Ganking is a mechanism that gankers have used to try and elevate their status in Eve Online

Just for your entertainment, you should probably read this thd if you want to know what a niche game this used to be.

I do appreciate your enthusiasm for the game though. So few make an effort anymore…
What do you miss about Eve that is now gone? - Communications Center / General Discussion - EVE Online Forums

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I got a post in that thread.

I’m still grumpy about them adding Warp to 0km. :grin:

Indeed, ruined sniper’s fun.

Didn’t care about that. I was good at making warp to 0 bookmarks, and I was raking in ISK selling regional packs of bookmarks so people could fly safely.

An entire industry gone overnight, destroyed by something today’s players take for granted.


I didnt see anything that you posted, just from the whack a mole comment

Ya, I uploaded the wrong screen shot. It’s been corrected.

As to the thread, gankers shouldn’t be allowed to elevate the status on credit cards.


But I’m not a ganker. I was at one time, for about a month, but didn’t find it interesting. Well, actually the little sh*t that started code didn’t like that I wouldn’t put his stupid little permit scam in my bio, and kicked me from their chat. Odd how not promoting risk averse game play automatically makes me one. Tells me quite a bit about you that you think this. :thinking:

What’s your score? Mine is 5 in the last 2 days. Each one tells me I as dead on in what I said. :rofl:

Sad I won’t be able to see it for a while. I’m at 9,500 feet elevation because the city is triple digit temps this last week into next. It’s 30 degrees cooler up here, but the internet sucks.

Now this is downright delusional. There’s no social status for being a ganker. Literally the only group that thinks they’re elite PvP is them. Everyone else laughs at them behind their back. Some of us laugh in their face.

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@Zaera_Keena I saw that edit, the stick figure gif was better. :stuck_out_tongue: :smirk:


:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Clearly delusional, but a common reaction towards those successfull at something he sucked at.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, I was bad at in in the sole fact that I didn’t like the feeling that I was walking through a daycare and beating up toddlers and infants. You keep on doing that and lying to yourself that it’s elite PvP, but I’m not going to feed your delusion that what you do is remotely difficult or challenging. Your play style is more risk averse than that of the miners you hunt, and only you life losers fall for the propaganda that it’s not.


@Andlaust I think there is a well established term you are looking for, which is: seal clubbing, even Aiko uses it sometimes. :wink: :popcorn: :innocent:

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I said famous, not that a saint. It was just a joke about him misspelling the name, the scientist is the least important aspect of it. :upside_down_face:

What does that even mean? It is like how some people keep saying “RIP in peace”. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Welcome back!

Term you are looking for is unaliving.
Speaking of, rip shannon doherty

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Oh ok, so she wishes him to off himself in real-life? Got it.

Someone else to unalive/gank him


@Ax_l_Thorne so instead of club rats they are club seals? :smirk: :wink: