Ganking pay back

I like it, but where’s the old-timey monocle?

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I’ve reached my artistic limits, sorry

It needed a cigar and poncho but I except your limitations.

Think we need poncho’s in game , people alway smile when you wear a poncho…:zipper_mouth_face::no_smoking:


It’s true ponchos do make you smile

2021.03.14 18:58:54 ] Hazen Koraka > Was that another fail gank? :thinking
[ 2021.03.14 18:59:12 ] Iafir Gard > dont worry
[ 2021.03.14 18:59:13 ] Nitetime Video > There is no such thing as a failgank
[ 2021.03.14 18:59:19 ] Nitetime Video > Just a target postponed until later
[ 2021.03.14 18:59:34 ] Nitetime Video > You only fail when you stop trying
[ 2021.03.14 18:59:42 ] Boujie Camelo > aamazing

Ganker fail ,a common thing these days , who is this ass hat Nitetime video , he’s on a whole new level, think he could be a nice focus for what this post is about , you take the biscuit for talking crap in local. Aiko but him back in the box please .

He doesn’t seem to have said anything bad though?

No that was just about gankers failing but he does go on in local like no other since shadow,

Not going to post his crap if you we’re going to ask.

Winning and ganking 1M isk ships in the same thread. OMFG I’m hyperventilating.

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Quite right Micha
so as the megathread gets locked it shows this is a hot topic , so let’s play the game join us and kill ganker supporters or if your on the other side I’m sure a ganker will offer you a place in their fleet .

You don’t have to fight (do PvP) to help you can scout , supply ships etc , but if you want to fight make a ganking alt , start a new account and get 1 mill free skill points ,mail me in game and I’ll send you a skill plan to get you gank ready .

Btw I am an alt made to do this , so we will be logging in to complete our task than I’ll be back to our mains , for me that’s mission running .

I think for now I’ll use anti-ganking channel to tell people that anti-ganker gankers are needed for an op, so have that open , I’ll also send a mail out to your gank alt , this way you can do your stuff and if you have time just log in your ganky

I’m so confused…

Are you a ganker, or an anti-ganker? Are you an anti-ganker in favor of ganking? A ganker in favor of anti-ganking? Why would you be telling people to make gank alts if you weren’t pro-ganking? But then you’re telling people to kill ganker supporters, or maybe not kill ganker supporters, I don’t know! If you’re not a ganker, why would you need a ganker alt? If you are a ganker, then should we be making anti-ganking alts in order to anti-gank ganker gankers? Is the anti-ganking channel for anti-gankers, or for anti-ganker gankers? Will you be sending mails out to gankers for ganking, or for anti-gank ganking the anti-gankers?



Is ganking not a valid game mechanic.

I don’t like the use of this mechanic to kill players indiscriminately and for salt harvesting , so to stop or hinder these people I’ll use same tactics as them.

That’s where the anti part of our name comes in ,I am anti the players who gank who are called ganker, not the act. If that makes sense.

If players want to fight go join a war decing corp , or a Merc outfit.
What puzzles me the most is your position on this, can anyone shed light on Destiny’s support for the ganker players and her obvious condiment of white Knights type players using same type of game play. Fear or worry ?
Or just for the forum banter?

It is like having a group of “pacifists” running around beating people up and burning down houses, all in the name of pacifism.

You hate it don’t you , you really do . People are starting to stand up to you and enjoying themselves

No, I don’t hate it. Ganking is fun. You are finally realizing that.

But it’s not really ganking is it , if we start this and it carries on it will start to effect ganking for sure ,just as ganking effect mining today . Only the other day a scanned a scanning scout and bam full speed orbit around the gate , made me laugh

You are putting a weird morality spin on it, but it is exactly the same as ganking.

  1. Pick target.
  2. Attack with overwhelming force.
  3. Loot the wreck.
  4. Celebrate.

You probably even have to deal with Concord if you are targeting scout alts now.

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Have you tried pipebombing the gankers out of existence?


Fighting fire with fire is an issue of modus operandi, not necessarily morality, and in this case, not at all. And while EVE is called a sandbox game, we are nowhere near as free in modus operandi as the term suggests. We have few options with regards to what we can do, all determined by the developers, usually with explicit intention, and rarely by accident.

But the biggest issue is that you have reduced “blowing up the ships and clones of innocent and defenseless players” to simply “ganking”.


If somebody doesn’t like what is on TV and wants to change the channel, does that make them anti-TV?

Face it, you are full-on gankers now. There is nothing anti-ganking about what you do.

You could maybe make the argument that CODE. is an environmental extremist group and you are the jack-boots brought in to get the railroad, mining, and factories back on schedule. I mean, if that makes you feel better about it. But anti-ganking gankers is a logical oxymoron.

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