Ganking from Alpha account SHOULDNT be allowed

Agreed. The end goal aiming to convert the population of Alphas into Omegas. It’s a tedious process (that of pleasing everyone), but feasible. So I think CCP has to be meticulous in their approach, in allowing some and limiting some in the future.

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All they need to do is remove the abuse, that is it. Its been years they have allowed it to go on, and it has gone no where. People have been upset complaining about it for a long time. How many “see ya ccp” messages have we seen? More importantly, how many more will it take before something it done about this madness?

You dont please everyone. In fact, you cant. You can please the majority. That is why listening to the position “gank the high sec bears, no problem” is purely insanity.

I promise you, if they do not convert to this idea, the death of eve. I promise it. I have seen this situation as a designer many many times over. They must convert to catering to the pve playerbase. They can find their middle ground for conditional and unconditional pvp in low via the war dec system, and keep their unconsensual rule in null.

If they were real designers though, they’d get off this position listen to what ever designer and prodigy like my has told them, that “pure pvp games dont work”. There has to be a place where people can play the game with NO PVP AT ALL.

Its not because “i dont like it”, its because 80-85% of the playerbase dont want unconsensual pvp.

Ganking is not abuse.
Abuse can involve ganking yes, but that does not make ganking abuse.

thats your opinion. You get the 80% of pvers to come on here and all say they agree to that, and we can drop the topic and end the point.

until then, “your wrong, says 80%-85% of the player base of online games”.

You are not 85% of the player base. So you get 85% of them to come here and say you are right first.

However the other reason is that you consent to the possibility of PvP which includes ganking by pressing undock.

Nope, they can uninstall. That is what you want is it not? it is what you advocate here on these forums. Consent and die, or uninstall.

So here we are agreeing, they should uninstall. Let’s see how that go’s.

#mic drop, you lose

Sure. they can uninstall if they can’t handle even a slight possibility of dying. That isn’t me losing, that’s a win for everyone because they are now playing the game that suits them and EVE gets players that suit EVE.
I’m all good with that, that isn’t abuse though. It’s just reality that one game is never going to suit everyone.

Now… does this mean the balance is always perfect. of course not. But you need constructive fact & logic based statements and arguments there for the devs to care.

And not just like… your opinion man.

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lol. Just lol.
If eve is still alive after 16 years, whereas other mmos disappear, it is because it is unique: open pvp, metagaming, danger and a certain degree of challenge. Danger everywhere, including during the repetitive tasks that you do to keep you busy (mining, ratting etc). In other mmos, when a npc asks you to go and collect 10 wooden pieces, you don’t risk anything else than getting bored. People in other mmos just resume playing for a few weeks when there is a new expansion/update/
Eve is still alive because most non salty people accept that they can get killed everywhere. Changing eve to mimick other mmos would kill Eve.
OP whines about getting killed on Jita undock. Easily preventable using an insta-undock bookmark…
H…T…F…U… ?

Seriously mate, for your own sake, and self respect, you should refrain yourself from posting. I’m amazed there’s no rule on this forum for people sh!t posting.

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Give this man a cookie, he realized it’s a issue that anyone can take advantage of. Astounding, you’ve gotta admit there’s a problem in order to fix it. Baby steps man, comon now you can keep going.

There are some rules here, but certain posters seem to skid right by them and remain, all the while filling this forum with… reddit level responses.


Salty much?

We’re not going to deny all alphas the ability to suicide gank because of an exploit that may or may not be being used by both alphas and omegas.

Maybe if there was reason to believe there was widespread use of the exploit like there was reason to believe there were a lot of bots doing level4’s…but there isn’t.

Like every other thread you’re in, you’re making knee jerk responses based on emotions for gameplay you simply don’t like. You’re not approaching this with a level head nor any desire to make the overall game better.

This seems like an interesting idea. Would need more details, like would there be a necessity for “PvP-free” noob systems out in low/null sec to accomplish this? And I would have to assume there would be lots of in-yer-face warnings to the new player that they would be consenting to start in a very dangerous sector of space.

I do see the occasional new player come through NPC Corp that has no interest in PvE whatsoever, and something like the suggestion may work for them.

There is no need. Legit new players don’t need the confusion and not new players on new accounts can use home station resets to do it if they want.

Rookie nullSec and WH zones could be made with the usual rules, but with gear limitations (e.g. frigates only, and similar limits for other “EVE stuff”).

AFAIK there are already filters on ships (isn’t “no Titans in highSec” automatically enforced?), so hopefully not too much new logic for CCP to write.

Rookies don’t need to be protected from each other: they need to be protected from boredom, which includes one-sided PvP.

Add in some decent PvP-centric documentation and a way for rookies to practice PvP combat with each other, and IMO it could work well even with the inevitable large-scale infiltration by experienced players.

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So I’ve hemmed and hawed over this one since I first read it.

On the one hand, I’m all in favor of anything that promotes flying dangerously, and I’m all in favor of Alphas being able to at least get a taste of as many experiences in EvE as possible. In that context, I fully support Alphas going “safety red” and do whatever they want in hisec.

On the other hand, I also realize that, from a purely IRL business standpoint, having more long-term, actively playing Alpha accounts hurts CCP because they provide a drain on their computing/network resources without providing any income. There are other issues at play with players using disposable Alpha alts that conflict with the EULA/ToS, but the bottom line is the bottom line here.

Based purely on the business aspect of this proposal, I’m breaking with my typical support of exploding more ships and going in favor of preventing Alpha accounts from going “safety red”. This isn’t an opposition to using Alphas as gank alts, it’s a realization that the more permanent uses for Alphas there are, the less teneble CCP’s financial situation is.

I’m giving this a soft +1. If you want to gank in hisec, pay CCP for the privilege, just like you have to pay for the privilege to run level 4 and level 5 missions.

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You never know how ideas can pan out. It seemed like it had potential and was interested in seeing any details to flesh it out.

It could be interesting to see how new players that were PvP oriented would react to such an environment. Also, an interesting side effect may be that surrounding player corps may setup nearby recruiting and training stations, giving away free frigates to train, and even free instruction and may end up being very dynamic areas.

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You would be amazed how so many I come accross who on the day 1 want the pvp action - no matter the consequences, I think the’re a niche who do not mind losing a few fights, while learning the ropes. So yes, I think even a starting point at the ‘hard core’ (null/low sec) level will suit some new bros. Many of them have already viewed the fights from their favorite youtuber, so they’re pumped for action…and to those fearless ones I wholeheatedly send a few 100m for their pvp endeavor.