Ganking is a mechanism that gankers have used to try and elevate their status in Eve Online

So the people who are using input broadcasting flotilla of alts are not doing anything wrong, its just all the people dying who need to ‘get gud’ right?

Really? Best example of this not being the case was a WH group that caught botted supers. Hey, props to whoever wrote the code to bot fighter mechanics, that must have been hard, but for all three supers to die to a WH gang in the one system without even bothering to lock a single ships up and shoot back is pretty clear sign some of the ISK velocity was due to undetected batting going on.

I rest my case.

It is amusing to see such a generalization being applied to a game that is a very small percentage of the gaming community. There have been legitimate concerns around ganking, when alpha accounts were introduced a blind man could have seen how they would have been abused. It took awhile, but eventually CCP introduced changes, whilst the entire time ganking shills claimed it was not a significant contributing factor. This was followed up later with changes whereby Low security status players are not able to dock in stations and players who have very low security status are attacked on sight should they be in anything other than a pod.

Security status tokens can be bought with ISK, so ganking lacks meaningful and lasting consequences for the rich. Is it too much to want a balanced system that does not require a criminal to fire first and desire a system where one has the ability to proactively remove criminal degenerates from empire space? How many years has the bounty system been turned off now? This would be a perfect pivot for the outdated bounty system.

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If that is the case how does CCP can’t catch them? They either don’t input broadcast or CCP have no evidence for such or they have but do nothing, so which is it then?

You say CCP is either

  • too incompetent to recognize and ban input broadcasters
  • or in cahoots with the input broadcasters

Despite their flaws I would assume CCP can at least half-decently recognize input broadcast and other automation methods. Just need a competent script to sift through input logs and mark suspicious ones for further investigation.

The latter means they have an incentive to not find and ban them. Logical to assume a corporation is interested in their bottom line. Two things come to mind: 1. as input broadcasters are multiboxers banning one of them means losing many paying customers at once and 2. as they gank people this means an ISK sink that benefits CCP. Of course both are possible at the same time.

So in the end are you implying CCP passively support and allow input broadcasting as a result of financial benefit? :thinking: :psyccp:

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Dunno what he is implying, just that he thinks that the public education system is biast against him and that he has a thing about degenerates who are also against him.

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Yeah not clear to me either that’s why I’ve explained what he accuses CCP of can mean any of the above and it is not clear which one he implied, if any at all or he’s just throwing out accusations without rhyme or reason. :thinking:

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He does seem very angry

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Why do I sense that some common ganker slogan is in order. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :upside_down_face:

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Hmm, under a year old , hiding in NPC corp, no killboard. Looks like a bit of a scaredy cat to me. These degenerate gankers must have really frightened him, wonder what they did?

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Option C, they turn a blind eye in the face of money.

There’s a guy in and around Feythabolis that runs an entire alliance through input broadcasting. We had little to no issues in USTZ until one guy brought his 50 alt MJD Domi fleet to every timer.

Videos of the fleet all MJDing at once and time stamped combat logs showing all drones hitting on the same tick. We were told they knew. That was it.

Umm, that’s literally what the second option is. I even explained it in detail in the very second paragraph afterwards. :thinking:

Does anyone else ever get bored of repeating the same conversations over and over again on these forums?

Like, I have strong feelings about ganking too. (Yay ganking!) But I feel like it’s all been said before.

I can step away from the game and these forums for years, and when I come back, I find the same people having the same conversation, going around and around in circles endlessly. I start to write a comment with my thoughts, and I get this unnerving sense of deja vu.

Am I the only one thar feels this way?


yes .

Ah okay. I guess I’ll go get some therapy or something then. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No one made you come here and read this thread.

It has, but for some reason ISD refuses to shut these threads down at the onset. Don’t know why they think there’s going to be something new, but whatever. Sometimes it’s mildly amusing. :person_shrugging:

Again, you’re here by choice. Might want to do a bit of self reflection and see why you’re here.

No. Cloaky camping used to fit into this category, now its in a much more healthy state. When ganking gets to the same place everyone can move on to timezone tanking and complaining about asset safety.

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And? My point still stands. And your counter argument is nothing but a straw-man.

Nice try tho. Maybe next time.

Calm down miner.

I do, but then Whac-A-Mole never gets boring.

Cant read it but it must have been good! :wink: :rofl: :smirk:

Yeah, wish I could have read it. I don’t like it when ISD takes away my amusement. :innocent:

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