Ganking has not gone far enough

Meh, don’t give me that participation trophy nonsense. Of course there is a difference between good and bad PvP, and you will know it when you experience it. There is however no invalid PvP in EVE*.

*Offer void where explicit forbidden on the CCP exploit page.

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Many reasons. For one thing, I’d have to spend a half hour warping there, and I doubt anyone would be there when I arrive. Players should spawn in wormholes, that’d be simpler. You spawn in a wormhole and hope for the best. Furthermore, as I discuss above, there is a high probability that the enemy will just warp away if they feel they are going to lose. With warp mechanics as is, there is no sense of commitment to any engagement.

There are a lot of things which minimize PvP content in EVE, even in nullsec. A number of people have pointed to Titans as a significant problem. At any point, if me or my group is winning a battle, you can drop titan fleets on us. Then we can drop Titans as well. The end result is game killing lag. So until some changes are made, genuine battles really never take place, unless everybody involved is bored and deliberately handicapping themselves.

There certainly needs to be more destruction in EVE, for battles to become meaningful. All space stations, including NPC stations, need to be destructible. The destruction process should involving something fun like shooting a nuclear missile, rather than something boring that results in a timer and proceeds like a Windows update. Large ships (ie: Titans and Supercarriers) need to have a vulnerability hole, so that small tier 1 frigates have a chance to solo kill them… just like a real life torpedo boat.

Right now, EVE basically has inflation - people have so much isk, and so many ships, that most of us don’t really care at all. That definitely kills the game, and it’s why a lot of people don’t log in. Skill point inflation is also a problem. I’d like to see some meaningful consequences when you die, and find it annoying how everyone says EVE already has meaningful consequences. I think a complete skill reset upon every death would put a lot of people back into t1 frigates, and we’d all have a lot more fun.

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Non-consensual pvp is far more emotional and engaging than meeting up for ‘honourable’ pvp.

Non-consensual pvp is what stops the economy from getting out of whack. And the lack of it is pretty evident, because the economy is getting out of whack.

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On topic,

I’m not sold on bubbled gates. I’d be inclined to only travel cheap or cloaky in dangerous space. I think it’d stop me reaching places to have fun and instead make me miss out on fun.

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I agree. Duelling can be a nice hobby, but it’s not a real fight.

This is supposed to be a game about space empires and pirates and megacorporations with elite mercenaries. There need to be real fights, with real stakes, and the loser gets wiped out. People should be fighting over scarce resources, rather than welping into battle simply because they want to do something… anything…

Invulnerability needs to be removed, and that includes the ability to flee. Meanwhile, resources should decline. At that point, the game will start to become interesting. The combination of destruction and limited resources will force people to take engagements more seriously, as the consequences will become more meaningful.


And when all the opponents have been wiped out what happens then? There would just be one alliance that rules everything and there would be nothing to do.

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In the real world, no empire has managed to conquer the galaxy. As long as you have scarce resources, people will fight over them. Large empires will appear, and they will shatter.

No one actually gets wiped out in eve. You can’t kill an immortal capsuleer and corps/alliances reform and rebuild.

Exactly! OP is asking for something that’s impossible.

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Because traveling is through bubbles is so exciting. Remind me: Why did CCP give anchorable bubbles an expiration date? Was it related to people exploiting them by setting up bubble fields stretching hundreds of kilometers across? I can’t remember. Help me out.

You being able to dock in NPC stations prevents activity. Pirates should not be allowed to dock in NPC stations and have to use structures.

I am sure a ceptor or T1 ceptor frigate can lock and tackle your Talos or Catalyst if they cared. :wink:

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I don’t think he’s asking for a way to delete or wipe out other players.

The specific things he’s asking for may be unrealistic, but not technically impossible.

It’s still subjective. What you could consider ‘good’ pvp might not be so for someone else.
Some of my most memorable pvp involved successfully escaping being blown up in an unarmed ship whereas fleet ganking and gatecamps have become boring.

I believe that if CCP would be willing to concentrate their efforts on FW and lowsec, it could bring more people to PVP and that would get more content for us all.

I’m glad that even these days I can find fights in couple hours of roaming lowsec, depending on time of day and luck. But I believe that couple hours could be possibly shortened to an hour. That just requires something that gets players undock and pewpew.


I think this is what people need. There are people who just like PvP for fun but many want a reason to fight. PvP is expensive. Why risk your expensive ships just for “content”?

I think things like Faction Warfare have the right idea. It gives a reason to PvP and rewards it with LP (which can be converted to ISK). For most people I’d think PvP is a net loss and until that changes people will avoid it.

I don’t think i would change much with FW. It’s like pvp with training wheels. It’s good casual pvp, quick and easy, and it’s not a bad place to learn generic survival skills or play solo. The money is good too.

However, it’s not what I’d call engaging pvp. It’s low investment, low stakes, low commitment and impersonal. Pvp in faction warfare isn’t going to make you sweat and it’s rarely mentioned in media because very little excitement happens there.

I’m not saying that as though we should change that however, because casual pvp’rs should have a casual place to go. It works (mostly).

What i want to see instead is for it to become easier to ruin someone’s day.

I think perhaps nerfing ganking to the point that it’s only done by alts has taken away the opportunity for the ganked to get any real justice. Something that felt great when i did it.

because somehow finding a retriever afk mining in highsec then using the fact to cover your intentions on an unsuspecting victim is somehow harder than in null… ok then…
I can only surmise you have never lived in nullsec or hunted there and that tying your shoelaces must be really REALLY difficult for you.

Indy ships can PvP too.

(Yeah, I know its been a while, but I’m too busy with rl to play atm)

Some elite kills right here!

[03:14:23] Lewak > how they even get 44 people on km of such weak bear


I never suggested that I am. I said the game needs more good pvp. Those fights where you get the shakes and cold sweats because it comes down to the wire and either side could win.