, and descends a little further into the morass of stagnation that will eventually kill it. Locking the safety of Alpha clones wouldn’t kill Eve - in fact wouldn’t probably make a noticeable impact given how little of it goes on - but it would be another paper-cut reducing activity and choice for players and gets us a little closer to the heat death of the interactive universe of New Eden.

Well, coffee is done and so is the pontification for now. TL;DR Huzzah for alpha gankers!

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Because alpha accounts should not have access to endgame activities, period. There should never be a point where you choose a path in EVE and realize that you never have to upgrade to a real account. But that’s where suicide ganking is right now, because it’s all done with basic T1 ships and guns you can do all there is to do with suicide ganking with an alpha account and there’s no incentive to upgrade.

Now, I’ll grant that multiboxing is better than having to organize multiple players to make an attack, but CCP is currently unable to stop alpha multiboxing and probably won’t ever be able to stop it. So I’m not going to shed any tears over the poor alpha players if they have to upgrade to real accounts to continue playing.